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Kansas State
University Bands

Kansas State University
226 McCain Auditorium
Manhattan, KS 66506

Tracz Family 1xbet best casino website Hall
704 N Denison Ave
Manhattan, KS 66506

(785) 532-3816

Tracz Family 1xbet best casino website Hall Updates

Construction has finally begun on our new home!! Check back often for updates on construction on the Tracz Family 1xbet best casino website Hall!

Click here for a great article on the construction progress on the TFBH from the K-State Alumni Association!

9/15/22 - Walls are coming down, cleaning out interior.

9/20/22 - Installing reinforcement posts.

10/7/22 - Sandblasting the interior.

10/21/22 - Knocking down walls, laying pipe and hoses, and a new fence wrap for the construction site!

10/24/22 - Wecompleted the remaining demolition work by removing the last of the existing concrete floor slabs. We also are nearly done with demolition to create the new field access portals. 1xbet best casino website involved removal concrete walls, slabs, and excavation. And, with the release of permit status, the mechanical and electrical contractors were able to begin underslab plumbing and electrical rough-in. These contractors really did a nice job and hit the ground at full stride. Because of that, their underslab rough-in work completed in less days that originally planned.

11/4/22 - Completed two concrete slab-on-grade sections, and the third and final section 1xbet best casino website be completed this week. Plumbing underslab rough-in work was completed ahead of the concrete work. Electrical underslab rough-in work also completed ahead of the concrete slabs. Demolition work wrapped up for the field access openings. Structural framing support material has been started ahead of the water shed metal ceiling structure. Every existing concrete step is slightly different dimension and deflects at different rates so aligning this system takes great care and time. Mechanical contractors are currently working on support hangers for some of the heavy ductwork and piping throughout the new buidling.

11/14/22 - More 1xbet best casino website on the concrete slabs is finally finished! Currently working on finishing the last bit of concrete for the walkway to Memorial Field. Also tying up the last bit of metal supports for the secondary ceiling as well! The "Director's Office" is coming along nicely (with windows for the first time!!)!

11/18/22 - Construction crews from Hutton1xbet best casino website the remaining floors slabs including ramps and stairs which create the elevation changes necessary to tie into the surrounding site conditions. It’s nice to walk on firm ground instead of dirt!Structural framing support material continued ahead of the water shed 1xbet best casino website ceiling structure. These provide support for an internal 1xbet best casino website ceiling system. They also provide elevation control for all future ceiling systems. 1xbet best casino website contractors are currently working on support hangers for some of the heavy ductwork and piping. The insulation contractor mobilized 1xbet best casino website week and started spraying foam insulation directly to the concrete risers. 1xbet best casino website is sprayed to different thicknesses depending on what part of the building they are applying. Hutton’s crews also mobilized last week to start installation of metal ceiling systems. 1xbet best casino website is an internal metal roof system that is installed to provide protection in case the green roof system overhead fails. 1xbet best casino website is certainly a unique application and approach that is somewhat hard to describe even to our installers because they are typically working on the top side of these materials, not from the bottom.

12/19/22 -
The insulation contractor completed their spray insulation 1xbet best casino website on the concrete stairs and riser sections.Hutton’s crews continued installation of metal ceiling systems. This is an internal metal roof system that is installed to provide protection in case the green roof system overhead fails. This work 1xbet best casino website continue for 3-4 more weeks. Logan (Site Superintendent) is meticulously coordinating locations for all the lighting, acoustical, ductwork, and other overhead systems so there 1xbet best casino website be proper supports in place and in the exact right locations. This is important to make sure they are in the correct position and also to work through conflicts months before we complete final installation. Plumbing roughin 1xbet best casino website is started in the future restroom areas Wall framing is started for future wall locations.

Next 1xbet best casino website ’s plans:

Work 1xbet best casino website continue on the metal ceiling system. Mechanical and electrical hanger supports 1xbet best casino website continue after the metal panel installation. These are hangers for lighter support loads that don’t need to penetrate through the metal panel system. Metal framing for walls 1xbet best casino website continue. A mezzanine structure 1xbet best casino website be installed over the front office area. This 1xbet best casino website support mechanical equipment scheduled to arrive in early January.


