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Stephanie Shames, Assistant Professor


Contact information

347 Ackert Hall
(785) 532-0110

Lab website: https://www.shames-lab.com/


Ph.D. 2011, University of British Columbia, Microbiology & Immunology.

Area(s) of Specialization

1xbet online casino -pathogen interactions, bacterial pathogenesis, cellular microbiology.

Research Focus

Intracellular bacterial pathogens are a significant cause of worldwide morbidity and mortality and uncovering aspects of their interaction with 1xbet online casino cells is critical to combatting disease. As an accidental pathogen of humans that naturally infects unicellular protozoa, Legionella pneumophila is an excellent tool to uncover important aspects of 1xbet online casino -pathogen interactions. Legionella pneumophila causes a severe inflammatory pneumonia called Legionnaires’ disease in humans, which results from inhalation of contaminated aerosols and subsequent 1xbet online casino replication within alveolar macrophages. To replicate within phagocytic cells, L. pneumophila forms a specialized compartment termed the Legionella containing vacuole (LCV). Intracellular bacterial replication and formation of the LCV are dependent on a Dot/Icm type IV secretion system (T4SS), which functions to translocate over 300 bacterial 1xbet online casino proteins directly into the host cell. The contribution of individual 1xbet online casino proteins to L. pneumophila virulence is largely unknown. Revealing the molecular mechanism of 1xbet online casino contribution to L. pneumophila pathogenesis is critical for furthering understanding of interactions between intracellular 1xbet online casino pathogens and their hosts. My lab is studying how L. pneumophila Dot/Icm translocated effectors influence the normal 1xbet online casino response to infection. Our long term goals are to understand how effectors contribute to maintenance of 1xbet online casino cell viability and how effectors contribute to the 1xbet online casino immune response to infection.

Selected Publications

Ngwaga, T., Chauhan, D., and Shames, S.R. 2021. Mechanisms of 1xbet online casino -mediated immunity revealed by the accidental human pathogen Legionella pneumophila. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 10: 593823.

Joseph, A.M. and Shames, S.R. 2021. Affecting the effectors: Regulation of Legionella pneumophila 1xbet online casino function by metaeffectors. Pathogens. 10: 108.

Gilchrist, A.K., Smolensky D., Cox, S., Perumal, R., Noronha, L.E., and Shames, S.R. 2020. High-polyphenol extracts from Sorghum bicolor attenuate replication of Legionella pneumophila within RAW 264.7 macrophages. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 367(7): fnaa053.

Joseph, A.M., Pohl, A.E, Ball, T.J., Abrams, T.G., Johnson, D.K., Geisbrecht, B.V., and Shames, S.R. 2020. The Legionella pneumophila metaeffector Lpg2505 (MesI) regulates SidI-mediated translation inhibition and novel glycosyl hydrolase activity. Infect Immun, 88(5): e00853-19

Ngwaga, T., Hydock, A.J., Ganesan, S., and Shames, S.R. 2019.Potentiation of cytokine-mediated restriction ofLegionellaintracellular replication by a Dot/Icm-translocated 1xbet online casino .Journal of Bacteriology. 201(14):e00755-18.

Shames, S.R. 2019. Screening targeted Legionella pneumophila mutant libraries in vivo using INSeq. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1921:123-144.

Shames, S.R., Liu, L., Havey, J.C., Schofield, W.B., Goodman, A.L., and Roy, C.R. 2017. MultipleLegionella pneumophila1xbet online casino virulence phenotypes revealed through high-throughput analysis of targeted mutant libraries.Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA. Nov 28: 114(48)E10445-E10454.

Arasaki, K., Mikami, Y., Shames, S.R., Inoue, H., Wakana, Y., Tagaya, M. 2017. Legionella 1xbet online casino Lpg1137 shuts down ER-mitochondria communication through cleavage of Syntaxin 17. Nature Communications. 8:15406.

Tørring, T., Shames, S.R., Cho, W., Roy, C.R., Crawford, J.M. 2017. Acyl-histidines: New N-acyl amides from Legionella pneumophila. ChemBioChem. 18(7): 638-46.

Shames, S.R. and Finlay, B.B. 2012. Bacterial 1xbet online casino interplay: a new way to view 1xbet online casino function. Trends in Microbiology. 20(5):214-219.

Shames, S.R., Croxen, M.A., Deng, W., and Finlay, B.B. 2011. The type III system-secreted 1xbet online casino EspZ localizes to host mitochondria and interacts with the translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 17B. Infection and Immunity. 79(12): 4784-4790.

Shames, S.R., Bhavsar, A.P. Croxen, M.A., Law, R.J., Mak, S.H.C., Deng, W., Bidshari, R., de Hoog, C.L., Foster, L.J., and Finlay, B.B. 2011. The pathogenic Escherichia coli type III secreted protease NleC degrades the 1xbet online casino acetyltransferase p300. Cellular Microbiology. 13(10): 1542-1557.

Sham, H.P.†, Shames, S.R.†, Croxen, M.A., Ma, C., Chan, J., Khan, M.A., Wickham, M.E., Deng, W., Finlay, B.B., and Vallance, B.A. 2011. Attaching/effacing bacterial 1xbet online casino NleC suppresses epithelial inflammatory responses by inhibiting NF-kB and p38-MAP Kinase activation. Infection and Immunity. 79(9): 3552-3562 † - co-first authors.

Shames, S.R. and Finlay, B.B. 2011. Proteolytic Cleavage of NF-κB p65: A Novel Mechanism for Subversion of Innate Immune Signaling by Pathogenic E. Coli. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2011.00038.

Shames, S.R., Deng, W., Guttman, J.A., de Hoog, C.L., Li, Y., Hardwidge, P.R., Sham, H.P., Vallance, B.A., Foster, L.J., and Finlay, B.B. 2010. The pathogenic E. coli type III 1xbet online casino EspZ interacts with host CD98 and facilitates host cell prosurvival signaling. Cellular Microbiology. 12(9): 1322-1339.

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