Walter K. 1xbet sports betting , University Distinguished Professor


Contact information

113 Bushnell Hall
(785) 532-6998

Lab website:


Ph.D., 1986, University of Oregon. Aquatic 1xbet sports betting .

Area(s) of Specialization

Water quality, 1xbet sports betting cycling, 1xbet sports betting criteria, value of water, nitrogen cycling.

Research Focus

To gain a general understanding of aquatic 1xbet sports betting , particularly with respect to how basic science is related to water quality and conservation. My central area of emphasis has been trophic state of rivers and streams as influenced by biotic and abiotic factors. Nutrient cycling, highlighting nitrogen, has been a focus in my laboratory. Recent efforts have also been directed toward providing a scientific basis for establishment of nutrient criteria in streams, valuation of aquatic ecosystem services, scaling predictions of ecological measurements, broad geographic patterns in aquatic habitats, and prairie stream 1xbet sports betting .

Selected Publications

1xbet sports betting , W.K., J.P. Guinnip, A.E. Schechner, P.J. Pfaff, and D.J. Smith. 2021. Fate and toxicity of engineered nanomaterials in the environment: A meta-analysis. Science of The Total Environment 796:148843.

1xbet sports betting , W.K., K.C. Rose, S. Fei, and S. Chandra. 2021. Macrosystems revisited: challenges and successes in a new subdiscipline of 1xbet sports betting . Frontiers in 1xbet sports betting and the Environment 19:4-10.

Cunha, D.G.F., N.R. Finkler, N. Gómez, J. Cochero, J.L. Donadelli, W.A. Saltarelli, M.d.C. Calijuri, A.C. P. Miwa, F. Tromboni, W.K. 1xbet sports betting , I.G. Boëchat, B. Gücker, and S.A. Thomas. 2020. Agriculture influences ammonium and soluble reactive phosphorus retention in South American headwater 1xbet sports betting . Ecohydrology 13:e2184.

1xbet sports betting , W.K., L.H. Zeglin, R.J. Ramos, T.G. Platt, A. Pandey, T. Michaels, M. Masigol, A.M. L. Klompen, M.C. Kelly, A. Jumpponen, E. Hauser, P.M. Hansen, M.J. Greer, N. Fattahi, C.S. Delavaux, R.K. Connell, S. Billings, J.D. Bever, N. Barua, and F.B. Agusto. 2020. Connections and Feedback: 1xbet sports betting , Plant, and Soil Microbiomes in Heterogeneous and Changing Environments. Bioscience 70:548-562.

Grudzinski, B., K. Fritz, and W. 1xbet sports betting . 2020. Does Riparian Fencing Protect Stream 1xbet sports betting in Cattle-Grazed Lands? Environmental Management 66:121-135.

1xbet sports betting , W.K. and M.R. Whiles. 2019. Freshwater 1xbet sports betting : Concepts and Environmental Applications of Limnology (3rd ed.). Academic Press. 998 pp

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