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Assessment Team Members

Email: assessment@ksu.edu | Phone: 785-532-3429

Dr. Fred Burrack's Photograph

Frederick Burrack, Ph.D.

Director of Assessment
& Professor of 1xbet online casino Education

Dr. Frederick Burrack is Director of Assessment, Professor of 1xbet online casino Education, Graduate Chair for 1xbet online casino , Distinguished Graduate Faculty. He joined the Kansas State 1xbet online casino faculty as a 1xbet online casino education specialist in Fall 2005. Dr. Burrack taught instrumental 1xbet online casino education at Ball State University from 2002-2005 and instrumental 1xbet online casino in the Carroll Community School District in Carroll, Iowa from 1982-2002. He has served as the Chair for the National Association for 1xbet online casino Education Assessment Special Research Interest Group and as Co-Chair for their work in developing Model Cornerstone Assessments that accompany the National K-12 1xbet online casino Standards. His co-edited book “Applying Model Cornerstone Assessments in K–12 1xbet online casino : A research supported approach” was published in 2018. A new text for assessing 1xbet online casino "Developing and Applying Assessments in the 1xbet online casino Classroom." Routledge, Pub was published in 2020 with co-authors Dr. Kelly Parkes, Dr. Phillip Payne, and Dr. Brian Wesolowski.
Frederick Burrack, ph 1xbet online sports

Brad's Photograph

Brad Regier, Ph.D.

Associate Director of Assessment

Bradley J. Regier is the Associate Director of Assessment at Kansas State University. Previously, he was Assistant Professor of 1xbet online casino Education at Illinois Wesleyan University and taught instrumental 1xbet online casino in Chase County, Kansas and Cairo, Egypt.
An active 1xbet online casino education researcher, Dr. Regier has presented at state, national, and international conferences including the 1xbet online casino Research and Teacher Education National Conference (2022), the International Society for 1xbet online casino Education Conference (2022), and the Symposium for 1xbet online casino Teacher Education (2021). His research interests include 1xbet online casino teacher psychology and self-efficacy, instrumental teaching strategies, and student assessment strategies. He is published in the Journal of Research in 1xbet online casino Education, International Journal of 1xbet online casino Education, Journal of 1xbet online casino Teacher Education, Update: Applications of Research in 1xbet online casino Education, Missouri Journal of Research in 1xbet online casino Education, Missouri School 1xbet online casino Magazine, and Ale Breve. Dr. Regier currently serves on the editorial boards of Update: Applications of Research in 1xbet online casino Education and Contributions to 1xbet online casino Education.
Dr. Regier received degrees in 1xbet online casino education with an instrumental conducting emphasis from the University of Missouri (PhD), the University of Oklahoma (MME), and Kansas State University (BME).

Brad's Photograph

Seon Yup Lee, Ph.D.

Survey Data Analyst

Coming Soon!

Student Assistants

Korin's Photograph

Korin Koenig
Undergraduate Assistant

Sophomore, Statistics and Data Science

Quynh's Photograph

Quynh Do
Graduate Assistant

Doctoral student, Statistics