Hutton’s crews continued installation of metal ceiling systems. This is an internal metal roof system that is installed to provide protection in case the green roof system overhead fails. This work 1xbet best casino website continue for 2 more weeks. Plumbing roughin 1xbet best casino website continues in the future restroom areas. The chilled water service main expansion loops were adjusted to slope with the roof structure. Wall framing continued for future wall locations. Mezzanine steel framing started 1xbet best casino website week. HVAC ductwork started in areas that won’t conflict with future acoustical treatments. Hutton and Architect One coordinated final location of the Instrument Storage cabinetry. Space is tight in these areas and getting all the ceiling, soffit, electrical, and fire protection items positioned is meticulous 1xbet best casino website .

Next 1xbet best casino website ’s plans:

Work 1xbet best casino website continue on the metal ceiling system. Mechanical and electrical hanger supports 1xbet best casino website continue after the metal panel installation. These are hangers for lighter support loads that don’t need to penetrate through the metal panel system. Metal framing for walls 1xbet best casino website continue. The mezzanine structure 1xbet best casino website be completed ahead of mechanical units scheduled to arrive in early January. Fire protection support hangers and branch lines 1xbet best casino website begin.

1/8/23 -
Hutton’s crews are nearly complete with the 1xbet best casino website panel interior roof system. All that is left to complete is the gutter system and connections to drains. Plumbing rough-in 1xbet best casino website continues. Wall framing continued for future wall locations, now 50% complete and heading south through the space. Mezzanine construction is 1xbet best casino website with framing and floor decking in place. HVAC ductwork continued in areas that won’t conflict with future acoustical treatments. 1xbet best casino website equipment pads were installed for equipment.

Next 1xbet best casino website 's plans: Work 1xbet best casino website complete on the metal ceiling system. Mechanical and electrical hanger supports 1xbet best casino website continue after the metal panel installation. Metal framing for walls 1xbet best casino website continue at the south end of the project. 1xbet best casino website units are scheduled to arrive on site on Tuesday. These are shipped in 16 pieces that then must be re-assembled on site into 3 large units. The small pieces were needed to fit through the existing building openings. Fire protection support hangers and branch lines 1xbet best casino website begin. Drywall installation 1xbet best casino website begin at the top of walls ahead of acoustical spray. Acoustical ceiling sprayed treatment 1xbet best casino website begin below the metal panel ceiling. This 1xbet best casino website create many of the finished ceilings for the space.

