Rollie J. 1xbet sports betting , Professor


Vanier Chair in 1xbet sports betting

Contact information

268 Chalmers Hall
(785) 532-3172


Ph.D. 1994, University of Georgia.

Area(s) of Specialization

Regulation of apoptosis in insects; arbovirus-mosquito interactions; molecular 1xbet sports betting of insect viruses

Research Focus

Our work mainly focuses on the interactions between arboviruses and 1xbet sports betting . We are using the mosquito Aedes aegypti and the arbovirus Sindbis virus to study these interactions. The overall question driving our research is determining why certain 1xbet sports betting are able to serve as vectors of arboviruses, even though most 1xbet sports betting are not. We are particularly interested in the role of apoptosis in antiviral defense, and in determinants of midgut escape by arboviruses. We use molecular and biochemical techniques to investigate these processes. We are also working on creating immortalized cell lines from the European honey bee Apis mellifera, in order to facilitate the study of honey bee pathogens.

View Dr. 1xbet sports betting 's complete publication list in NCBI

Selected Publications

Wu, W., Simmons, C.A., Moffitt, J., 1xbet sports betting , R.J., and A.L. Passarelli. 2020. Effects of manipulating fibroblast growth factor expression on Sindbis virus replication in vitro and in Aedes aegypti 1xbet sports betting . Viruses 12, 943; doi:10.3390/v12090943.

Hodgson, J.J., Wenger, L.W., 1xbet sports betting , R.J., and A.L. Passarelli. 2019. Inhibition of dicer activity in lepidopteran and dipteran cells by baculovirus-mediated expression of Flock House virus B2. Scientific Reports 9:14494. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-50851-4.

Kantor, A.M., Dong, S., Held, N.L., Ishimwe, E., Passarelli, A.L., 1xbet sports betting , R.J., and A.W.E. Franz. 2017. Identification and initial characterization of matrix metalloproteases in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti . Insect Molecular 1xbet sports betting 26:113-126.

1xbet sports betting , R.J. 2016. 1xbet sports betting and apoptosis: The role of cell death in determining vector competence. Journal of General Virology 97:1033-1036.

Ardisson-Araujo, D., 1xbet sports betting , R.J., and B.M. Ribeiro. 2015. A betabaculovirus-encoded gp64 homolog is a functional envelope fusion protein. Journal of Virology 90:1668-1672.

Dong, S., Lin, J., Held, N.L., 1xbet sports betting , R.J., Passarelli, A.L., and A.W.E. Franz. 2015. Heritable CRISPR/Cas mediated genome editing in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti . PLoS One 10(3):e0122353. doi:10/1371/journal.pone.0122353.

Franz, A.W.E., Kantor, A.M., Passarelli, A.L., and R.J. 1xbet sports betting . 2015. Tissue barriers to arbovirus infection in 1xbet sports betting . Viruses 7:3741-3767.

O'Neill, K., Olson, B.J.S.C., Huang, N., Unis, D., and R.J. 1xbet sports betting . 2015. Rapid selection against arbovirus-induced 1xbet sports betting during infection of a mosquito vector. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112:E1152-1161.

Franz, A.W.E., 1xbet sports betting , R.J., and A.L. Passarelli. 2014. Novel genetic and molecular tools for the investigation and control of dengue virus transmission by 1xbet sports betting . Current Tropical Medicine Reports 1:21-31.

1xbet sports betting , R.J. and A.L. Passarelli. 2013. Baculoviruses: Sophisticated pathogens of insects. PLoS Pathogens 9(11): e1003729. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003729.

Huang, N., Civciristov, S., Hawkins, C.J., and R.J. 1xbet sports betting . 2013. SfDronc, an initiator caspase involved innapoptosis in the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda . Insect Biochemistry and Molecular 1xbet sports betting 43:444-454.

Liu, B., Behura, S.K., 1xbet sports betting R.J., Schneemann, A., Becnel, J., Severson, D.W., and L. Zhou. 2013. P53-mediated rapid induction of 1xbet sports betting conveys resistance to viral infection in Drosophila melanogaster . PLoS Pathogens 9:e1003137. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1003137.

Wu, W., 1xbet sports betting , R.J., Rohrmann, G., and A.L. Passarelli. 2013. The baculovirus sulfhydryl oxidase Ac92 (P33) interacts with the Spodoptera frugiperda P53 protein and oxidizes it in vitro . Virology 447:197-207.

Brand, I.L., Civciristov, S., Taylor, N.L., Talbo, G.H., Pantaki-Eimany, D., Levina, V. 1xbet sports betting , R.J., Perugini, M.A., Kvansakul, M., and C.J. Hawkins. 2012. Caspase inhibitors of the p35 family are more active when purified from yeast than bacteria. PLoS One 7:e39248. doi:10.1371/jounrnal.pone.0039248.

Wang, H., Gort, T., Boyle, D.L., and R.J. 1xbet sports betting . 2012. Effects of manipulating 1xbet sports betting on Sindbis virus infection of Aedes aegypti 1xbet sports betting . Journal of Virology 86:6546-6554.