Om 1xbet sports betting , Ph.D., Professor
Director of NMR Facility
Undergraduate Advisor

Complete publications list

2020s | 2010s | 2000s | 1990s | 1980s | 1970s | Book chapters and monographs


Mishra, N., Herrera, A., Geisbrecht, B., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2023) Total non-proline backbone resonance assignments of the S. aureus extracellular adherence protein EapH1, Biomolecular NMR Assign 17 (in press).

Mishra, N., Herdendorf, T., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Geisbrecht, B. (2023) Simultaneous inhibition of two neutrophil serine proteases by the S. aureus innate immune evasion protein EapH2. J. Bio. Chem. (in press).

Dembele, H., Mating, M., Singh, R., Fatehi, S., Herrera, A., Park, Y., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2022) Ecdysis Triggering Hormone peptide in the African malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae: The Peptide Structure for Receptor Activation. Insect Science 29: 1309-1317. PMID: 35020973

Schrag, L. G., Liu, X., Thevarajan, I., 1xbet sports betting , O., Zolkiewski, M., Chen, J., (2021) Cancer-associated mutations perturb the structure and interactions of the intrinsically disordered p53 transactivation domain. J. Mol. Bio. 433: 167048-167067. PMID: 33984364

Pal, I., Mishra, N.,Herrera, A., Dubey, A., Arthanari, H., Geisbrecht, B., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2021) 1H, 15N, and 13C Backbone Assignments of the C4b- Binding Region from the S. aureus Extracellular Adherence Protein Biomolecular NMR Assign 15(1): 183-186, PMID:33423171

Velazhahan, V., Glaza, P., Herrera, A., 1xbet sports betting , O., Zolkiewski, M., Geisbrecht, B., and Schrick, K. (2020) Dietary flavonoids fisetin binds human SUMO1 and blocks sumoylation of p53. PLOS ONE 15 (6): e0234468, PMID: 32530958

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Schrag, L., Cao, X., Dembele, H., Liu, X., Al Souhail, Q., Kanost, M., Chen, J., Jiang, H., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2019) Expression and Characterization of Manduca sexta Stress Responsive Peptide-1; an Inducer of Anrtimicrobial Peptide Synthesis. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 4(3): 42-52.

Herrera, A., Dubey, A., Geisbrecht, B., Arthanari, H., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2019) Backbone resonance assignments of innate immune evasion protein EapH2 from the S. aureus. Biomolecular NMR Assign 13:219-222. PMID: 30729401

Herrera, A., Ploscariu, N., Geisbrecht, B., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2018) 1H, 15N, and 13C resonance assignments of the third domain from the S. aureus innate immune evasion protein Eap. Biomolecular NMR Assign 12:175-178. PMID: 29372458

Jong, N., Ploscariu, N., Ramyar, K., Garcia, B., Herrera, A., 1xbet sports betting , O., Katz, B., Leidal K., Nauseef, W., Kessel, K., Strijp, J., and Geisbrecht, B. (2018) A Structurally Dynamic N-terminal Region Drives Function of the Staphylococcal Peroxidase Inhibitor (SPIN), J. Biol. Chem. 293: 2260-2271.

Ploscariu, N., Herrera, A., Jayanthi, S. Kumar, T.K.S., Geisbrecht, B., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2017) Backbone and side-chain 1H, 15N, and 13C resonance assignments of a novel Staphylococcal inhibitor of Myeloperoxidase, Biomolecular NMR Assign 11: 285-288. PMID: 28815423.

Schrag, L.,Cao, X., Herrera, A., Wang, Y., Jiang, H., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2017) Solution structure and expression profile of an insect cytokine: Manduca sexta stress response peptide-2. Protein and Peptide Letters 24(1):3-11.

Herrera, A.; Tomich, J., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2016) Membrane Interacting Peptides: A Review. Current Protein and Peptide Science 17(8):827-841.

Woehl, J., Takahashi, D., Herrera, A., Geisbrecht, B. and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2016) 1H, 15N, and 13C resonance assignments of Extracellular Adherence Protein Domain 4. Biomoecular NMR Assign. 10(2):301-305.