1/23/23- This past week on the 1xbet best casino website Hall Project: Hutton’s crews completed the 1xbet best casino website panel interior roof system.Plumbing systems are being insulated. Wall framing continued for future wall locations, now 75% complete and heading south through the space. Drywall installation started on high walls ahead of 1xbet best casino website texture and large mechanical systems. HVAC ductwork continued in areas that won’t conflict with future acoustical treatments. Air handling units were installed in 2 of the 3 unit locations. Fire protection materials were sprayed at the low portions of the building. Acoustical spray started at high 1xbet best casino website spaces along the west wall of the building.
Next 1xbet best casino website ’s plans: Fire protection piping 1xbet best casino website be installed. 1xbet best casino website framing for walls should complete. Drywall installation 1xbet best casino website continue the top of walls ahead of acoustical spray. Acoustical ceiling sprayed treatment 1xbet best casino website continue below the metal panel ceiling. This 1xbet best casino website create many of the finished ceilings for the space. Door frames 1xbet best casino website be set in place.
2/6/23 -This past week on the 1xbet best casino website Hall Project: For those of you who have been on site in the last week or two, you already know what the big activity we have been working on. It is hard to avoid. 1xbet best casino website past week at theTraczFamily Band Hall project, we have been focused on acoustical treatment at the ceiling spaces. This is quite a messy process because you literally spray glue fibrous material at the ceiling and build up layers of material to achieve a 4” thick finished ceiling texture. This material is great for absorbing sound (like a band of 400 students playing together)! Without it in place the sound would echo off metal surfaces and create a very unpleasant experience. While it is coming along quite nicely, the pictures 1xbet best casino website be limited today because it’s hard to take a picture of a messy process and not think “wow, this is a mess”.
In addition to 1xbet best casino website process, plumbing systems are being insulated. Wall framing is now 95% complete with only small sections to complete where left out for access. Drywall installation continued in all areas, now starting to enclose walls and rooms. HVAC ductwork continued with some very large ductwork installed at the 1xbet best casino website Hall room. It’s amazing how much air flow is needed when the room is completely filled with people. Acoustical spray continued in all areas of the building.
Next 1xbet best casino website ’s plans: Fire protection piping 1xbet best casino website be installed. Drywall installation 1xbet best casino website continue and tape & finish crews 1xbet best casino website begin to smooth walls. Acoustical 1xbet best casino website sprayed treatment should complete. Ductwork installation 1xbet best casino website continue with most areas completed in the next 2 weeks. The final air handling unit 1xbet best casino website be installed at the Mezzanine. Electricians 1xbet best casino website begin installation of lighting
2/19/23 - This past week on the 1xbet best casino website Hall Project: The last couple of weeks on the Tracz Family Band Hall project has seen dramatic changes with the installation of the acoustical sprayed ceiling work. This activity took center stage as it somewhat limits work area for other trades and ultimately touched about 90% of the project area. We are happy to report that this work is now behind us and though they did a really nice job, we are excited to be done with that piece of the project. We have about 2 months now until the project finish date and so timing for everything from here to the end 1xbet best casino website be important to maintain. Wall framing is now 100% complete. Drywall installation continued in all areas. Rooms are now distinguishable, and you can really feel how this space 1xbet best casino website be used. HVAC ductwork continued with some very large ductwork and the last of the 1xbet best casino website units set. Acoustical spray continued in all areas of the building. Field measurements were taken so cabinetry and wood paneling can be fabricated to exact dimensions. Electricians are busy installing 1xbet best casino website electrical raceways for future power and lighting. We patched and repaired the existing concrete walls leading to the new field access tunnels. Fire protection piping was installed in most all areas.
Next 1xbet best casino website ’s plans: Drywall installation 1xbet best casino website complete, and tape & finish crews 1xbet best casino website be working to smooth walls. Painting 1xbet best casino website begin in exposed overhead conditions, then be moving to walls as they become available. Ductwork installation should complete 1xbet best casino website all large duct installed. Once painting is done, they 1xbet best casino website fall back to install registers. Electricians 1xbet best casino website begin installation of lighting. Ceramic tile 1xbet best casino website begin in the restrooms. Aluminum windows and doors should begin later in the 1xbet best casino website . Site grading and utility tie-ins are expected to begin.
3/06/23 - This past week on the 1xbet best casino website Hall Project: Drywall installation continued in the last few locations. Wall finishing is well underway now. Painting got started. HVAC ductwork continued with some very large ductwork installed near the 1xbet best casino website mezzanine. Electricians are busy pulling wire through previously installed conduit. We expect lights to be going up soon. We patched and repaired the existing walls to create the new Overhead Door opening at the west face of the building. Fire protection piping was installed. Site grading, paving base, and concrete walks. Concrete paving.
Next 1xbet best casino website ’s plans: Drywall tape & finish crews 1xbet best casino website be working to smooth walls. Painting 1xbet best casino website continue in exposed overhead conditions, then be moving to walls as they become available. Electricians 1xbet best casino website begin installation of lighting. Ceramic tile 1xbet best casino website begin in the restrooms. Aluminum windows and doors should begin later in the 1xbet best casino website . Cabinetry installation should begin in the next 10 days. 1xbet best casino website unit start-up

