Interpretation 1xbet online games login

This guide is intended to provide you information to help in interpreting 1xbet online games login results. The guide is to be used with the one-page report of results.

The far left column of the report re-states the items used in the survey (Note: all items are shown in a positive direction, items with negative expression have been reversed to a positive expression for consistency of ratings). Based on our work with the GTA survey items, they have been grouped into three skill areas: Basic Communication Skills, Classroom Presentation Skills, and Overall Effectiveness of Communication. This grouping should provide you valuable clues about 1xbet online games login areas of strengths and weaknesses. The higher the number (from 1 to 5) the more positive the rating.

The five columns following the statements show the percent of your students who reported: 1) Definitely False; 2) More False 1xbet online games login True; 3) In Between; 4) More True 1xbet online games login False; and 5) Definitely True. If a student did not respond to an item, they were not used in the calculations for that item.

The next column labeled "Average," is the average (mean) 1xbet online games login received from students for each item.

To help you understand 1xbet online games login ratings, we have provided interpretive statements in the "Comments" column. The comments "Superior," "Good," Fair" and "Needs Improvement," were derived from the results for all GTAs in the classroom for the first time during the Fall semesters in 1999 - 2002. The criteria for the comments are as follows:

SUPERIOR - Greater 1xbet online games login or equal to 4.75.

GOOD - Greater 1xbet online games login or equal to 4.25 and less 1xbet online games login 4.75.

FAIR - Greater 1xbet online games login or equal to 3.8 and less 1xbet online games login 4.25.

NEEDS IMPROVEMENT - Greater 1xbet online games login or equal to 2.6 and less 1xbet online games login 3.8.

SERIOUS CONCERN - Less 1xbet online games login 2.6.

NOTE: If you received comments of "Serious Concern" on two or more items, please read the email accompanying 1xbet online games login report carefully.