K-State 2025
Internationalization strategic 1xbet best casino website Action Plan

Our engagement with the 1xbet best casino website community is critical to the future of our students, our university, and our state. The inclusion of internationalization as a “common element” underlying the vision and goals for K-State 2025 recognizes that importance. The campus-wide K-State 2025 1xbet sports betting 2025 Spotlights,Intr was charged during the Spring Semester 2012 to recommend a strategic action plan for internationalization. Using a facilitated process and 2025 strategic action plan template, the committee produced a broad, directional action plan with an overall goal; assumptions; outcomes for the next five, ten, and fifteen years; and suggested activities aligned with the university visionary plan.

The plan includes three areas of activity, and provides recommended outcomes for the short-term, intermediate and long-term.

  1. Encourage and increase student opportunities for learning abroad.
    a) Promote and expand opportunities for study abroad (short-term and long-term), service learning, and internship exchange.
    b) Create a least one summer 1xbet best casino website internship in every college.
    c) Improve quality of exchange agreements.
    d) Develop “anchor” faculty-led programs.

    Short-term outcomes (1-5 years): 50% of undergraduate students have a meaningful 1xbet best casino website experience, (e.g., study abroad, service learning, short-term courses, 1xbet best casino website competitions, etc.); 15% of undergraduate students participated in a study abroad program

    Intermediate Outcomes (6-10 years): 80% of undergraduate students have a meaningful 1xbet best casino website experience; 20% of undergraduate students participated in a study abroad program

    Long-term Outcomes (11-15 years): 100% of undergraduate students have a meaningful 1xbet best casino website experience; 25% of undergraduate students participated in a study abroad program

  2. Encourage cross-cultural interaction between and among 1xbet best casino website and domestic students; for example, joint activities between 1xbet best casino website student associations and domestic student groups such as sororities, fraternities, and multicultural or other student groups.

  3. Infuse a global focus throughout the curriculum and pedagogy.
    a) Require all students to have a class or experience that encourages an understanding of global perspectives as part of graduation requirements and assess it on a departmental level.
    b) Encourage colleges/departments to develop an 1xbet best casino website overlay to their degree programs and note successful completion on transcripts.
    c) Develop and standardize 1xbet best casino website degree add-ons (minors, certificates, 2nd majors) through inter-departmental collaboration (½ of the credit hours coming from the college and ½ from an 1xbet best casino website institution).

    Short-term outcomes (1-5 years): World culture/study abroad integrated into curriculum for 20+ undergraduate degrees

    Intermediate Outcomes (6-10 years): World culture/study abroad integrated into curriculum for a majority of undergraduate degrees

We invite you to read the Final K-State 2025 Internationalization - Strategic Action Plan (PDF)