Ho-Leung 1xbet online casino , Ph.D., Adjunct Associate Professor

Image of Ho Ng

Contact Information

Email: hng@ksu.edu
Lab Website


A.B. 1994, Harvard University
Ph.D. 2001, University of California at Los Angeles

Areas of Speciality

  • Structure based drug discovery for cancer and immunology
  • Computational structural biology and chemistry
  • Protein photonics for 1xbet online casino

1. Structure based drug discovery for cancer and immunology

Our lab uses X-ray crystallography and computational chemistry to discover new drugs for cancer and immunology. Our most advanced projects involve the 1) characterization and development of T-cell receptor mimic antibodies for immuno-oncology, 2) developing allosteric inhibitors against the estrogen producing enzyme, aromatase, for treating breast cancer, and 3) developing agonists and antagonists against the immunoregulatory receptor, RORgamma, for treating autoimmune disorders and cancer. We collaborate closely with researchers in clinical research, medicinal chemistry, and industry. A strength of our lab is the ability to perform cutting edge research in both experimental and computational science.

2. Computational structural biology and chemistry

We develop new computational methods to address challenges in interpreting crystallographic data, characterizing 1xbet online casino structural flexibility, and predicting drug binding affinity and selectivity. In our lead project, we are developing a new computational method, HyPO (Hydrogen atom Prediction and Observation) for analyzing 1xbet online casino X-ray crystallography maps to detect hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen atoms, having only one electron, scatter X-rays very weakly and are often invisible in X-ray maps. HyPO locates hydrogen atoms, which play critical roles in 1xbet online casino function such as enzyme mechanism and ligand binding. We are developing HyPO to work with x-ray crystallography maps of modest resolution and weak neutron crystallography maps. A new project is developing machine learning methods for problems in computational drug discovery.

3. Protein photonics for 1xbet online casino

Atomic-level understanding of proteins allows us to re-engineer natural proteins to adopt new, useful functions. The design of new structures and functions is also the ultimate experimental test of the limits of our knowledge and technology. Our lab collaborates with leading researchers to develop new fluorescent protein probes for biological 1xbet online casino . We use crystallographic and computational methods to develop the physical chemistry basis for improved optical and spectral properties. We are especially interested in chemical probes for deep 1xbet online casino .

Selected Publications

Vidad AR, Macaspac S, 1xbet online casino . (2016). Locating the ligand binding sites for the G-1xbet online casino coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) using combined information from docking and sequence conservation.

1xbet online casino . (2016). Simulations reveal increased fluctuations in estrogen receptor-alpha conformation upon antagonist binding. J. Molec.Graphics Modelling. 69, 72.

1xbet online casino , Lin, M.Z. (2016). Structural-guided wavelength tuning in far-red fluorescent proteins. Current Opin. Struct. Biol. 39, 124.

Chu J, Oh Y, Sens A, Ataie N, Dana H, Macklin JJ, Laviv T, Welf ES, Dean KM, Zhang F, Kim BB, Tang CT, Hu M, Baird MA, Davidson MW, Kay MA, Fiolka R, Yasuda R, Kim DS, 1xbet online casino , Lin MZ. (2016). A bright cyan-excitable orange fluorescent protein facilitates dual-emission microscopy and enhances bioluminescence 1xbet online casino in vivo. Nature Biotechnol. 34, 760.

Ataie N, Xiang J, Cheng N, Brea EJ, Lu W, Scheinberg DA, Liu C, 1xbet online casino . (2016). Structure of a TCR-mimic antibody with target predicts pharmacogenetics. J. Mol. Biol. 428, 194.

Kim J, Kagawa A, Kurasaki K, Ataie N, Cho IK, Li QX, 1xbet online casino . (2015). Large scale identification of membrane proteins with properties favorable for crystallization. 1xbet online casino Sci. 24, 1756.

Chu J, Haynes R, Corbel SY, Li P, González-González E, Burg JS, Ataie NJ, Lam AJ, Cranfill PJ, Baird MA, Davidson MW, 1xbet online casino , Garcia KC ,Contag CH, Shen K, Blau HM, Lin MZ. (2014). Non-invasive intravital 1xbet online casino of cellular differentiation with a bright red-excitable fluorescent protein. Nature Methods. 11, 572.

Lang PT, 1xbet online casino , Fraser JS, Corn J, Echols N, Sales M, Holton JM, Alber T. (2010). Automated electron-density sampling reveals widespread conformational polymorphism in proteins. 1xbet online casino Sci. 19, 1420.

Lin MZ, McKeown MR, 1xbet online casino , Aguilera T, Shaner NC, Adams SR, Ma W, Alber T, Tsien RY. (2009). Autofluorescent proteins with excitation in the optical window for intravital 1xbet online casino in mammals. Chemistry & Biology 16, 1169.

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