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2013 Faculty Achievements

* Steve Stockham, professor of veterinary clinical pathology in the College of Veterinary Medicine, was named the 2013 recipient of the prestigious Veterinary Clinical Pathology Hall of Fame Award from the European Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology. The award, which is for individuals who have practiced clinical pathology for 25 years or more and who have made substantial contributions to the profession, recognizes Stockham for his roles as an educator of veterinary students and clinical pathology residents, his numerous contributions to the discipline, and for co-authoring a textbook that is used throughout the world. He also was honored for his annual reviews of the certifying examinations of the European College for Veterinary Clinical Pathology. December 2013

* Dirk Maier, professor and department head of grain science and industry and director of the university's international grains program, was awarded a five-year, $8.5 million grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID, to establish the federal government's new Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss at Kansas State University. December 2013

* Nathan Howe, assistant professor of architecture in the College of Architecture, Planning & Design, received the Educator of the Year Award from the Kansas City chapter of the American Institute of Architects. The award is presented for outstanding dedication and support of excellence in architecture education. December 2013

* Staffers at the K-State Student Union received honors at the Associated College Unions International Region 11 Conference. Audrey Taggart-Kagdis, assistant director of union marketing, public relations and development, received the Outstanding Staff Achievement Award, which recognizes an outstanding staff person who has shown exemplary performance in college union or student activities work and commendable service to the organization within the past year. Beth Bailey, assistant union director and program manager, received the William H. Smith Distinguished Service Award, which recognizes longtime student union or student activities professionals who have made exceptional contributions and demonstrated a long-term commitment to the student union/student activities profession on their campuses and within the region. December 2013

* Gary J. Coates, professor of architecture and Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture distinguished professor, has published a new book, "The Rebirth of Sacred Art: Reflections on the Aperspectival Geometric Art of Adi Da Samraj," published by the Dawn Horse Press. December 2013

* The College of Education's Susan Yelich Biniecki, assistant professor of educational leadership, and Waldek Biniecki, instructor at the Center for Intercultural and Multilingual Advocacy, received one award and three special recognitions at the Polish Independence Day/Veterans Day event in Milwaukee: Congressman Clement Zablocki Civic Achievement Award from the Polish American Congress; Certificate of Recognition for Dedicated Service from the consulate general of the Republic of Poland in Chicago; Milwaukee County Resolution Recognizing Civic Achievement from the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors; and City of Milwaukee Resolution Recognizing Civic Achievement from the city of Milwaukee Common Council. The honors are for the Binieckis' work in raising awareness Central Europe and its role in history, as well as its dynamic economy and acclaimed educational system. December 2013* Nathan Nelson, associate professor of agronomy, received the Agronomic Resident Education Award from the American Society of Agronomy. November 2013

* James Shroyer, professor of agronomy and extension crops specialist, received the Crop Science Teaching Award from Crop Science Society of America. November 2013

* Sara Thurston-González, director of international student and scholar services, received the NAFSA: Association of International Educators Region II Bruce Tracy Award. This award is given to a NAFSA member in Region II whose professional and personal contributions to the fields of international education go beyond the normal expectation of the job. November 2013

* Sunanda Dissanayake, associate professor of civil engineering, was appointed chair of the American Society of Civil Engineers Transportation and Development Institute's Transportation Safety Committee. The committee disseminates safety information and provides education and training pertaining to safety issues related to the planning, design, construction and operation of transportation facilities. November 2013

* Michael Gibson, assistant professor of architecture, received a $25,000 award from the National Council of Architecture Registration Boards for his proposal, "Designing for Performance: Research and Innovation in Building Envelopes." The project seeks to explore the relationship between research and practice by joining forces with leading manufacturers of building envelope systems. Gibson is one of three national winners of the award, which is presented for developing innovative curricula that merge practice and education. November 2013

* The Irrigation Foundation named Cathie Lavis, associate professor of horticulture, forestry and recreation resources, as the recipient of the 2013 Excellence in Education Award. The award recognizes an educator who is actively teaching irrigation, water management and/or water conservation in affiliation with a 1xbet sports bettingtwo- or four-year institution. It honors academics that are playing a critical role in developing educated professionals with the knowledge and skills to create efficient irrigation solutions that will protect water and the environment. November 2013

* The American Nuclear Society selected J. Kenneth Shultis, professor of mechanical and nuclear engineering, for the 2013 Rockwell Lifetime Achievement Award. Shultis was cited for his numerous contributions over the last 50 years to the practice of shielding, shielding analyses, skyshine methodology and computer algorithms; the education of students through teaching and research; the training of professionals through short courses; the publication of textbooks and technical articles; and service to the profession. November 2013

