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Michi 1xbet best casino website , Professor

Michi Tobler

Contact information

304 Ackert Hall
1xbet best casino website @ksu.edu

Lab website: http://www.sulfide-life.info


Dr. Sci. Nat.,2008, University of Zürich, Institute of Zoology. Zoology.

Area(s) of Specialization

Adaptation and speciation, fish biology, extreme environments.

Research Focus

Research in my lab seeks to understand patterns in and mechanisms underlying biological diversification. The current research program integrates evolutionary analyses both vertically, across levels of biological organization, and horizontally, across evolutionarily replicated systems exposed to similar selective regimes. Vertical integration is requisite to gain a mechanistic understanding of how genomic variation translates to phenotypes and fitness of organisms in their natural environment. Horizontal integration allows for quantifying the relative importance of convergent and non-convergent 1xbet best casino website , ultimately contributing to the development of evolutionary theory into a more predictive science. Two key questions dominate our work: (1) How and why do organisms diversify phenotypically, and (2) how and why do reproductive barriers evolve between populations; i.e., under what circumstances can we observe speciation? We approach these questions by focusing on species that inhabit extreme environments and by quantifying genomic, phenotypic, and performance variation along environmental gradients. Generally, we strive to combine field-based studies with analytical and experimental approaches in the laboratory.

Most of our current work focuses on fishes of the family Poeciliidae as a study system. Various lineages of poeciliids that have colonized toxic, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) rich springs, and they provide a unique model to address a wide variety of questions in physiology, ecology, and 1xbet best casino website .

Selected Publications

Passow, C. N., A. P. Brown, L. Arias-Rodriguez, M.-C. Yee, A. Sockell, M. Schartl, W. C. Warren, C. Bustamante, J. L. Kelley & M. 1xbet best casino website . 2017. Complexities of gene expression patterns in natural populations of an extremophile fish (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae). Molecular Ecology 26 (16): 4211-4225.

Culumber, Z. W. & M. 1xbet best casino website . 2017. Sex-specific 1xbet best casino website during the diversification of livebearing fishes.Nature Ecology & 1xbet best casino website 1 (8): 1185-1191.

Greenway, R., S. Drexler, L. Arias-Rodriguez & M. 1xbet best casino website . 2016. Adaptive, but not condition-dependent, body shape differences contribute to assortative mating during ecological speciation. 1xbet best casino website 70 (12): 2809-2822.

1xbet best casino website , M., C. N. Passow, R. Greenway, J. L. Kelley & J. H. Shaw. 2016. The evolutionary ecology of animals inhabiting hydrogen sulfide rich environments. Annual Review of Ecology, 1xbet best casino website , and Systematics 47: 239-262.

Palacios, M., G. Voelker, L. Arias-Rodriguez, M. Mateos & M. 1xbet best casino website . 2016. Phylogenetic analyses of the subgenus Mollienesia (Poecilia, Poeciliidae, Teleostei) reveal taxonomic inconsistencies, cryptic biodiversity, and spatio-temporal aspects of diversification in Middle America. Molecular Phylogenetics and 1xbet best casino website 103 (10): 230-244.

Kelley, J. L., L. Arias-Rodriguez, D. Patacsil Martin, M.-C. Yee, C. Bustamante & M. 1xbet best casino website . 2016. Mechanisms underlying adaptation to life in hydrogen sulfide rich environments. Molecular Biology and 1xbet best casino website 33 (6): 1419-1434.

1xbet best casino website , M., M. Plath, R. Riesch, I. Schlupp, A. Grasse, G. Munimanda, C. Setzer, D. J. Penn & Y. Moodley. 2014. Selection from parasites favors immunogenetic diversity but not divergence among locally adapted host populations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27 (5): 960-974.

Jeyasingh, P. D., R. D. Cothran & M. 1xbet best casino website . 2014. Testing the ecological consequences of evolutionary change using elements. Ecology and 1xbet best casino website 4 (4): 528-538.

Plath, M., M. Pfenninger, H. Lerp, R. Riesch, C. Eschenbrenner, P.A. Slattery, D. Bierbach, N. Herrmann, M. Schulte, L. Arias Rodriguez, J.R. Indy, C. Passow & M. 1xbet best casino website . 2013. Genetic differentiation and selection against migrants in evolutionarily replicated extreme environments. 1xbet best casino website 67 (9): 2647-2661.

1xbet best casino website , M., M. Palacios, L. J. Chapman, I. Mitrofanov, D. Bierbach, M. Plath, L. Arians-Rodriguez, F. J. Garcia de Leon & M. Mateos. 2011. 1xbet best casino website in extreme environments: replicated phenotypic differentiation in livebearing fish inhabiting sulfidic springs. 1xbet best casino website 65 (8): 2213-2228.

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