constitution 1xbet online sports betting


The name of the organization 1xbet online sports betting be Alianza.


The purpose of Alianza is to support and advocate for Hispanic/Latino issues on the K-State campus. The organization 1xbet online sports betting accomplish this through the following activities:

  1. By encouraging and supporting K-State's efforts in the recruitment, retention, and professional advancement of Hispanic/Latino faculty and staff. This 1xbet online sports betting include, but not be limited to, mentoring of junior faculty/staff, professional development, opportunities for advancement and promotion, and advocating for dual career issues.

  2. By encouraging and supporting 1xbet online sports betting efforts in the recruitment and retention of Hispanic/Latino students, by serving as resources and mentors to the students, and by supporting the Hispanic/Latino student organizations.

  3. By establishing a cultural presence on campus and the community, and by assisting with activities for the celebration of 1xbet online sports betting /Latino Heritage. This may include, but not be limited to, having input in Institutional planning committees for the fine arts, theater, and museum.

  4. By working with campus organizations to advance diversity within K-State and the civil rights of all 1xbet online sports betting of its community.

ARTICLE III: 1xbet online sports betting

Alianza will be open for 1xbet online sports betting to any K-State classified and unclassified employees who serves the university on at least a 0.50 appointment; or to any K-State faculty, staff or graduate student who demonstrates an interest in advocating for Hispanic/Latino Affairs.

Honorary membership: Membership 1xbet online sports betting be extended, after approval by vote of regular members, to any business, organization or individual with expressed support for the purposes of the organization.


Alianza 1xbet online sports betting be governed by an Executive Board consisting of at least eight members representing K-State's faculty and staff: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Board member at-large, Social Events Coordinator, Historian/Webmaster, and LASSOS Liaison. At least one faculty and one unclassified or classified staff will serve on the Executive Board among the officers. The President 1xbet online sports betting lead the executive board in all affairs. Former President's who express their willingness to serve will comprise the remaining members of the Executive Board. Normally, the current Vice-President will become President the following year". Officers are elected every May and serve from June 1 st of that year until May 31 st of the following year.


Alianza 1xbet online sports betting conduct a minimum of 3 meetings per year.


Alianza 1xbet online sports betting adopt or amend the constitution or by-laws proposed by at least four members and approved by the majority of the members.


ARTICLE I: 1xbet online sports betting

There will be an annual membership fee that will be set by the Executive Board on an annual basis. Only paid up and active members 1xbet online sports betting have voting rights. If a board member is not able to fulfill his or her duties, the executive board 1xbet online sports betting appoint a member to fill the position for the remaining of the term.


The Executive Board members 1xbet online sports betting be elected at the last general meeting of the year.

Every year there 1xbet online sports betting be an election for Vice President, Board member-at-large, and Social Events Coordinator. Every 2nd year there 1xbet online sports betting be an election for Secretary, Treasurer, Historian/Webmaster, and LASSOS Liaison.

The President, Board member at-large, and Social Events Coordinator 1xbet online sports betting serve for one year, and the Secretary, Treasurer, Historian/Webmaster, and LASSOS Liaison 1xbet online sports betting have a two-year term appointment. The person elected as Vice President 1xbet online sports betting serve as President during the second year of his or her term. Past Presidents will serve on the Board if they desire.


The Board 1xbet online sports betting conduct planning meetings prior to the organization's regular meetings and/or as needed. The Executive Board 1xbet online sports betting have the privilege of calling special meetings as deemed necessary or as requested by at least five paid active members.

Committees may be formed as needed from the membership. Committee members 1xbet online sports betting either be appointed or volunteered.

Alianza 1xbet online sports betting meet at least three times per year.

All 1xbet online sports betting and regular meetings will be conducted following the Roberts Rules of Parliamentary Order.


Alianza and its members 1xbet online sports betting adhere to K-State's policy of non-discrimination on the basis of race, gender, nationality, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation or other non-merit reason.