1xbet online games login Workshops and Events

Local and National Conference Presentations

Higher learning commission's annual 1xbet onl

AIR presentations 1xbet online casino

VSA workshop 1xbet online games login

2004 Regents 1xbet online games login (.pdf)

Campus-wide Workshops (attended by faculty/staff from all colleges/units)

Handouts from 1xbet onli

Assessing diversity 1xbet online casino Ou

ethical 1xbet online games login Work

Briana Nelson Goff, Steven Hawks - Resource Persons (Hosted by the Office of 1xbet online games login , K-State Libraries, and Honor & Integrity Peer Educators), April 9, 2009

Common Language and Approaches to Student Learning Outcomes (.pdf) *,
Patricia Marsh, Ma. Concepcion Manzo - Resource Persons, April 15, 2004

Developing an Outline for Assessing SLOs (.pdf)*,
Patricia Marsh, Ma. Concepcion Manzo - Resource Persons, April 16, 2004

Completing an 1xbet online games login Plan: Utilizing Available Tools and Resources (.pdf)
Patricia Marsh, Ma. Concepcion Manzo - Resource Persons, September 21, 22, 27, 29, 2004

College of Agriculture

Retreat #1 - Developing an 1xbet online games login Plan for Student Learning Outcomes: The Early Steps (.pdf)*,
Kristina Boone - Resource Person (Office of 1xbet online games login , co-host), July 29, 2004

Retreat #2 - Developing an 1xbet online games login Plan: Fitting the Pieces Together (.pdf), Kristina Boone - Resource Person (Office of 1xbet online games login , co-host), August 17, 2004

College of Architecture, Planning and Design

Susan Siepl-Coates - Resource Person, Spring 2004

College of Arts and Sciences

1xbet online games login Workshop Module (.pdf), Cia Verschelden, Kathleen King, Kelly Liu, Stephen Keiffer - Resource Persons (Office of 1xbet online games login , co-host), April 20 -22, 2004

College of Human Ecology

College-wide 1xbet online games login Seminar, Carmel Parker White, Deborah Meyer - Resource Persons, August 4 - 7, 2003

Department-wide Brown Bag Overview, Migette Kaup, Deborah Meyer, Carmel Parker White -Resource Persons, August 17, 20, 29, 2004

Student Learning Outcome Portfolio Workshop, Carmel Parker White - Resource Person, November 19, 2004

Rubrics Workshop, Deborah Meyer - Resource Person, Fall 2004

College of Technology and Aviation

Developing an Outline for Assessing Learning Outcomes, Module 1 (.pdf), Troy Harding - Resource Person (Office of 1xbet online games login , co-host), April 6, 2004

Developing an Outline for Assessing Learning Outcomes, Module 2 (.pdf), Troy Harding - Resource Person (Office of 1xbet online games login , co-host), April 20, 2004

*Adapted from: Dr. Susan Hatfield Departmental 1xbet online games login Plans, Academic Chairs Conference, February 2004, Orlando, Florida. Dr. Hatfield is an 1xbet online games login expert who has made presentations in various state, regional and national conferences. She is also the Coordinator of 1xbet online games login at Winona State University, Winona, Minnesota.