3/19/23 - With less than 2-months remaining on the work schedule, activity on the Tracz Family 1xbet best casino website Hall project is starting to accelerate on the building finishes. Painting is now an ongoing activity and we are starting to set cabinetry. More importantly, the mechanical and electrical systems are ready to start-up and this allows us to regulate the temperature and humidity in the building for even more finish material installations. We also took advantage of the lower student population during spring break to tidy up a few tie-in points at the site and interior spaces.
This past week on the 1xbet best casino website Hall Project: Drywall finishing is just about complete. Only small limited 1xbet best casino website is left, strategically left open for access. Painting continued. Now working on large upper walls and overhead exposed spaces. Ceramic tile 1xbet best casino website in the restroom areas. Cabinet installation started 1xbet best casino website past week. HVAC ductwork finished their installation of large ductwork on the 1xbet best casino website mezzanine. Electricians are busy installing lights and are working on outlets and terminations at panels. protection piping is now finished and filled with water…be careful not to hit a sprinkler head now or you 1xbet best casino website be soaked. Concrete paving was tied into Denison Ave. The site is ready for 1xbet best casino website landscaping.
Next 1xbet best casino website ’s plans: Painting 1xbet best casino website continue in exposed overhead conditions and walls. Electricians 1xbet best casino website continue installation of lighting. Aluminum windows and doors should begin later in the 1xbet best casino website . Cabinetry installation 1xbet best casino website continue. We hope to receive wood cabinets and wall veneer. We 1xbet best casino website make templates for solid surface countertops so those can be fabricated. Restroom accessories and toilet partitions 1xbet best casino website be installed. 1xbet best casino website unit start-up.

4/3/23 - Finish work is accelerating and the Tracz Family 1xbet best casino website Hall project is really starting to show us all the color and material choices made months ago. Lifts, excess materials, and tools are leaving the building in a sure sign that it’s time to complete the lower details and start preparing for final inspections.
This past week on the 1xbet best casino website Hall Project: Drywall finishing in the last few touch-up locations. Painting continued. Now working on large upper walls and overhead exposed spaces. Cabinet installation continued 1xbet best casino website past week. Exterior doors and windows were installed. Electricians are busy installing lights and are working on outlets and terminations at panels. Floor covering started in the Uniform Storage space and 1xbet best casino website be progressing north in the building. We completed start up on the 1xbet best casino website system and building controls.
Next 1xbet best casino website ’s plans: Painting 1xbet best casino website continue on all surfaces. Electricians 1xbet best casino website continue installation of fire alarm devices, and other final electrical connections. Aluminum windows and door installation should wrap up later in the 1xbet best casino website . Finish carpentry 1xbet best casino website wrap up with installation of wood wall paneling and reception desk. We 1xbet best casino website make templates for solid surface countertops so those can be fabricated. Floor covering 1xbet best casino website continue. Doors and door hardware 1xbet best casino website be completed.

4/16/23 - It’s time to start finishing up final details, polishing the brass so to speak and getting the construction crews headed for the exit! The Band Hall project is entering its final stages and 1xbet best casino website soon be down to just a handful of completion items and final inspections.This doesn’t mean the next couple of weeks won’t be full of work because they 1xbet best casino website !

This past week on the 1xbet best casino website Hall Project:
Started installation of acoustic wall and 1xbet best casino website panels. Painting continued. 1xbet best casino website wall colors are now on most walls. Carpenters were busy assembling wood paneling to create the trophy case. Instrument storage cabinets are being installed. Exterior doors and windows were installed. Electricians are busy installing fire alarm devices, lights, outlets and other electrical items. Floor covering 1xbet best casino website continued. 1xbet best casino website system testing continued. The controls systems are now operational.

Next 1xbet best casino website 's plans:
Painting 1xbet best casino website continue with most areas to receive a final coat of paint. Electricians should complete devices. Finish carpentry 1xbet best casino website wrap up with installation of wood wall paneling and reception desk. Solid surface countertops are due mid 1xbet best casino website for installation. Floor covering 1xbet best casino website continue at the entry and reception area. Ceiling tile 1xbet best casino website be installed. Acoustical panel installation 1xbet best casino website be completed.

5/2/23 - Cue the 1xbet best casino website ! The KSU Band Hall project is in its final week of scheduled construction activity and as such, this 1xbet best casino website be the final update for this project. This has been a fun project together and something the future band students and instructors 1xbet best casino website benefit from for years. I personally don’t recall another project owner displaying outward enthusiasm for a project more than Dr. Tracz did on this one and honestly, that makes this one really rewarding. It’s been a busy couple of weeks since the last update and we are down to obtaining final inspections and making final adjustments to the details.

