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You can send me an email with the details of your questions, as well as your contact information and the best times to reach you.Please keep in mind that if you have technical questions, it is best to contact HYPERLINK "/it/"IT services at 785-532-7722 or HYPERLINK "https://support.ksu.edu/TDClient/30/Portal/Home/"submit a ticket.A Little About Me:Course Description[insert official course description]Course OverviewThis course will [insert a general overview and tips for success]. Course Goals and Learning OutcomesThis course will provide knowledge of [insert course goals].By the end of this course, you will be able to: [insert learning outcome 1] [insert learning outcome 2] [insert learning outcome 3]Course Prerequisites[insert prerequisites, if applicable]Required Textbooks and Equipment[insert all required textbooks (including ISBN numbers) and other technology or equipment]Course Content Disclosure[insert and customize the following, if applicable]Upon reviewing the course syllabus, you will see that our course covers content that may be emotionally difficult. These topics include, but are not limited to, [insert topics]. Your engagement with these topics may take the form of assigned readings and/or videos, class discussions, and/or assignments. Please understand that the inclusion of such content in this course is not meant to cause you distress, but rather to expand your knowledge of these topics and how they manifest in the world around us. Your understanding of these topics is integral to achieving the following student learning outcomes: [insert outcomes]. However, I understand that everyone has a different limit. If you find yourself being pushed near one of your limits with a topic, please contact me to discuss any concerns. Please also be aware of campus resources that are available to support you as a student.TechnologyK-State has technology recommendations, including a HYPERLINK "/it/resources/teaching-learning/buying/" \hcomputer buying guide for success in online learning. Canvas will work best in the Google Chrome browser. If you choose to use another browser, please make sure your course materials function within that system. You may need to confirm that your browser, java, and pdf reader are all updated to the latest version.Technical DifficultiesThe K-State IT Service Desk is there to assist you with questions regarding the technology used for your course.Phone: 785-532-7722 or toll-free 1-800-865-6143HYPERLINK "https://help.ksu.edu/"Remote chat and supportHYPERLINK "https://support.ksu.edu/TDClient/30/Portal/Home/"Submit a ticketIf you have issues with your technology, please contact them first, they are the technology experts. If you miss a deadline due to technical difficulties, make sure it is documented through communication with the IT Service Desk, then exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis. K-State E-mail AccountAll students are required to have an active K-State e-mail account. During this course, it is your responsibility to check your K-State e-mail account multiple times each day.Other Technology Resources: HYPERLINK "http://www.k-state.edu/its/office365/help/index.html" \o "website for Office 365 help and support" \t "_blank" Office 365 Help and SupportZoom HYPERLINK "/its/media/" \o "Media Development Center website" \t "_blank" Media Center HYPERLINK "http://www.lib.k-state.edu/" \o "K-State Libraries website" \t "_blank" K-State LibrariesHYPERLINK "https://canvas.k-state.edu/info/help/" \o "K-State Online website" \t "_blank"Canvas HelpExpectationsWhat you can expect of meI will communicate with you through the tools within this Canvas course. During the workweek, I will respond to messages directed to me within 24 hours. I will review communication over the weekend, but I will respond on Monday to most situations. If you need to reach me by email, please use the subject line: Your Name, Course Name/Number, Topic. Please allow a full 24 hours before emailing me again about the same question or issue, and on Monday for inquiries sent over the weekend.I will work to foster community throughdiscussions, individualized feedback, etc.I will post grades within three daysof the final due date of the assignment unless otherwise stated.What I expect of youExpect to spend between [insert time range] hours a week with this course. You must log in frequently, if not daily. It is important to log in early in the week so that you understand what is expected and have time to ask questions.I expect you to ask questions if something is unclear. Netiquette Rules of style or Netiquette (network etiquette) are expected by communicating through class e-mail lists, message boards, and discussion rooms. These are the guidelines we will follow in this course.Stick to the topic of discussion and its purpose.Use the subject line to announce