Timothy 1xbet online casino , Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Complete Publications List

2000s | 2010s | Anticipated publications


Aulakh, K., 1xbet online casino , T.P. (2019) The Plastid Lipase PLIP1 Is Critical for Seed Viability in diacylglycerol acyltransferase1 Mutant Seed. Plant Physiology Aug;180(4):1962-1974. doi: 10.1104/pp.19.00600.

Sunil Bansal and Timothy P. 1xbet online casino (2016) Rapid Quantification of Low-Viscosity Acetyl-Triacylglycerols Using Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Lipids 51:1093-1102 DOI: 10.1007/s11745-016-4179-0

Liu, J., Rice, A., McGlew, K., Shaw, V., Park, H., Clemente, T., Pollard, M., Ohlrogge, J., and 1xbet online casino , TP., (2015). “Metabolic engineering of oilseed crops 1xbet online casino produce high levels of novel acetyl glyceride oils with reduced viscosity, freezing point and calorific value”. Plant Biotechnology Journal DOI: 10.1111/pbi.12325.

Liu, J., Tjellström, H., McGlew, K., Shaw, V., Rice, A., Simpson, J., Kosma, D., Ma, W., Yang, W., Strawsine, M., Cahoon, E., 1xbet online casino , TP., and Ohlrogge, J. (2015) “Field production, purification and analysis of high-oleic acetyl-triacylglycerols from transgenic Camelina sativa.” Industrial Crops and Products 65: 259-268.

Bao-Jian Ding, Per Hofvander, Hong-Lei Wang, Timothy P. 1xbet online casino , Sten Stymne, and Christer Löfstedt. (2014) A plant factory for moth pheromone production. Nature Communication 5:3353 doi:10.1038/ncomms4353

Sanjaya, Timothy P. 1xbet online casino , Sean E. Weise and Christoph Benning. (2011) Increasing the energy density of vegetative tissues by diverting carbon from starch to oil biosynthesis in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Biotechnology Journal 9:874-883.

Manuel Adrian Troncoso-Ponce, Aruna Kilaru, Xia Cao, Timothy P. 1xbet online casino , Jilian Fan, Jacob Jensen, Markus Pauly, Curtis Wilkerson and John Ohlrogge. (2011) Comparative deep transcriptional profiling of four developing oilseeds. The Plant Journal (in press).

Yonghua Beisson-Li, Basil Shorrosh, Mats Andersson, Vincent Arondel, Phillip Bates, Sébastien Baud, Fred Beisson, David Bird, Alan DeBono, Timothy 1xbet online casino , Rochus Franke, Ian Graham, Kenta Katayama, Amalie Kelly, Tony Larson, Jonathan Markham, Martine Miquel, Isabel Molina, Ikuo Nishida, Owen Rowland, Lacey Samuels, Kathy Schmid, Hajime Wada, Ruth Welti, Changcheng Xu, Remi Zallot and John Ohlrogge. (2010) Acyl Lipid Metabolism, in The Arabidopsis Book. (Review Article)

Timothy P. 1xbet online casino , Daniel D. McClosky, Ajay W. Tumaney, Dezi A. Elzinga, John B. Ohlrogge and Mike Pollard. (2010) A distinct DGAT with sn-3 acetyltransferase activity that synthesizes unusual, reduced-viscosity oils in Euonymus and transgenic seeds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 107:9464-9469.

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Philip D. Bates, Timothy P. 1xbet online casino , John B. Ohlrogge and Mike Pollard. (2009) Analysis of Acyl Fluxes through Multiple Pathways of Triacylglycerol Synthesis in Developing Soybean Embryos. Plant Physiology 150:55-72.

Timothy P. 1xbet online casino , Christoph Benning and John Ohlrogge. (2008) Plant triacylglycerols as feedstocks for the production of biofuels. The Plant Journal 54:593-607. (Review Article)

Timothy P. 1xbet online casino , Walter Gassmann, and Elizabeth E. Rogers. (2007) The FRD3-Mediated Efflux of Citrate into the Root Vasculature Is Necessary for Efficient Iron Translocation. Plant Physiology 144: 197-205.

Timothy P. 1xbet online casino , Erin L. Connolly and Elizabeth E. Rogers. (2006) Arabidopsis cpFtsY mutants exhibit pleiotropic defects including an inability to increase iron deficiency inducible root Fe(III) chelate reductase activity. The Plant Journal 47: 467-479.

Jae Hak Kim, Timothy P. 1xbet online casino , Robert L. Last and Georg Jander. (2004) Characterization of the Arabidopsis TU8 glucosinolate mutation, an allele of TERMINAL FLOWER 2. Plant Molecular Biology 54: 671-682.

Alison L. Van Eenennaam, Kim Lincoln, Timothy P. 1xbet online casino , Henry E. Valentin, Christine K. Shewmaker, Greg M. Thorne, Jian Jiang, Susan R. Baszis, Charlene K. Levering, Eric D. Aasen, Ming Hao, Joshua C. Stein, Susan R. Norris, and Robert L. Last. (2003) Engineering Vitamin E Content: From Arabidopsis Mutant to Soy Oil. The Plant Cell 15: 3007-3019.

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Anticipated publications

Timothy P 1xbet online casino , Jilian Fan, John Ohlrogge and Mike Pollard. Triacylglycerol Biosynthesis in Various Tissues of Developing Euonymus alatus Seeds. (In preparation)

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