Subbaratnam 1xbet online casino , Ph.D.
University Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Image of Subbaratnam Muthukrishnan, Ph.D.

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B.S. 1963, Madras University
M.S. 1965, Madras University
Ph.D. 1970, Indian Institute of Science

Areas of specialty

  • Characterization of enzymes and genes involved in chitin metabolism and targeting them for 1xbet online casino control
  • Enhancing disease and 1xbet online casino resistance of plants by genetic engineering

The main focus of our laboratory is the identification of all genes involved in the biosynthesis, organization and degradation of chitin in insects. We have identified more than 60 genes of chitin metabolism in the genome of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum by bioinformatics search of the 1xbet online casino 's genme. We are currently utilizing RNA interference to elucidate the function of each of these genes in collaboration with Drs. Karl Kramer, Richard Beeman and Yasuyuki Arakane (Chonnam University), Bernard Moussian (University of Tubingen) and Hans Merzendorfer (University of Osnabrueck). We are also studying the role of laccases and other phenoloxidases in cuticle tanning in collaboration with Dr. Michael Kanost and Dr. Karl J. Kramer. We are also studying the role of neuropeptide hormones in 1xbet online casino development in collaboration with Dr. Yoonseong Park of the Entomology Department, KSU.

Our other interests include: Identification and characterization of genes involved in plant defense against microbial pathogens; Plant transformation protocols for introduction of defense genes into crop plants; and bioassays of transgenic crop plants (wheat, sorghum, corn, soybean) for resistance to fungi and 1xbet online casino pests.

Selected publications

Agrawal, S., Kelkenberg, M., Begum, K., Lea, S., Williams, CE., Kramer, KJ., Park, Y., 1xbet online casino , S., and Merzendorfer, M. (2014) Two essential peritrophic matrix proteins mediate matrix barrier functions in the 1xbet online casino midgut. 1xbet online casino Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 49:24-34

Chaudhari, SS., Arakane, Y., Specht, CA., Moussian, B., Kramer, KK., 1xbet online casino , S., and Beeman, RW. (2013) Retroactive maintains cuticle integrity by promoting the trafficking of Knickkopf into the procuticle of Tribolium castaneum. PLoS Genetics PGENETICS-D-12-02532R1 10.1371/journal.pgen.1003268

Jasrapuria S, Specht CA, Kramer KJ, Beeman RW, 1xbet online casino S (2012) Gene Families of Cuticular Proteins Analogous to Peritrophins (CPAPs) in Tribolium castaneum Have Diverse Functions. PLoS ONE, 7(11): e49844. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049844

1xbet online casino , S., Merzendorfer, H., Arakane, Y., and Kramer, KJ. (2012) Chitin metabolism in insects. In: 1xbet online casino Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Ed. By. Gilbert, L. I. Elsevier Inc., San Diego, ISBN:-978-0-12-384747-8. pp.193-235.

Chaudhari, SS., Arakane, Y., Specht, CA., Moussian, B., Boyle, DL., Park, Y., Kramer, KJ., Beeman, RW., and 1xbet online casino , S. (2011) The Knickkopf protein protects and organizes chitin in the newly synthesized 1xbet online casino exoskeleton. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA., 108:17028-17033.

Arakane, Y., and 1xbet online casino , S. (2010) 1xbet online casino chitinases and chitinase-like proteins. Cellular Molecular Life Sciences, 67, 201-216.

Jasrapuria, S., Arakane, Y., Osman, G., Kramer, KJ., Beeman, RW., and 1xbet online casino , S. (2010) Genes encoding proteins with peritrophin A-type chitin binding domains in Tribolium castaneum are grouped into three distinct families based on phylogeny, expression and function. 1xbet online casino Biochem Mol. Biol., 40: 214-227.

Arakane, Y., Begum, K., Dixit, R., Park, Y., Specht, CA., Kramer, KJ., and Beeman, RW. (2009) Analysis of functions of the chitin deacetylase gene family in Tribolium castaneum. 1xbet online casino Biochem Molec Biol., 38: 959-962.

Zhu Q, Arakane Y, Beeman RW, Kramer KJ, and 1xbet online casino S. (2008) Functional specialization among 1xbet online casino chitinase family genes revealed by RNA interference. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA., 105:6650-6655.

Arakane, Y., 1xbet online casino , S., Kramer, KJ., Specht, CA., Tomoyasu, Y., Lorenzen, MD., Kanost, M., and Beeman, RW. (2005) The Tribolium chitin synthase genes TcCHS1 and TcCHS2 are specialized for synthesis of epidermal cuticle and midgut peritrophic matrix. 1xbet online casino Molec. Biol., 14:453-463.

Arakane, Y., 1xbet online casino , S., Beeman, RW., Kanost, MR., and Kramer, KJ. (2005) Laccase 2 is the phenoloxidase gene required for beetle cuticle tanning. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 102:11337-11342.

Hogenkamp, DG., Arakane, Y., Zimoch, L., Merzendorfer, H., Kramer, KJ., Beeman, RW., Kanost, MR., Specht, CA., and 1xbet online casino , S. (2005) Chitin synthase genes in Manduca sexta: characterization of a gut-specific transcript and differential tissue expression of alternatively spliced mRNAs during development. 1xbet online casino Biochem. Molec. Biol., 35:529-540.

Arakane, Y., Hogenkamp, DG., Zhu, Y-C., Kramer, KJ., Specht, CA., Beeman, RW., Kanost, MR., and 1xbet online casino , S. (2004) Characterization of two chitin synthase genes of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, and alternate exon usage in one of the genes during development. 1xbet online casino Biochem Molec. Biol., 34: 291-304

Subbaratnam 1xbet online ga