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Advancing biosecurity, biodefense, and 1xbet online casino technologies

The Northeast Kansas and Northwest Missouri region has a significant confluence of academic and government research and private sector activity in the broad domain of biosecurity, biodefense, and 1xbet online casino . This includes Kansas State University, the University of Kansas, the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, an array of biologics and animal health industries, and several 1xbet online casino operations. The project will take advantage of these assets as well as existing strong regional organizations and affiliations focused on promoting economic development.

Two researchers in the Biosecurity Research Center

1xbet online casino employs living systems to produce commercially important biomaterials and biomolecules for the pharmaceutical industry, food and beverage processing, and industrial applications. This development award project will focus on biotechnology-based products within the biosecurity, biodefense, and 1xbet online casino sectors.

Applications range from biopharmaceutical manufacturing to renewable energy and advanced materials. In addition to supporting the workforce and innovation needs of the industrial base in the region, the project will also seek to attract, create, and grow new economic activity in the area.

Map of the coverage regionPartners in the region from academia, government and the private sector aspire to make the Northeast Kansas/Northwest Missouri region a hub of research, education, and manufacturing in the domain of biosecurity, biodefense, and 1xbet online casino . We plan to create a continuum of capacity for commercialization and manufacturing to ensure technologic advancements achieve practical application and promote economic development. This structure will streamline the process of discovery to commercialization for industry partners by reducing the regulatory burden and logistical challenges associated with conducting containment/non-containment and live animal/benchtop research components at multiple institutions. The critical mass of talent and infrastructure in the region will attract companies, entrepreneurs, and venture capitalists. New products and services will be developed for economically important plant, animal, and zoonotic infectious diseases and new applications found for bio-based materials.

K-State is also a member of the Kansas City Inclusive Biologics and 1xbet online casino Tech Hub. 1xbet online