faculty 1xbet online casino

Vanessa Ante

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Assistant Professor
Pathogenic Microbiology, Bacterial 1xbet online casino , Host-Pathogen Interaction, Tick-Borne Diseases

Katsura Asano

Katsura 1xbet o

Regulation of protein biosynthesis; Yeast 1xbet online casino and biochemistry; Molecular and cell biology of insects and cancer

Pankaj Baral

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Assistant Professor
Neuroimmunology; Innate immunity; Airway inflammation; Infectious disease; Host-pathogen interactions

Bear, Robbie

Robbie Bear,

Senior Instructor
Principles of Biology

John Blair

John Blair, Uni

University Distinguished Professor
Ecosystem 1xbet online casino and terrestrial biogeochemistry; Grasslands and global change

Boyle, Alice

Alice boyle

Behavioral, evolutionary, and physiological 1xbet online casino ; Basic and applied ornithology; Migration, dispersal, and life history

Boyle, Dan

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Research Assistant Professor
Cellular mechanisms and functions involved with eye development, preservation of sight, visual disorders and blinding eye diseases

Brown, Susan J.

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University Distinguished Professor
1xbet online casino of gene regulatory networks, using segmentation in the red flour beetle, as a model system; Genomics and bioinformatics

Dodds, Walter K.

Walter K. 1xbet s

University Distinguished Professor
Water quality; Nutrient cycling; Nutrient criteria; Value of water; Nitrogen cycling

Downer-Bartholomew, Ben

Downer-Bartholomew, Ben

Organismic Biology; Principles of Biology

Eppler, Megan

Eppler, Megan

Human Body

Ferguson, Carolyn J.

Carolyn J. ferguson

Plant systematics; Phylogeny and 1xbet online casino of Phlox (Polemoniaceae); Curation of the KSU herbarium

Fleming, Sherry

Sherry 1xbet bes

Innate immune response

Gido, Keith B.

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University Distinguished Professor
Fish 1xbet online casino ; Invasive species effects; Fish assemblage structure

Govind, Revathi

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Associate Professor
Pathogenic microbiology; Bacterial 1xbet online casino

Haukos, David A.

David A. 1xbet be

Associate Professor
Wetland 1xbet online casino ; Avian population dynamics; Migration 1xbet online casino ; Waterfowl; Natural resource policy; Environmental education

Hope, Andrew

Andrew 1xbet

Associate Professor
Climate Change; Comparative Phylogeography; Conservation 1xbet online casino ; Emerging Infectious Disease; Host-parasite Coevolution

Horne, Eva

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Teaching Professor
Assistant Director, Konza Prairie Biological Station; Principles of Biology; Behavioral 1xbet online casino

Johnson, Loretta

Loretta C. 1xbet

Ecological Genomics; Plant 1xbet online casino ; Climate Change

Jumpponen, Ari

Ari Jumpponen,

University Distinguished Professor, Associate Division Director
Mycology; Fungal 1xbet online casino ; Fungus-plant interactions

Lee, Sonny T.M

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Associate Professor
Metagenomics, Bioinformatics, Microbial 1xbet online casino , microbial diversity and cultivation

Louthan, Allison

Allison Louthan,

Assistant Professor
Population biology; Community 1xbet online casino

Mateika, James

Mateika, James

Human Body

Mather, Martha

Martha 1xbet on

Fish 1xbet online casino ; Aquatic community 1xbet online casino

Mayfield, Mark

Mark Mayfield,

Research Assistant Professor
Plant systematics; Taxonomy of new world Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae); Plant identification and floristics

McCulloch, Eve

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Teaching Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies

Biology Advising; Principles of Biology

McDonald, Jocelyn

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Associate Professor
Developmental and cell biology; Cell migration; Tissue morphogenesis

Michel, Kristin

Kristin 1xbet on

Host-pathogen interactions; Bacterial and fungal entomopathogens; Vector biology

Montelone, Beth A.

Beth A. montelone

DNA metabolism, including DNA repair, replication, genetic recombination, and mutagenesis
*Not accepting graduate students

Nippert, Jesse

Jesse Nippert,

University Distinguished Professor
Grassland ecophysiology; Grass/tree ecological dynamics,; Ecosystem responses to global change; Stable isotope 1xbet online casino

Olson, Brad

Bradley J.S

Associate Professor
Molecular and ecological basis of multicellular 1xbet online casino

Platt, Thomas

Thomas Platt,

Associate Professor
Bacterial genetics; 1xbet online casino of microbial interactions, cooperation, and virulence

Ratajczak, Zak

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Assistant Professor
Community 1xbet online casino ; Fire, Grasslands & Savannas; Resilience Theory

Reeves, Wendy

Wendy Reeves,

Teaching Assistant Professor
Cell Biology

Rhodes, Ashley

Ashley Rhodes,

Teaching Professor
Human Body II; Physiological Adaptations of Animals; Principles of Biology

Schrick, Kathrin

Kathrin 1xbet spo

Associate Professor
Plant Molecular Biology; Developmental Biology; Plant 1xbet online casino ; START Domains; Plant Sterols

Smith Caldas, Martha

Martha Smith Caldas,

Teaching Professor
Principles of Biology; General Microbiology; Study Abroad: Brazil; Topics: Phage Hunters

Sullins, Dan

Dan 1xbet bes

Assistant Professor
Wildlife 1xbet online casino ; Wildlife Management; Population Biology; Landscape 1xbet online casino

Ungerer, Mark

Mark C. Ungere

Professor, Division Director
Evolutionary and ecological genetics in plants; Genome structure and 1xbet online casino

Veeman, Michael

Michael T. 1xbet

Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
Morphogenesis of the chordate body plan; Developmental and cell biology; Functional genomics and quantitative imaging

Welti, Ruth

Ruth Welti,

University Distinguished Professor
Structure and function of cell membranes; Mass-spectrometry-based lipid analysis

Zeglin, Lydia

Lydia 1xbet sp

Associate Professor
Microbial 1xbet online casino , microbial diversity and nutrient cycling processes in streams and soils

Zinovyeva, Anna

Anna zinovyeva

Associate Professor
Post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression, RNA biology, microRNA biogenesis and function