Sukthankar P, Whitaker SK, Garcia M, Herrera A, Boatwright M, 1xbet sports betting O, and Tomich JM. (2015) Thermally Induced Conformational Transitions in Nascent Branched Amphiphilic Peptide Capsules. Langmuir 31(10):2946-55

Takahashi, D., Hiromasa, Y., Kim, Y., Anbanandam, A., Yao, X., Chang, KO., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2013). Structural and dynamics characterization of norovirus protease. Protein science 22(3):347-357.

Huang, H., Herrera, A., Luo, Z., Sun, X., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2012) Structural transformation and physical properties of a hydrogel forming peptide studied by NMR, TEM and dynamic rheomter. Biophysical Journal, 103(5):979-988.

Chang, A., Takahashi, D., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Kim, Y. (2012) Characterization and inhibition of norovirus proteases of genogroups I and II using a fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay. Virology, 423(2):125-133.

Takahashi, D., Kim, Y., Chang, K., Anbanandam, A., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2012) Backbone and side-chain 1H, 15N, and 13C resonance assignments of Norwalk virus protease. Biomol. NMR Assign. 6(1):19-21.

Takahashi, D., Yamashita, S., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Nishimoto, E. (2011) Rotational Diffusion Analysis of PEG-Induced Protein Interactions. J. of Phys. Chem. B. 115(41):11786-11792.

Bai, Y., Shi, Y., Herrera, AI., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2011) Study of octenyl succinic anhydride modified waxy maize starch by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Carbohydrate Polymers 83(2):407-413.

Shera, JN., Takahashi, D., Herrera, A., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Sun, X. (2010) Morphology and Structural Properties of pH-Responsive Amphiphilic Peptides. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10(12):7981-7987.

Takahashi, D., Shukla, SK., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Zhang, G. (2010) Structural Determinants of Host Defense Peptides for Antimicrobial Activity and Target Cell Selectivity. Biochimie 92(9):1236-1241.

Sang, Y., Seib, P., Herrera, A., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Shi, Y. (2010) Effects of Alkaline Treatment on Structure of Phosphorylated Wheat Starch and its Digestibility. Food Chemistry 118(2):323-327.

Herrera, AI., Al-Rawi, A., Cook, GA., Gao, J., Iwamoto, T., 1xbet sports betting , O., Tomich, JM., and Chen, J. (2010) Introduction of a C-Terminal Tryptophan in a Pore-Forming Peptide: A Structure/Activity Study. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 78(10):2238-2250.

Lauer, J., Banerjee, D., Shanks, D., Dai, H., Gong, YX., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Takemoto, DJ. (2010) NMR structure/Function Relationship of Peptide Corresponding to the C1B1 region of PKCγ. Protein & Peptide Letters 17(1):1-10.

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Xiao, Y., Herrera, A., Soulages, JL., Bommineni, Y., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Zhang, G. (2009) The central kink region of an α-helical host defense peptide, is critically involved in bacterial killing and endotoxin neutralization. Journal of Innate Immunity, 1(3):256-280.

Huang, R., Zhiqiang, L., Dai, H., VanderValde, D., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Jiang, H. (2007) The solution structure of clip domains from Manduca sexta prophenoloxidase activating proteinase-2. Biochemistry 46(41):11431-11439.

Lin, D., Shanks, D., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Takemoto, DJ. (2007) Protein Kinase C gamma mutations in the C1B Domain Cause Caspase-3 apoptosis in Lens Epithelial Cells through Gap Junctions. Experimental Eye Research, 85(1):113-122.

Bommineni, Y., Dai, H., Gong, Y., Soulages, JL., Frenando, S., DeSilva, U., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Zhang, G. (2007) Fowlicidine-3 is an a-helical cationic host defense peptide with potent antibacterial and lipopolysccharide-neutralizing activities. FEBS Journal, 274(2):418-428

Sang, Y., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Seib, P. (2007) Characterization of Phosphorylated Cross-Linked Resistant Starch by 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Carbohydrate Polymers, 67(2):201-212.

Xiao, Y., Dai, H., Bommineni, YR., Soulages, JL., Gong, YX., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Zhang, G. (2006) Structure-Activity Relationships of Fowlicidin-1, a Cathelicidin Antimicrobial Peptide in Chicken. FEBS Journal, 273(12):2581-2593.

