The Richard H. and Elizabeth C. hageman 1xbet online games login Distinguished Lectureship in Agricultural Biochemistry

Made possible by a generous endowment provided by Dr. and Mrs. Hageman and hosted by the Kansas State 1xbet online games login Department of Biochemistry.

About the Hagemans

Richard H. and Elizabeth C. HagemanRichard Harry Hageman grew up in Washington County, Kansas. He obtained his B.S. in Chemistry at K-State and an M.S. at Oklahoma State. Following his experience as a research chemist at experiment stations in Kentucky and Puerto Rico, interrupted by 4 years in the army chemical corps, he returned to graduate school and obtained the Ph. D from the 1xbet online games login California at Berkeley, with D.I. Arnon in 1954. He rose through the ranks at the 1xbet online games login Illinois and in 1984 became Professor Emeritus.

Professor Hageman was recipient of several awards, from the American Society of Agronomy (Crop Science), the American Society of Plant Physiologists (Hoagland), the American Chemical Society (Spencer) and Funke Seed Corn Co. (Funke). In his research, professor Hageman successfully struck a balance between fundamental laboratory research into plant metabolism and application of biochemistry to plant breeding through field studies.

When Richard Hageman was nominated for the first Hoagland award it was pointed out that his distinct contribution was "his formulation, early in his career, that rate-limiting enzymes could be identified and used as a basis to select for specific traits which lead to higher crop yields. This singular focus, which resulted from and contributed to his research on nitrate reductase, is so basic and now so readily understood that it is taken for granted in all of plant science." His major contributions to understanding of plant nitrogen metabolism included the finding that nitrate reductase is an inducible enzyme, and identification of nitrite reductase as a distinct enzyme dependent on ferredoxin in chloroplasts.

Elizabeth C. Hageman obtained her B.S. and M.S. degrees at Oklahoma State 1xbet online games login . She worked for many years in biochemistry with distinguished scientists including C.H. Li at Berkeley, and G. Hanson and W. Ogren at Illinois. With Professor Hanson, she was involved in pioneering work on in vitro culture of bovine mammary gland tissue.

Richard H. and Elizabeth C. Hageman were married for more than 61 years, until his death in December 2002. They have three children and a baker's dozen of grandchildren.

Hageman Lectures


Lecture/colloquium titles


April 6-7

Hageman Distin
Director, Center for Precision Plant Genomics, 1xbet online games login Minnesota, Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development
  • "Overcoming Bottlenecks in Plant Gene Editing"
  • "Gene Editing Ushers in a New Era in Plant Agriculture"


April 10-11

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Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, 1xbet online games login Florida
  • "The chemistry of tomato flavor: Integrating genetics and biochemistry to elaborate a complex phenopype"
  • "Rethinking plant breeding to produce healthy food crops that consumers actually want to eat"


April 26-27

Hageman Distinguished Lecture
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Research Campus
  • "Emerging fluorescence technology to study cell architecture and dynamics"
    Watch the replay.
  • "Imaging cell survival under starvation: role of lipid droplets, mitochondria and autophagy"
    Watch the replay.


February 24

Hageman Distingu
Investigator, Howared Hughes Medical Institute,
California Institute of Technology, Division of Chemnistry and Chemical Engineering


May 11

Hageman Disting
2013 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine,
1xbet online games login California, Berkeley, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology


November 19-20

Hageman Distinguri
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
California Institute of Technology, Division of Biology and Biological Engineering
  • "Physical as well as Chemical Signals Control Plant Development"
  • "Computational Morphodynamics: an Approach to the Study of Plant Growth and Development"
    Watch the lecture and colloquium replays.
    (K-State sign-in required.)


October 16

Hageman Disting
1993 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry


October 24-25

Hageman distin
Indiana 1xbet online games login , Bloomington, Department of Biology
  • "Mitochondrial Sex in Plants: Mitochondrial Fusion Drives Horizontal Gene Transfer and Gene Conversion in the Devil's Playground."
  • "Plants as a model ‘system’ for comparative genomics, evolutionary biology, domestication and discovery research"


April 18-19

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1xbet online games login Missouri, Columbia, Division of Biological Sciences
  • "Development and Potential Applications of Engineered Minichromosomes in Plants"
  • "Food in the Future: harvesting the fruits of natural and synthetic genetic diversity"


November 3-4

Hageman Distingu
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
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  • "Memories of winter: vernalization is an environmentally induced epigenetic switch."
  • "Biochemistry teaching and earth history"


November 16-17

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1xbet online games login Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Entomology
  • "Gut reactions—how insects eat plants"
  • "BSI—the case of the disappearing bees?"


November 5-6

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Cornell 1xbet online games login , Department of Animal Science
  • "Regulation of Fat Synthesis: Nutrigenomics and the Low-Fat Milk Syndrome"
  • "Bioactive Fatty Acids in Milk Fat: Are all trans Fatty Acids the Same?"


October 24-25

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1xbet online games login Arizona, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • "S-Nitrosoglutathione reductase: A new player in nitrosative stress"
  • "Genes and gene networks in the response of plants to high temperature"


November 8-9

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Pennsylvania State 1xbet online games login , Department of Nutritional Sciences
  • "Regulating a key regulator of differentiation - how is the production and metabolism of retonoic acid controlled?"
  • "Vitamin A status = why it still matters"


October 12-13

Hageman lecture
Cornell 1xbet online games login , Department of Plant Biology
  • "The Molecular Basis of Quantitative Trait Variation: Examples from the Tomato"
  • "Use of Wild Genetic Variation in Plant Improvement"


October 27-28

Hageman lecturer
Michigan State 1xbet online games login , Plant Research Laboratory
  • "Gene Regulons and Regulatory Circuits Involved in Plant Cold Acclimation"
  • "Improving Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance through Genetic Engineering"


October 29-30

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1xbet online games login California, Davis, Department of Entomology
  • "The 'Juvenile Hormone' of Humans: Biochemistry of Epoxyeicosanoids and Their Role in Disease Treatment"
  • "Potential and Problems with Recombinant Baculoviruses in Insect Control"


October 23-24

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Stanford 1xbet online games login , Carnegie Institution, Department of Plant Biology
  • "Genetic Dissection of Cell Wall Synthesis"
  • "Plant Biology in the Functional Genomics Era & Genetic Analysis of Early Embryo Development in Arabidopsis"


April 30 - May 1

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Stanford 1xbet online games login , Department of Biological Sciences

  • "Red, Purple, and Blue - How Plants Show Their Colors"
  • "Maize Gene Discovery with ESTs and Mu Transposon Tagging"


April 20-21

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1xbet online games login Arizona, Department of Plant Sciences
  • "Molecular Genetic Approaches to Developing Quality Protein Maize"
  • "Plant Genomics and Genetic Engineering in Agriculture"


April 15-16

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1xbet online games login California - San Diego, Department of Biology
  • "Aquaporins: Their Roles in Plant Growth and Development"
  • "The Use of Lectins and Enzyme Inhibitors For Genetic Engineering"


April 15-16

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1xbet online games login Washington, Department of Microbiology
  • "Agrobacterium: A Natural Genetic Engineer of Higher Plants"
  • "Analysis and Implication of Inter-kingdom DNA Transfer"