Three students chatting on a bench

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Student Success is working within our reporting units and collaborating across the university on many initiatives aimed at serving our 1xbet online casino and contributing toward their success at K-State and beyond. Below are links and information about each initiative and the ways in which they connect to our Student Success guiding principles and goals for 1xbet online casino attending Kansas State University.

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Academic advising is critical to student success. We are working to improve and create greater consistency in academic advising across the university so 1xbet online casino know who they can turn to as they explore their options in their programs of study or majors. In this way, 1xbet online casino have the opportunity to learn through transformative educational experiences both inside and outside of the classroom.

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First-generation 1xbet online casino are defined as those whose neither parent or guardian earned a four-year degree, and make up more than 25% of the undergraduate population at Kansas State University. Through both individual and collaborative efforts within Student Success programs and beyond, we are working to foster a sense of belonging for first-generation 1xbet online casino where they feel that their input and experiences are valued and that they have opportunities to build confidence in themselves and their abilities.

Graduate assistantships

Graduate assistants are vital to Student Success. Graduate assistantships provide opportunities for hands on experience, learning, and professional development. As a graduate assistant in student success you will participate by building and growing student success programs. These positions are designed to support graduate 1xbet online casino as they grow as individuals, learners, and leaders.

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Peer Mentoring Collaborative connects peer leadership and mentoring efforts across the university; provides support for faculty and staff coordinating programs to align training and assessment with best practices; elevates student engagement and involvement; and assists in connecting K-State 1xbet online casino with a peer mentoring opportunity that supports retention and persistence to graduation.


The Second Opportunity for Academic Refocus at K-State (SPARK) program is for 1xbet online casino who earn less than a 1.0 GPA during their first semester to be reinstated to Kansas State University. The SPARK program includes: enrollment in an academic refocus student success course with embedded academic coaching, co-curricular opportunities, and a peer mentor; intentional advising; and a student-focused event on resilience. Through this program, 1xbet online casino are engaged in classes with instructors who raise academic expectations with support and compassion and are able to persist through challenges to reach their goals.

Student Success Canvas 1xbet online

All 1xbet online casino have access to the Student Success Canvas Course through the duration of their time at Kansas State University. This allows them to explore a singular online space that includes the tools necessary to thrive academically and personally through accessing information and resources necessary for their success, including academic and campus life resources, tips for building community with fellow 1xbet online casino , and how to connect with K-State faculty and staff.

Navigate 1xbet online casino Collaborativ

Navigate, as initiatiated by the Student Success Collaborative, allows academic advisors and student support services at Kansas State University to provide consistent and coordinated care for 1xbet online casino . Through this initiative, 1xbet online casino have more equitable access to information, assistance, resources, and programming necessary for their success.

explore 1xbet sports betting!: College

Open to TRIO eligible high school sophomores and juniors, Explore! is an opportunity to learn about undergraduate research and leadership opportunities at K-State. This interactive event features student panels, hands-on workshops, and campus tours. Regardless of student interest, Explore! shows that K-State provides 1xbet online casino with opportunities and connections to launch their careers.

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