This past week on the 1xbet best casino website Hall Project: 1xbet best casino website acoustic sound trap installation. Painting continued. Carpenters were busy assembling wood cabinetry, tops and wood paneling. Electricians are busy testing fire alarm systems, completing power for AV systems, and attending to details. Floor covering 1xbet best casino website completed Solid surface sills and tops were installed. 1xbet best casino website tiles are installed 1xbet best casino website cleaning started. Hutton’s internal quality inspection list complete.

Next 1xbet best casino website ’s plans: Punchlist completion. 1xbet best casino website building inspections – Friday, May 5th. Reception desk installation. Training on building systems

Kansas State University 1xbet best casino website program to get new space named in honor of 1xbet best casino website director

The Tracz Family 1xbet best casino website Hall is named in honor of Dr. Frank Tracz, professor of music and director of bands. Ward and Brenda Morgan, Manhattan, Kansas, made a gift to name the new 1xbet best casino website hall at Kansas State University.

This gift, along with other philanthropic support, 1xbet best casino website fund the renovation of the northwest side of Memorial Stadium, providing one designated rehearsal, storage and office space for the K-State marching band.


Existing SpacesNew 1xbet best casino website Hall Promo

Band Facility Floor PlanThoughts from Students and Staff:

"Everybody loves a home, and everybody deserves a home. This would be ours. A facility like this would help us recruit and retain 1xbet best casino website members and staff. We are the only Power Five conference school without a designated home for the marching 1xbet best casino website . This facility, as we envision it, would be a symbol of respect and pride in our organization from our alumni, K-State staff, donors and community supporters.” -Dr Frank Tracz

"Having an indoor space that allows us to have rehearsals would mean never having to guess where we 1xbet best casino website be for a rehearsal on a rainy day in Kansas. Students would know that they have a safe space, no matter the weather, for their instruments, gear and for themselves. So many times, the directors have to wait until an hour before rehearsal to decide what the best option is for that day and hope we can be in a big enough space for the entire ensemble. This facility would ensure that we can keep doing what we are doing at a high level for our university.” - Allegra Fisher, graduate assistant for K-State Bands

"Having an indoor space right next to Memorial Stadium would be incredible. I know this would ease a lot of the pressure 1xbet best casino website staff and 1xbet best casino website members have in carrying large speakers, field markers, first-aid equipment, drum major stands and instruments back and forth from McCain. 1xbet best casino website rehearses three times a week, and if the time spent transporting things was eliminated, we could be so productive and continue to use that time to work hard.” - Ashton Thomas, Classy Cats Alumni

"Having indoor and outdoor rehearsal spaces right next to each other would save a lot of time and money. We could spend time working on the music indoors, all together in one place, and then quickly transition outside to work on our marching skills. 1xbet best casino website would save us the time it takes to walk from McCain to Memorial Stadium.” - Brett Butler, graduate assistant for K-State Bands

"To all our donors, every musically involved student at K-State thanks you. The gift you may give us 1xbet best casino website not only benefit the marching band students, it 1xbet best casino website support the entire School of Music, Theatre and Dance. Our ensembles and classes have overwhelmed the capacity of our one music building. Realistically, we only have two major ensemble rehearsal spaces to somehow host more than 15 different groups each week. With an entire building dedicated to The Pride, classrooms and space in McCain Auditorium 1xbet best casino website be free to host other ensembles, music classes, community programs and performers for all K-State students to enjoy. This project is the permanent mark of your love and selflessness to our music program that 1xbet best casino website last for decades.” - Meredith Casey, '21

"The marching 1xbet best casino website is a family to all who join. A facility for the 1xbet best casino website , one that allows us to rehearse, to safely store our gear in a clean facility and be together as a group displays the pride we already feel for our 1xbet best casino website . The 1xbet best casino website works extraordinarily hard on every performance. We love our community, we love our school, and we love each other. This facility would ensure that we can keep doing what we are doing at a high level for our university.” - Allegra Fisher, graduate assistant for K-State Bands

Tracz Family Band Hall


West Stadium Band Hall

West Stadium Band Hall

West Stadium Band Hall

West Stadium Band Hall

West Stadium Band Hall

West Stadium Band Hall