Alina M. De La 1xbet online sports betting , Teaching Assistant Professor


Contact information

212 Ackert Hall


Ph.D. 2014, Kansas State University. Biology.

Area(s) of Specialization

Cell biology


BIOL 198 Principles of Biology

Selected Publications

De La 1xbet online sports betting , A., S.Y. Lee, B.M. Pierce, P. Wani, C.R. Singh, and J. Roelofs. 2013. The proteasome-associated protein Ecm29 inhibits proteasomal ATPase activity and in vivo protein degradation by the proteasome. J. Biol. Chem. 288(41):29467-81.

Montalvo-Ortiz BL, Castillo-Pichardo L, Hernandez E, De La 1xbet online sports betting A, Humphries-Bickley T, Vlaar CP, Dharmawardhane S. 2012. Characterization of EHop-016, a novel molecule inhibitor of Rac GTPase. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 287(16): 13228-38.

Lee SY, De La 1xbet online sports betting A, Roelofs J. 2011. Loss of Rpt5 interactions with the core particle and Nas2 causes the formation of faulty proteasomes that are inhibited by Ecm29. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(42): 36641-51.

De La 1xbet online sports betting A, Chernoff J, Beeser A. 2011. Identification of the atypical extracellular regulated kinase 3 (Erk3) as a novel substrate for p21-activated kinase (Pak) activity. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(15): 13603-11.