Xiao, Y., Cai, Y., Soulages, JL., 1xbet sports betting , O., Gilliland, SE., and Zhang, G. (2006) Identification and functional characterization of three chicken cathelicidins with potent antimicrobial activity. J. Bio. Chem., 281(5):2858-2867.

Cook, GA., Pajewski, R., Aburi, M., Smith, PE., 1xbet sports betting , O., Tomich, JM., and Gokel, GW.(2006) NMR Structure and dynamic studies of an anion binding, channel-forming heptapeptide. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128(5):1633-1638.

Sang, Y., Ortega, MT., Blecha, F., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Melgarejo, T. (2005) Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Three beta-Defensins from Canine Testes. Infection Immunity 73(5):2611-2620

Dhanasekaran, M., Baures, PW., VanCompernolle, S., Todd, S., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (2003) Structural characterization of peptide fragments from hCD81-LEL. Journal of Peptide Research 61(2):80-89

Broughman, JR., Shank, LP., 1xbet sports betting , O., Schultz, BD., Iwamoto, T., Tomich, JM., and Mitchell, K. (2002) Structural Implications of Placing Cationic Residues at either the NH2- or COOH-Terminus in a Pore-forming Synthetic Peptide. The Journal of Membrane Biology, 190(2):93-103

Yu, X-Q., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Kanost, MR. (2001) Insect ENF Family Peptides With Diverse Biological Activities Display Similar Core Structures in Solution. Medicinal Chemistry Research 10(7/8):493-501

Tilley, KA., Benjamen, RE., Bagorogoza, KE., Okot-Kotber, BM., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Kwen, H. (2001) Tyrosine Cross Links: Molecular Basis of Gluten Structure and Function. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 49(5):2627-2632

Kirnarsky, L., 1xbet sports betting , O., Vogen, SM., Mitsuharu, N., Hollingsworth, MA., and Sherman, S. (2000) Structural effects of O-glycosylation on a 15-residue peptide from the mucin (MUC1) core protein. Biochemistry 39(39):12076-12082

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Yu, X-Q., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Kanost, MR. (1999) Structure of a paralytic peptide from an insect, Manduca sexta. Journal of Peptide Research 54:256-261

Vogen, SM., 1xbet sports betting , O., Kirnarsky, L., Sanderson, SD., and Sherman, SA. (1999) Determination of structural elements related to the biological activities of a potent decapeptide agonist of human C5a anaphylatoxin. Journal of Peptide Research 54:74-84.

Kirnarsky, L., 1xbet sports betting , O., Vogen, SM., Ikematsu,Y., Johnson-Kaufman, N., Sanderson, SD., Clausen, H., Hollingsworth, MA., and Sherman, S. (1999) Structural analysis of peptide substrates for O-glycosylation. Peptides: Frontiers of Peptide Science. Eds. James P. Tam and Pravin T.P. Kaumaya, Kluwer Academic publisher, 713-714.

Rajashekar, CB., Zhou, H., Marcum, KB., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (1999) Glycine betain accumulation and induction of cold tolerance in strawberry (Fragaria X ananassa Duch.) plants. Plant Science 148:175-183.

Sherman, S., Kirnarsky, L., 1xbet sports betting , O., Rogers, HM., Silva, R.A.G.D., Keiderling, TA., Smith, D., Perini, F., and Ruddon, RW. (1999) In search of the earliest events of hCGb folding: structural studies of the 60-87 peptide fragment. Peptides: Frontiers of Peptide Science. Eds. James P. Tam and Pravin T.P. Kaumaya, Kluwer Academic publisher, 416-417.

Vogen, SM., 1xbet sports betting , O., Kirnarsky, L., Sanderson, SD., and Sherman, SA. (1998) NMR analysis of a potent decapeptide agonist of human C5a anaphylatoxin. Journal of Peptide Research 51:226-234.

Liu, J., Gong, Y., 1xbet sports betting , O., Lee, I., Huang, J., and Krishnamoorthi, R. (1998) NMR studiesof internal dynamics of serine proteinase protein inhibitors: Binding region mobilities of intact and reactive-site hydrolyzed Cucurbita maxima trypsin inhibitor (CMTI-III) of the Squash family and comparision with those of counterparts of CMTI-V of the potatoI family. Protein Science 7:132-141.

