kimberly 1xbet online sports betting A. With, Professor

Kim With

Contact information

2 Bushnell Hall
(785) 532-5040

Lab website:


Ph.D. 1993, Colorado State University, Zoology.

Area(s) of Specialization

1xbet online sports betting Ecology and Conservation Biology.

Research Focus

Research in the Laboratory for 1xbet online sports betting and Conservation Ecology (LLACE) is conducted at the interface of 1xbet online sports betting ecology and conservation biology, and is distinguished by a combination of theoretical and empirical investigations into the ecological consequences of habitat loss, fragmentation, and land management. Research in the LLACE spans a wide range of scales and a diverse array of systems, from the predictive modelling of species' extinction risk and the risk of invasive or disease spread in fragmented landscapes; to the investigation of arthropod responses to habitat fragmentation in experimental landscapes; to the response of vertebrate populations to grassland-management practices in the Flint Hills of eastern Kansas and in the Brazilian Cerrado.

Selected Publications

With, K.A., and A.R. Payne. 2021. An experimental test of the Habitat Amount Hypothesis reveals little effect of habitat area but transient or indirect effects of fragmentation on local species richness. 1xbet online sports betting Ecology 36: 2505-2517.

Ramalho, W.P., V.H.M. Prado, L. Signorelli, and K.A. With. 2021. Multiple environmental filters and competition affect the spatial co-occurrence of pond-breeding anurans at both local and 1xbet online sports betting scales in the Brazilian Cerrado. 1xbet online sports betting Ecology 36: 1663–1683.

Herse, M., K.A. With, and W.A. Boyle. 2020. Grassland fragmentation affects declining tallgrass prairie birds most where large amounts of grassland remain. 1xbet online sports betting Ecology 35: 2791-2804.

With, K.A. 2019. Essentials of 1xbet online sports betting Ecology . Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

With, K.A., and D.M. Pavuk. 2019. Habitat configuration matters when evaluating habitat-area effects on host-parasitoid interactions. Ecosphere 10(2): e02604.

Mendes, P., K.A. With, L. Signorelli, and P. De Marco Jr. 2017. The relative importance of local versus 1xbet online sports betting variables on site occupancy in bats of the Brazilian Cerrado. 1xbet online sports betting Ecology 32: 745-762.

Signorelli, L., R.P. Bastos, P. De Marco Jr., and K.A. With. 2016. 1xbet online sports betting context affects site occupancy of pond-breeding anurans across a disturbance gradient in the Brazilian Cerrado. 1xbet online sports betting Ecology 31: 1997-2012.

With, K.A. 2016. Are landscapes more than the sum of their patches? 1xbet online sports betting Ecology 31: 969-980.

Skelsey P, With K.A., Garrett K.A. 2013. Pest and disease management: Why we shouldn't go against the grain. PLoS ONE 8(9):e75892.

With K.A, Pavuk D.M. 2012. Direct versus indirect effects of habitat fragmentation on community patterns in experimental landscapes. Oecologia 170:517-28.

With K.A, Pavuk D.M. 2011. Habitat area trumps fragmentation effects on arthropods in an experimental 1xbet online sports betting system. 1xbet online sports betting Ecol 26:1035-48.

Blevins E., With K.A. 2011. 1xbet online sports betting context matters: local vs. 1xbet online sports betting effects on abundance and patch occupancy of collared lizards in managed grasslands. 1xbet online sports betting Ecol 26: 837-50.

Klug P.E, Jackrel S.L, With K.A. 2010. Linking snake habitat use to nest predation risk in grassland birds: the dangers of shrub cover. Oecologia 162:803-13.

With K.A, King A.W, Jensen W.E. 2008. Remaining large grasslands may not be sufficient to prevent grassland bird declines. Biol Conserv 141:3152-67.

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