modification 1xbet online casino of Graduating Requirements for Students with Disabilities

A 1xbet online casino may request a program modification if he or she can document a disability that directly impairs his/her ability to meet the normal requirements of the program.

In general, such documentation should be provided by qualified professionals in the area of the disability. These professionals should describe the specific disability in behavioral terms in relation to the specific modifications sought by the 1xbet online casino . Information required to document a specific disability will be provided to the 1xbet online casino by the director of the 1xbet online casino Access Center.

The Faculty Committee on Program Modifications for Students with Disabilities will consider requests from the 1xbet online casino to modify programs of study. A unique committee for each 1xbet online casino will be constructed based on the 1xbet online casino ’s program of study. Once a request by a 1xbet online casino is received, the relevant Faculty Committee on Program Modification for Students with Disabilities will be appointed.

The committee will consist of a minimum of six members. Two standing members of the committee will be: a faculty member appointed by the provost to serve as committee chair for a three-year term, and the director of the 1xbet online casino Access Center. (In the event more than four requests for modifications are made in an academic year, additional chair members may be needed.)

Appointed members of the committee for a particular 1xbet online casino will be as follows:

  • a faculty member or advisor in the 1xbet online casino ’s academic college, appointed by the dean of the college in which the 1xbet online casino is enrolled,
  • a faculty member from the 1xbet online casino ’s program unit, appointed by the program unit administrator of the unit in which the 1xbet online casino is enrolled,
  • a faculty member(s) from the unit(s) in which each course in question is located, appointed by the unit administrator of the respective unit(s),
  • and a faculty member or staff member with specialized background in the 1xbet online casino 's disability, appointed by the 1xbet online casino Access Center Director.

A 1xbet online casino must request modification in a program early enough in the 1xbet online casino 's university career to allow the request to be processed and for arrangements to be made for the 1xbet online casino to complete the recommended substitution or modification in a timely manner. The Faculty Committee on Program Modifications for Students with Disabilities meets, as needed, to review and discuss requests for modifications in a 1xbet online casino ’s program. The Committee responds to requests within four (4) weeks of the date it meets to review each request.

Requests for program modifications must be submitted to the director of 1xbet online casino Access Center. In some cases, a 1xbet online casino with a disability may be required by the committee to demonstrate an effort to satisfactorily complete a course (e.g. attend classes, take examinations, write papers) before requesting a program modification. If the 1xbet online casino fails the course, he or she may then request a program modification. If the program modification is approved by the Faculty Committee on Program Modifications for Students with Disabilities, the failing grade of the previously required course will be removed when the 1xbet online casino with a disability completes the approved program modification.

The committee can act upon requests for program modifications in one of the following ways:

  1. Approve a specific substitution or modification of the 1xbet online casino 's program of study. Waivers will not be considered.
  2. Deny the 1xbet online casino 's request for one of the following reasons:
    • The 1xbet online casino has not provided appropriate documentation of a disability.
    • The course under consideration is essential to the program of study.
    • Request additional information to enable further consideration of the request by the committee.

(The Committee may consult with the campus ADA coordinator during its deliberations.)

Decisions by the Faculty Committee on Program Modifications for Students with Disabilities are final.

Program modification execution shall be supervised by the provost.