Groutas, WC., Kuang, R., Venkataraman, R., Epp, JB., Ruan, S., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (1997) Structure-based design of a general class of mechanism-based inhibitors of the serine proteinases employing a novel amino acid derived heterocyclic scaffold. Biochemistry 36:4739-4750.

Groutas, WC., Epp, JB., Venkataraman, R., Kuang, R., Truong, TM., McClenahan, JJ., and 1xbet sports betting , O., (1996) Design, synthesis and in vitro inhibitory activity toward human leukocyte elastase, Cathepsin G proteinase 3 of saccharine-derived sulfones and congeners. Biooraganic and Medicinal Chemistry 4:1393-1400.

Liu, J., 1xbet sports betting , O., Huang, Y., Wen, L., Wen, J., Huang, JK., and Krishnamoorthi, R. (1996) Internal mobility of reactive-site hydrolyzed recombinant Cucurbita maxima trypsin inhibitor-V characterized by NMR spectroscopy: Evidence for differential stabilization of newly formed C- and N-termini. Biochemistry 35:12503-12510.

Xu, R., Huang, X., Morgan, TD., 1xbet sports betting , O., Kramer, KJ., and Hawley, MD. (1996) Characterization of products from the reactions of N-acetyldopamine quinone with N-acetylhistidine. Archives of Biochem. Biophys. 329:56-64.

Cai, M., Huang, Y., 1xbet sports betting , O., Wen, L., Dunkelbarger, SP., Huang, JK., Liu, J., and Krishnamoorthi, R. (1996) Differential modulation of binding loop flexibility and stability by Arg50 and Arg52 in Cucurbita maxima trypsin inhibitor-V deduced by trypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis and NMR spectroscopy. Biochemistry 35:4784-4794.

Vogen, S., 1xbet sports betting , O., Kirnarsky, L., Sherman, S., Ember, J., Finch, AM., Taylor, SM., and Sanderson, SD. (1996) Conformational requirements for potent decapeptide agonists of human C5a anaphylatoxin. Peptide: Chemistry, Structure, and Biology, Eds. P.T.P. Kaumaya & R.S. Hodges, Mayflower Scientific, Ltd., Kingswinford, England, 503-504.

Liu, J., 1xbet sports betting , O., Cai, M., Gong, Y., Wen, L., Wen, JP., and Krishnamoorthi, R. (1996) Solution structure and backbone dynamics of recombinant Cucurbita maxima trypsin inhibitor-V determined by NMR spectroscopy. Biochemistry 35:1516-1524.

Sanderson, SD., Kirnarsky, L., Sherman, SA., Vogen, SA., 1xbet sports betting , O., Ember, JA., Finch, AM., and Taylor, SM. (1995) Decapeptide agonists of human C5a: The relationship between conformation and neutrophil response. J. Med. Chem. 38:3669-3675.

Cai, M., Gong, Y., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Krishnamoorthi, R. (1995) Reactive-site Cucurbita maxima trypsin inhibitor-V: Function, thermodynamics stability and NMR solution structure. Biochemistry 34:12087-12094.

Cai, M., Huang, Y., 1xbet sports betting , O., Wen, L., Han, SK., and Krishnamoorthi, R., (1995) Solution conformations and dynamics of arginine side-chains in a protein deduced from and three-bond N15 - H1 coupling constants. J. Magn. Reson. 108:189-191.

Kawamoto, T., 1xbet sports betting , O., Ostrander, RL., Rheingold, AL., and Borovic, AS. (1995) Metallohelices: Effects of Weak Interactions on Helical Morphology. Inorg. Chem. 34:4294-4295.

Gonnella, NC., Zhang, X., Jin, Y., 1xbet sports betting , O., Paris, CG., Kolossvary, I., Guida, WC., Bohacek, RS., Vlattas, I., and Sytwu, T. (1994) Solvent effects on the conformation of cyclo(-D-Trp-D-Asp-Pro-D-Val-Leu): An NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelling study. Int. J. of Peptide Protein Res. 43:454-462.

Nikiforovich, GV., 1xbet sports betting , O., Gehrig, C., and Hruby, VJ. (1993) Solution conformation of the peptide backbone for DPDPE and its b-MePhe4-substituted analogs. Int. J. of Peptide Protein Res. 41:347-361.

