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Spring 1xbet online games login News and Updates

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The ASC team has been working for the past few months to learn and understand the new Concur 1xbet online games login and expense management software. Our team has met with many of your groups to understand better your 1xbet online games login service needs to charter a path forward as your service partner. The Spring ASC newsletter provides a high-level overview for navigating the new system. If you have any questions regarding these processes, please work with your Administrative Reporting Unit ASC Business Manager.

Unit 1xbet online games login Business Manager:

1xbet online games login Guidance


Employee 1xbet online games login Reimbursements


All employee business 1xbet online games login paid for with university funds must be processed in Concur (Foundation funded requests optional). A pre-trip 1xbet online games login request must be completed by the traveler or their delegate for all 1xbet online games login , except for in-state mileage only 1xbet online games login . The request creator delegate may be someone within the unit or your ASC business partner. 1xbet online games login requests must be submitted by the traveler to obtain their electronic signature, then approved by their supervisor, ASC business liaison and the head of the department funding the 1xbet online games login . 1xbet online games login requests should be submitted and approved before making 1xbet online games login arrangements. Employees who frequently 1xbet online games login in-state for the same business purpose (i.e., recruiters, extension activities, etc.) and incur hotel and meal per diem may opt to complete a monthly 1xbet online games login request to reduce administrative burden. Contact your ASC business partner for additional information.


Airfare, hotels and rental cars may be booked directly through the Concur booking tool for any travelers relying upon university funds (does not include Foundation). Travelers can also utilize agent-assisted booking with Anthony 1xbet online games login . Travelers wanting support booking in Concur may designate a 1xbet online games login arranger in their department or utilize their ASC business partner to assist them. Effective April 1, 2024, all employees traveling internationally for university business must book their airfare in Concur.

Expense Reporting

Once 1xbet online games login is complete, employees should upload their receipts for 1xbet online games login -related expenses, both out-of-pocket and university card transactions, using the Concur mobile app or the Concur website. Travelers can create their own reports or contact their ASC business delegate to produce an expense report on the traveler's behalf. 1xbet online games login expense reports must be submitted by the traveler to obtain their electronic signature and then approved by the ASC business liaison and the head of the department that is funding their 1xbet online games login . Submit 1xbet online games login expense reports within 30 days of the end date of business 1xbet online games login .

University 1xbet online games login Cards

With department head approval, travelers may obtain a permanent university 1xbet online games login card or a single event 1xbet online games login (SET) card to charge university business 1xbet online games login expenses, excluding meals or charges that include personal expenses. Travelers may contact their ASC business partner for additional information.

Employee Personal Reimbursements

Employees must process out-of-pocket business expenses that require reimbursement from university funds (Foundation does not apply) in Concur. Employees can create their own reports or contact their ASC business delegate to produce an expense report on the traveler's behalf. Non-1xbet online games login expense reports must be submitted by the traveler as their electronic signature and then approved by the ASC business liaison and the head of the department that is funding their 1xbet online games login . Submit expense reports for reimbursement within 30 days of the date of purchase.

University Non-1xbet online games login Card Expense Reports

Submit all non-1xbet online games login card expenses monthly in Concur with the assistance of an ASC business liaison or by the employee. All receipts related to card expenses should be uploaded by the 5th of the month, following the previous month's activity (March 1-31 receipts uploaded by April 5th).

1xbet online games login Setup


As a supervisor or department head, you may wish to set up approver delegates to approve requests and reports on your behalf. You may set up delegates through your 1xbet online games login profile under the Review/Report Settings. Below is an example of what the requesting of delegates page looks like:

delegates setup page

View the training video for setting up delegates:

If you need assistance setting up delegates in Concur, contact your 1xbet online games login business partner.

1xbet online games login Notifications

1xbet online games login has robust communication features. You can manage email preferences through your profile and use email inbox rules to organize and manage how you would like to receive notifications.

Receipt Capturing

Capture receipts digitally by taking a photo or scanning and uploading your receipts using the 1xbet online games login mobile app or web version. The 1xbet online games login mobile app has additional built-in AI features for entering expenses that may provide a better end-user experience for receipt capturing.

Mobile App

The SAP 1xbet online games login mobile app, recognizable by its blue briefcase icon, is available for download in your app store. Conveniently approve straightforward requests and reports directly through the mobile app. Utilizing this app is the simplest method for uploading your receipts to the desktop version of 1xbet online games login .


Etrieve has been restored and is now live. The 1xbet online games login will continue to use Etrieve/Softdocs for submission of the following:

  • Direct Vendor Payments (includes payments to non-employees)
  • Foundation Funded Payments (Full funded Foundation 1xbet online games login , Out-of-Pocket business expenses paid by Foundation account, etc.)
  • Payments to other KSU departments (department to department interfunds)

Invoices may also be sent to the email, but this method may result in longer processing times.

Human Resources

Updated FMLA Process for University Employees

The HR Benefits team has developed an updated and centralized approach to the university’s Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) practices. This new process mitigates risk and minimizes employee touchpoints and responsibility duplication. The newly optimized FMLA processes will enable HR to improve record keeping and tracking, simplify return-to-work coordination, provide enhanced customer service and increase employee privacy. This revitalized process will create better communication protocols for managers and supervisors and ease our ability to remain compliant with federal regulations while expediting our service to employees using FMLA leave. The new FMLA process will be implemented in phases, strategically grouped by colleges and departmental units. The first phase begins in late January 2024, with more groups added each month. FMLA centralization concludes for all colleges and units by June 30, 2024. Training on the new process will occur monthly for each phased group, beginning with the units supported by the 1xbet online games login . The group of early adopters will serve as advocates for the implementation process in all phases that follow. Several resources are being developed that will assist employees, HR liaisons and supervisors in navigating this new process, including an FMLA website, FAQ document, and a centralized FMLA email inbox. If you or one of your employees needs FMLA guidance or assistance, contact your 1xbet online games login -HR representative.

Building Next-Gen Leadership Series Launches First Session April 15

Any employee across the institution who aspires to lead, regardless of position or title, is invited to participate in a new leadership development series, Building Next-Gen Leadership. The limited series will teach leadership concepts and develop community, especially around the university’s Next-Gen K-State strategic plan.

This Building Next-Gen Leadership series will kick off on April 15 with its first topic, Courage: Leading Starts With You. In this workshop, employees will explore practical steps toward achieving the change they desire, in the places they have the most influence, no matter what role, position or title they hold. For more information and to register, please visit /today/announcement/?id=96002.

Human Resources recognizes the need for leadership development programming to advance the vision for Next-Gen K-State. The HR strategic initiative will take place in three phases: a series open to all K-State employees, a professional development needs assessment and future programming.