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Jocelyn 1xbet online games login , Associate Professor

Jocelyn McDonald

Contact information

239B Chalmers Hall

1xbet online games login website: http://mcdonaldlab.org/


Ph.D. 1998, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. 1xbet online games login and Developmental Biology.

Area(s) of Specialization

Developmental and 1xbet online games login biology; 1xbet online games login migration; tissue morphogenesis.

Research Focus

The overall interest of my laboratory is to understand how 1xbet online games login migration is regulated within the normal three-dimensional environment of tissues. We are particularly interested in a type of migration called "collective" migration, in which small to large groups of cells coordinate and move together. Cells move collectively during normal physiological processes, such as during embryonic development and wound healing, whereas abnormal collective migration contributes to birth defects, tumor metastasis in cancer, failure of wounds to heal, and other disease pathologies. Therefore, it is of fundamental medical importance to identify the genetic, cellular, and molecular mechanisms that control this type of 1xbet online games login movement.

My laboratory primarily uses border cells, a model of collective 1xbet online games login migration in tissues. These six to 10 cells move as a cohesive group during development of the ovary in the model organism Drosophila melanogaster (the fruit fly). The variety of sophisticated genetic and molecular tools in Drosophila allow us to identify new genes that control movement of border cells. Many of these genes have counterparts in humans, and the ultimate goal of the lab is to determine whether the genes identified in Drosophila also regulate human 1xbet online games login migration in pathological contexts.

We use a combination of live imaging, genetics and 1xbet online games login biological approaches to uncover mechanisms that control multicellular collective 1xbet online games login migration. Ongoing interests in the lab include: how groups of cells break away from epithelia to become migratory; how individual cells adhere together and become coordinated to produce group movement; and interplay of 1xbet online games login polarity and cytoskeletal regulatory proteins in collective migration. Finally, we have an ongoing collaboration with investigators at the Cleveland Clinic to apply our findings in the Drosophila border 1xbet online games login model to tumor invasion, particularly in glioblastoma.

Selected Publications

Chen Y, Kotian N, Aranjuez G, Chen L, Messer CL, Burtscher A, Sawant K, Ramel D, Wang X, 1xbet online games login . 2020. Protein phosphatase 1 activity controls a balance between collective and single 1xbet online games login modes of migration. Elife 9:e52979. doi: 10.7554/eLife.52979. PMID: 32369438.

Volovetz J, Berezovsky AD, Alban T, Chen Y, Lauko A, Aranjuez GF, Burtscher A, Shibuya K, Silver DJ, Peterson J, Manor D, 1xbet online games login , Lathia JD. 2020. Identifying conserved molecular targets required for 1xbet online games login migration of glioblastoma cancer stem cells. 1xbet online games login Death Dis. 11(2):152. doi: 10.1038/s41419-020-2342-2. PMID: 32102991.

Sawant K, Chen Y, Kotian N, Preuss KM, 1xbet online games login . 2018. Rap1 GTPase promotes coordinated collective 1xbet online games login migration in vivo. Mol Biol 1xbet online games login . 2018 Nov 1; 29(22):2656-2673. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E17-12-0752. Epub 2018 Aug 29.PMID: 30156466

Aranjuez G, Burtscher A, Sawant K, Majumder P, 1xbet online games login . 2016.Dynamic myosin activation promotes collective morphology and 1xbet online games login by locally balancing oppositional forces from surrounding tissue.Mol Biol 1xbet online games login . 2016 Jun 15;27(12):1898-910. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E15-10-0744.PMID:27122602.

Veeman MT, 1xbet online games login . 2016.Dynamics of 1xbet online games login polarity in tissue morphogenesis: a comparative view from Drosophila and Ciona.F1000Res. 2016 Jun 2;5. pii: F1000 Faculty Rev-1084. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.8011.1. Review.PMID:27303647.

1xbet online games login . 2014. Canonical and noncanonical roles of Par-1/MARK kinases in 1xbet online games login migration. Int Rev 1xbet online games login Mol Biol. 312:169-199. Review. PMID: 25262242.

Geisbrecht ER, Sawant K, Su Y, Liu ZC, Silver DL, Burtscher A, Wang X, Zhu AJ, 1xbet online games login . 2013. Genetic Interaction Screens Identify a Role for Hedgehog Signaling in Drosophila Border 1xbet online games login Migration. Dev Dyn. 242: 414-31. PMID: 23335293. PMCID: PMC3721345.

Aranjuez G, Kudlaty E, Longworth MS, 1xbet online games login . 2012. On the role of PDZ domain-encoding genes in Drosophila border 1xbet online games login migration. G3 (Bethesda). 2: 1379-1391. PMID: 23173089. PMCID: PMC3484668.

Majumder P, Aranjuez G, Amick J, 1xbet online games login . 2012. Par-1 Controls Myosin-II Activity Through Myosin Phosphatase To Regulate Border 1xbet online games login Migration. Curr Biol. 22: 363-372. PMID: 22326025. PMCID: PMC3298626.

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