Nikiforovich, GV., 1xbet sports betting , O., Gehrig, C., and Hruby, VJ. (1993) Conformations of the dermenkephalin backbone in DMSO solution by a new approach to the solution conformations of flexible peptides. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115:3399-3406.

Kover, KE., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Hruby, VJ. (1993) Z-Filtered heteronuclear coupled HSQC-TOCSY experiments as a means for measuring long range heteronuclear coupling constant. J. Magn. Reson. 103:92-96.

Kover, KE., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Hruby, VJ. (1993) Improved 2D inverse proton detected C, H-correlation NMR techniques for the total assignment of carbon resonances of a highly delta opioid receptor agonist peptide. Magn. Reson. Chem. 31:231-237.

Kover, KE., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Hruby, VJ. (1992) Efficient purging sequence for proton detected heteronuclear shift correlation experiments. J. Magn. Reson. 99:426-432.

Gehrig, CA., Toth, G., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Hruby, VJ. (1991) ?-Me-Phe Containing enkephalin analogues with high selectivity for the delta opioid receptor. Peptide Chemistry 261-264.

Nikiforovich, GV., Hruby, JV., 1xbet sports betting , O., and Gehrig, CA. (1991) Topographical requirements for delta selective opioid peptides. Biopolymers 31:941-955.

Agarwal, S., Hussaini, FA., 1xbet sports betting , O., Roy, R., and Shoeb, A. (1990) Spasmolytic diterpenes from "Pogostemon-Auricularis". Indian J. Chem. 29B:184-186.

1xbet sports betting , O., Roy, R., Kapil, RS., and Vishwakarma, RA. (1990) Two-dimensional NMR studies of arteether. Indian J. Chem. 29B:103-107.

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1xbet sports betting , O., Roy, R., Bhakuni, DS, Wahidulla, S., and Kamat, SY. (1989) 2D-NMR Studies of a novel steroid from the red alga Acantophora spicifera. J. Natural Products, 52:686-692.

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Mahesh, VK., Gupta, RS., Sharma, R., and 1xbet sports betting , O. (1979) Identification of an ?-dipyrane derivative in the synthesis of dehydroactic acid. Ind. J. Chem. 17B:513.

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Book chapters and monographs

Schrag, L. G., Herrera, A. I., Cao, X., 1xbet sports betting , O., & Jiang, H. (2017). Structure and Function of Stress-Responsive Peptides in Insects. Chapter 15 in Peptide-based Drug Discovery: Challenges and New Therapeutics, edited by Ved 1xbet sports betting , Published by Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, ISBN 978-1-78262-732-6

Zhang, G., 1xbet sports betting , O., (2010) NMR Insights into Structure-Activity Relationships of Fowlicidins, Chapter 10 in Future Directions of NMR edited by C. L. Khetrapal, Anil Kumar and K.V. Ramanathan, published by Springer-Verlag-India, ISBN: 8184899947.

1xbet sports betting , O. and Gulati, A. (1995) Structure-activity relationship of endothelin, In: Endothelin: Role in health and disease, Ed. E. S. Weitenberg, Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 35-51.

Hruby, J. V., 1xbet sports betting , O., Kazmierski, W. M., Gehrig, C., and Matsunaga, T. O. (1991) Conformational analysis of opioid receptor-selective peptides using NMR and theoretical calculations, Emerging Technologies on Drug Abuse Research, Donna Selig, eds., NIDA Research Monograph 112, 198-217.

Hruby, V. J., Kazmierski, W. M., Matsunaga, T. O., Nikiforovich, G. V., 1xbet sports betting , O. (1991) Topographical considerations in the design of potent, receptor selective peptide hormones and neuro-transmitters, Expanding Frontiers in Polypeptide and Protein Structural Research, V.Renugopalakrishnan, P.R.Carey, S.G.Yuang, A.Storer and I.C.P.Smith eds., ESCOM Publ. Leiden, The Netherlands.

Gehrig, C., 1xbet sports betting , O., Toth, G., and Hruby, J. V. (1990) Design and synthesis of opioid receptor selective enkephalin analogues, Problems of Drug Dependence, Louis Harris, ed. NIDIA Research Monograph, 105, 378-379.

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