dean 1xbet online games login of Students Outstanding Graduating Senior Award

Nominations have closed for the 2024 Dean of Students Outstanding Graduating Senior Award , an award given to graduating seniors. This award recognizes our strongest student leaders who have made outstanding contributions to student life during their K-State career. To be considered, a student must have met all of the following criteria:

  1. An undergraduate who will graduate in spring or summer semester of 2024 or who graduated in fall semester 2023.
  2. Demonstrated co-curricular leadership having a broad impact on campus student life (or a specific Academic Success 1xbet online games login department) and/or initiated or enhanced programs or services improving campus student life.
  3. Demonstrated ability to impact others different from themselves.
  4. A statement about why the nominee is highly deserving of this honor.

Academic Success 1xbet online games login areas can nominate students by completing and submitting a nomination form (pdf). Nominations have closed for 2024. A Division of Academic Success 1xbet online games login committee will review the nominations and select the finalists.

Award recipients will be recognized during an awards ceremony in their honor held on Thursday, April 25th, 3:30-5:00 pm in the K-State Student Union, Flint Hills Rm. Family, Friends, Faculty and Staff are invited to join in the celebration of these students.

It is my honor to recognize these outstanding students.

Thomas Lane, Ed.D.
Vice President for Academic Success 1xbet online games login and Dean of Students