Lydia 1xbet sports betting , Associate Professor

Lydia Zeglin

Contact information

316 Ackert Hall
(785) 532-5579

Lab website:


Ph.D. 2008, University of New Mexico. Biology.

Area(s) of Specialization

1xbet sports betting ecology, 1xbet sports betting diversity and nutrient cycling processes in streams and soils.

Research Focus

My research centers on 1xbet sports betting ecology, 1xbet sports betting diversity and nutrient cycling processes in streams and soils. Main goals include the integration of methods on both 1xbet sports betting and ecosystem scales, while addressing questions in managed and 'natural' systems within the context of global change. If you are interested in learning more, just ask me!

Selected Publications

R.W. Warne, L. Kirschman and L.H. 1xbet sports betting . 2017. Manipulation of gut microbiota reveals shifting community structure shaped by host developmental windows in amphibian larvae. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 57(4): 786–794.

J.J. Follstad Shah, M. Ardón, J.S. Kominoski, W.K. Dodds, M.O. Gessner, N.A. Griffiths, S.L. Johnson, A. Lecerf, C.J. LeRoy, D. Manning, A.D. Rosemond, C.M. Swan, J.R. Webster and L.H. 1xbet sports betting . 2017. Litter identity, macroinvertebrates, and temperature drive leaf breakdown in streams: A global synthesis. Global Change Biology, 23(8): 3064-3075.

A.M. Romaní, E. Chauvet, C. Febria, J. Mora-Gómez, U. Resse-Buhl, X. Timoner, M. Weitere and L.H. 1xbet sports betting . 2017. The biota of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: prokaryotes, fungi and protozoans. Pages 161-188 in: T. Datry, N. Bonada and A. Boulton (eds.). Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management. Elsevier, Inc., Cambridge, MA. ISBN: 9780128038352.

J.G. Mortensen, R. González-Pinzón, C.N. Dahm, J. Wang, L.H. 1xbet sports betting and D.J. Van Horn. 2016. Advancing the Food-Energy–Water Nexus: Closing Nutrient Loops in Arid River Corridors. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(16): 8485-8496.

L.H. 1xbet sports betting , B. Wang, F. Rainey, C. Waythomas and S.L. Talbot. 2016. Organic matter quantity and source affects 1xbet sports betting community structure and function following volcanic eruption on Kasatochi Island, Alaska. Environmental Microbiology, 18(1): 146-158.

M.F. Kirk, B.H. Wilson, K.A. Marquart, L.H. 1xbet sports betting , D.S. Vinson and T.M. Flynn. 2015. Solute concentrations influence 1xbet sports betting methanogenesis in coal-bearing strata of the Cherokee basin, USA. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6: 1287.

L.H. 1xbet sports betting . 2015. Stream 1xbet sports betting diversity responds to environmental changes: Review and synthesis of existing research. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6: 454.

K.J. Goodman, S.M. Parker, J.W. Edmonds and L.H. 1xbet sports betting . 2015. Expanding the scale of aquatic sciences: The role of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). Freshwater Science, 34(1): 377-385.

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