Eve 1xbet online sports betting , Teaching Associate Professor

Eve McCulloch

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Contact information

103 Ackert Hall
(785) 532-1406


Ph.D. 2012, Louisiana State University. Systematics, Ecology, and Evolution.

Area(s) of Specialization

Population genetics, landscape genetics, conservation biology, science communication, science policy.


BIOL 198 Principles of Biology

Selected Publications, Posters and Presentations

Eve S. 1xbet online sports betting . 2013. Harnessing the power of Big Data in biological research. BioScience 63: 715.

Eve S. 1xbet online sports betting , J. Sebastián Tello, Andrew Whitehead, Claudia María José Rolón-Mendoza, Mario César D. Maldonado-Rodríguez*, and Richard D. Stevens. 2013. Fragmentation of Atlantic Forest has not affected gene flow of a widespread seed-dispersing bat. Molecular Ecology 22(18): 4619-4633.

Lorelei Patrick, Eve S. 1xbet online sports betting , and Luis A. Ruedas. 2013. Systematics and phylogeography of the arcuate horseshoe bat species complex (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae). Zoologica Scripta 42(3): 553-590.

Eve S. 1xbet online sports betting . 2013. “Echoes in the night: The biology of bats.” Austin Center for Inquiry: Food for Thought lecture series. Austin, Texas. 15 July 2013. (presentation)

Eve S. 1xbet online sports betting . 2013. Balancing Privacy and Progress: Biobanks and Genome Sequencing. BioScience 63: 333.

Eve S. 1xbet online sports betting . 2013. “Bridging the Gap: Communication Between Scientists and Policy-makers.” 93rd annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 14-18 June 2013. (presentation)

Richard D. Stevens, Mary E. Johnson, and Eve S. 1xbet online sports betting . 2013. Absolute and relative secondary-sexual dimorphism in wing morphology: a multivariate test of the “Big Mother” hypothesis. Acta Chiropterologica 15(1): 163-170.

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