Major equipment grant program in 1xbet online sports betting and biosciences

K-State received funding from the state of Kansas to support 1xbet online sports betting training and Education. Some of the funding has been used to pay for core facility equipment acquisition to support research and/or teaching activities in 1xbet online sports betting , related biosciences, and enabling technologies.

The Office of the Vice President for Research provided funding in the range of 0,000 to 0,000 per request and departments/colleges were required to provide a 25% match on top of the requested funds. Five awards were made for a total investment by the university of ,543,222.

Successful proposals included:

Equipment PI Unit
Incucyte live cell analysis system Anna Zolkiewska Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
CosMx spatial molecular imager NanoString Laura Miller Department of Diagnostic Medicine/pathobiology
Seahorse XF ProAnalyzer Stephanie Hall Department of Anatomy and Physiology
Waters Xevo TQ absolute liquid chromatography — mass spectroscopy system Hans Coetzee College of Veterinary Medicine
GMI 30L Bioreactor/Fermenter System and Integrated Flow Cytometer Davood Pourkargar Tim Taylor Department of Chemical Engineering

All the instruments will be placed in core or shared-use facilities and will be available for use by researchers across campus.

Fuding applications were due October 15, 2023 and award announcements were made on November 15.