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Kalyani Pyaram, Assistant Professor

Kalyani Pyaram

Contact information

336 Ackert Hall

Lab website:https://kalyanipyaram.wixsite.com/k-state


Ph.D. 2012, National Centre for 1xbet best casino website Science, Pune University, India. Biotechnology.

Area(s) of Specialization

T 1xbet best casino website metabolism, Innate T 1xbet best casino website biology, Innate and adaptive immune responses, cellular immunology

1xbet best casino website Focus

My research focuses on understanding the metabolic mechanisms governing the T 1xbet best casino website mediated inflammation and inflammatory diseases. Currently we are looking into the role of Keap1-Nrf2 antioxidant system in T 1xbet best casino website development and effector functions. We use a multidisciplinary approach involving immunologic, biochemical and metabolic assays to identify and decipher the role of different signaling pathways, nutrients and other factors in deciding T 1xbet best casino website fate after antigen stimulation. Reach out to me to talk more, it is really interesting!

Selected Publications

Pyaram K*, Kumar A, Kim YH, Noel S, Reddy SP, Rabb H and Chang CH*. (2019) Keap1-Nrf2 system plays an essential role for Invariant Natural Killer T 1xbet best casino website development and homeostasis.1xbet best casino website Reports.2019 Apr 16;27(3), p699-707. (*co-senior authors).

Kumar A,Pyaram K, Yarosz E, Hong H, Lyssiotis CA, Giri S and Chang CH. (2019) Enhanced oxidative phosphorylation by PLZF is essential for survival and function of 1xbet best casino website cells.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2019 Apr 9;116(15):7439-7448.

Pyaram K* and Yadav VN* (2018). Advances in NKT 1xbet best casino website Immunotherapy for Glioblastoma.J Cancer Sci Ther.2018;10(6). pii: 533. doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.1000533 (*co-senior authors).

Pyaram K, Sen JM, Chang CH. (2016) Temporal regulation of Wnt/β-Catenin signaling is important for Invariant NKT 1xbet best casino website development and Terminal Maturation.Mol Immunol.Feb 13;85:47-56.

Shin J, Maekawa T, Abe T, Hajishengallis E, Hosur K,Pyaram K,Mitroulis I, Chavakis T, Hajishengallis G. (2015) DEL-1 restrains osteoclastogenesis and inhibits 1xbet best casino website bone loss in nonhuman primates.Sci Transl Med.307(7) pp. 307ra155

Prevot N,Pyaram K, Bischoff E, Sen JM, Powell JD, Chang CH. (2015) Mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 regulates invariant NKT 1xbet best casino website development and function independent of promyelocytic leukemia zinc-finger.J Immunol.194(1):223-30

Yadav VN,Pyaram K, Ahmad M and Sahu A. (2012) Species selectivity in poxviral 1xbet best casino website regulators is dictated by the charge reversal in the central 1xbet best casino website control protein modules.J. Immunol.189(3): 1431-1439

Pyaram K, Kieslich CA, Yadav VN, Morikis D and Sahu A (2010). Influence of electrostatics on the 1xbet best casino website regulatory functions of Kaposica, the 1xbet best casino website inhibitor of Kaposi’s sarcomaassociated herpesvirus.J. Immunol.184: 1956-1967.

Pyaram K, Yadav VN, Reza MJ, and Sahu A (2010). Virus-1xbet best casino website interaction: an assiduous struggle for dominance.Future Virology.5: 709-730

Yadav VN,Pyaram K, Mullick J and Sahu A. (2008). Identification of hot spots in variola virus 1xbet best casino website inhibitor (SPICE) for human 1xbet best casino website regulation.J. Virol.82: 3283-3294.

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