your topic. Often, busy people will only open messages that have creative subject lines.Use only one topic per message.Get to the point. A limit of one page (screen) per message is ideal.Do not post advertisements (called spamming) or chain letters to the class discussion.Use courtesy and common sense in all electronic communications.Consider what you write, as it is a permanent record and can be retrieved easily.Class discussions are confidential. Do not share or forward others email without permission.When responding to a message, do not quote back an entire message. Delete the excess (snip) and make your comments at the very top before starting the quotes.DONT TYPE IN ALL CAPS. This is hard to read and is considered shouting.Avoid sarcasm, as it is easily misunderstood.Avoid correcting others grammar, punctuation, and spelling unless it is necessary to clarify the discussion.Avoid flaming. A flame is an abusive, harassing, or bigoted message that attacks an author of a message.Respect the opinions of others and be sensitive to the diverse nature of people in the class. Keep in mind that although you cannot see other members on the list, you can show respect for individual differences.Check posting guidelines.Professors will have different requirements for posting. Make sure that you check the guidelines for each course, so you adequately show a presence in the course.Make sure your post is substantive; simply replying I agree will not be considered a strong contribution to the discussion.Check discussions frequently and respond on the subject.Focus on one subject per post.Cite all quotes, references, and sources.Course ScheduleMODULESLEARNING OBJECTIVES (after each module, you will be able to)LEARNINGACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENTS with applicable due dates/timesREQUIRED RESOURCESModule 1: Read:Watch:Other: Module 2: Module 3: Module 4: Assignments[insert an overview of each type of assignment along with expectations, points awarded, etc.]DiscussionsYou are required to participate in discussions by posting to each topic with one original post and at least two substantive responses to other participants. A substantive response includes constructive commentary on the content of the post with added material based on readings and own experiences (I agree! Is not enough).Grading[insert explanation of points for each assignment, total points for the course, and an explanation of your grading scale based on points/letter grade/percentage]Late or Missing Assignment Policy[insert your late of missing assignment policy (the following can be used or modified)]Assignments are due by 11:59 p.m. Central Time on the date listed. The purpose of these deadlines is to help you stay on track to complete all materials in a timely manner. If, for any reason you are unable to complete the assignment on time, please contact me by email as soon as possible so that we can make arrangements for the completion of the work.Make-up Work[insert policy on make-up work, if applicable]Extra Credit Options[insert extra credit details, if applicable]Testing Procedures [delete if not applicable avoid high stakes exams and consider HYPERLINK "/keepteaching/proctored-exams.html"alternative assessments when possible]Proctoring Information[delete this section if not applicable]This course uses proctored online exams. Kansas State University uses Honorlock, a proctoring solution for online exams. You will have location flexibility, and Honorlock is available 24 hours a day. Please review the information in your Canvas course about Honorlock and Proctoring. Honorlock is free of charge to K-State students. Your instructor may allow an exception to use an in-person proctor. This is at the expense of the student. To request an in-person proctor please contact your instructor. Please contact your instructor with further questions.Policy Statements[insert the most current required course syllabi statements (and optional statements of your choosing) by copying and pasting from the HYPERLINK "/provost/resources/teaching/course.html"Office of the Provost website] PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4*+,CDE\bcdjkvw}~ɾɷyk]Th h _Hh2h 0J5CJaJh2h0J5CJaJh0J5CJaJh2hmN5CJaJ hhmN h^hO h^h] h^hmNhi7 hhS hh]hazhEXnOJQJhazhvOJQJhazh)OJQJhazh]OJQJhazhmNOJQJhazh.OJQJ+DEdkw~ gdgdgdRLgd gdmNgd2gdRLgdgd)gdHX &dPgd) $a$gd) " . ; < K N i !    % & ( 6 7 : ; w x y ½񚓽zsgghRLhmN5CJaJ h^hmNj0J0PJUh0J0PJjDU hjh2 h2h2j0J0U_Hh*yhh*yh0J0_HjU jUh h*yh_H h*yh_H h['_H he_H hm_H h _HhvhGmh h _H h_H( ) * + ; < M N g s ()NOXopխխզ h8hX5hKOh8hh hh h^h h^hRLhh^ h^hWhW h^h^ h^h/ h^h>yhM h^h X h^h] h^h) hqhh hh0 + N )Op[`wgd gd) gdgdGmgdw4gd8gdf# & FgdRL# & Fgdgd^gd)gd!!"#89Z[_`vwϾ߰xofo]hw4hs[PJhw4h['PJhw4h^PJh^h^CJPJaJ h PJh^h^PJ h h^hf hk5;B*fHphq hjhRLj0J0Uhv?hRL0J0jU jUh[' h^hhRLh h]khGmhi7hihw4hGm0J$wU?E!gd 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