Dates and deadlines 1xbet sports betting

Admission and general university scholarships and awards

Apply for admission as soon as possible, as your admission application will trigger an automatic review of your eligibility for Future student scholarships and 1xbet sp. Maximum scholarship/award consideration is given to applicants who apply by the 1xbet sports betting . Applications are still accepted after the 1xbet sports betting , but scholarship/award offers are then only made pending the availability of unawarded funds.

  • Nov. 1: Priority date for spring international 1xbet sports betting
  • Dec. 1: Priority date for spring transfer 1xbet sports betting and fall freshman
  • Feb. 1: Priority date for fall transfer and international 1xbet sports betting

Selective admission 1xbet sports betting

  • Dec. 1 is the priority application date for:
    • College of Architecture, Planning & Design programs
    • Carl R. Ice College of Engineering programs domestic 1xbet sports betting only
    • The wildlife and outdoor enterprise management program in the College of Agriculture
    • The interior design program in the College of Health and Human Sciences

Financial aid

  • Apply for federal student aid and find out if you qualify for grants, loans and work-study programs with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. K-State's federal code for the FAFSA is 001928.
    • Dec. 1: Priority deadline for spring transfer 1xbet sports betting
    • Mar. 1: Priority deadline for incoming freshmen and fall and summer transfer 1xbet sports betting

Additional scholarship opportunities

  • Freshmen:
    • Dec. 15 is the application deadline for Competitive awards, which require supplemental applications and in some cases, an interview process.
    • March 15 is the priority deadline to create and submit your 1xbet best casino website Scholarship Network. KSN is a portal that connects you to scholarship opportunities that are in addition to the general university scholarships/awards triggered off of your application for admission.
  • Transfer 1xbet sports betting :
    • March 15 is the priority deadline to create and submit your 1xbet best casino website Scholarship Network. KSN is a portal that connects you to scholarship opportunities that are in addition to the general university scholarships/awards triggered off of your application for admission.

On-Campus housing

  • After being admitted to K-State, you may choose to complete the residence hall interest form, which becomes available Sept. 15 each year. This form is not required but offers 1xbet sports betting who are admitted prior to the contract opening the opportunity to pre-populate some key information.
  • The housing contract is required for on-campus living. You will complete this contract using the Housing and Dining Services Resident Portal.
    • While there are no specific deadlines, contract completion (a first-come, first-served basis) will determine room availability.
    • The housing contract opens in December for fall residents and in October for new spring residents.

Visit Housing and Dining Services to get started!

New student orientation for admitted 1xbet sports betting

Watch your email for updates on when your New Student Orientation registration opportunities will open!

  • Incoming freshman 1xbet sports betting may attend in June or August
  • Transfer 1xbet sports betting :
    • Spring – Select a date in November or January
    • Summer/Fall – Select from dates in April, June or August
  • International 1xbet sports betting will attend upon arrival to campus in August and January