* Walter Dodds, university distinguished professor of biology; Donald Kaufman, professor of biology; John Leslie, university distinguished professor of plant pathology and department head; and John Reese, professor of entomology, were named 2013 fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The four K-State fellows are among the 388 fellows chosen this year. Their selection follows a vote by their peers in the association, who looked at potential fellows' distinguished efforts to advance science. November 2013

* Scott Schaake, associate professor of animal sciences and industry and coach of the K-State Livestock Judging Team, was named 2013 Livestock Judging Coach of the Year at the North American Livestock Expo in Louisville, Ky. November 2013

* Christine Aikens, associate professor of chemistry, was named an outstanding alumna by her alma mater, Iowa State University. Aikens received the Outstanding Alumni Award in Chemistry from Iowa State’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. November 2013

* Michael Haddock, professor and assistant dean of the research, education and engagement division of K-State Libraries, received the Stephen L. Timmey Award for Excellence in Botany at the annual meeting of the Kansas Native Plant Society. He was selected for his 2005 book "Wildflowers and Grasses of Kansas: A Field Guide," chosen as a Kansas Notable Book in 2006 by the Kansas Center for the Book at the State Library of Kansas; for his website Kansas Wildflowers and Grasses; and for having given more than 60 native plant presentations in the past seven years. At the meeting, Haddock also was elected president of the society's board and will serve a one-year term, as well as a third three-year term on the board. November 2013

* Doris Wright Carroll, associate professor of special education, counseling and student affairs, received the Cultural Competency Award from the Kansas City chapter of the Nation’s Voice on Mental Illness. The award is given to key people in the community who have had a positive influence in the field of mental health awareness and advocacy.

* Gary Anderson, director of the K-State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, received the prestigious E.P. Pope Award from by the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians. The award provides the highest acknowledgement of those members who have made noteworthy contributions to the association and who have advanced the implementation and recognition of the specialty of veterinary diagnostic medicine. November 2013

* Jake Wakem, residence life coordinator with K-State housing and dining services, received the "Best New Presenter" award at the 2013 Upper Midwest Region-Association of College and University Housing Officers Conference, Oct. 23-25, in St. Louis. Wakem co-presented "Making the Most of Your Graduate Experience" with Phillip Neumann, residence life coordinator. Their presentation, along with "Building from Scratch: New Construction for the Newer Professionals," given by Derek Jackson, director of K-State housing and dining services, and a colleague from the University of Iowa were named among the top five presentations at the conference. Also honored at the conference was Jessica Jones, administrative assistant for residence life, the Support Staff Recognition Award for her work with the K-State housing team. November 2013

* Andrew Bennett, professor of mathematics and mathematics department head, has received the Mathematical Association of America’s Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching. October 2013

* Sue Maes, dean of continuing education at Kansas State University, was selected to serve on the Midwestern State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, or M-SARA, steering committee. The M-SARA project is the regional component of a larger national initiative that works to make distance education courses more accessible to students across state lines. It also works to make it easier for states to regulate and institutions to participate in interstate distance education. October 2013

* Mary Beth Kirkham, professor of agronomy, won the Irvin Youngberg award for Applied Sciences from the Higuchi-KU Endowment Research Achievement Awards. Kirkham is an international authority on the plant-water relations of winter wheat and the uptake of heavy metals by crops grown on polluted soil. She was the first to document the effects of elevated levels of carbon dioxide on crops grown under semi-arid conditions. October 2013

* Andrew Bennett, professor of mathematics and mathematics department head, has received the Mathematical Association of America’s Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching. October 2013

* Sue Maes, dean of continuing education at Kansas State University, was selected to serve on the Midwestern State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, or M-SARA, steering committee. The M-SARA project is the regional component of a larger national initiative that works to make distance education courses more accessible to students across state lines. It also works to make it easier for states to regulate and institutions to participate in interstate distance education. October 2013

* Mary Beth Kirkham, professor of agronomy, won the Irvin Youngberg award for Applied Sciences from the Higuchi-KU Endowment Research Achievement Awards. Kirkham is an international authority on the plant-water relations of winter wheat and the uptake of heavy metals by crops grown on polluted soil. She was the first to document the effects of elevated levels of carbon dioxide on crops grown under semi-arid conditions. October 2013

* Kansas State University's continuing education programs and staff brought home six awards from the University Professional and Continuing Education Association central region. Award winners include: Kansas Transportation Engineering Conference, Mature Noncredit Program Award; Engineering Summer Institute, Innovative Noncredit Program Award; Justin Kastner, associate professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, Excellence in Teaching Award; Jason Maseberg-Tomlinson, director of student and faculty services in the Division of Continuing Education, Professional Continuing Educator Award; Kim Schurle, the division's duplication/mail manager assistant, Continuing Education Support Specialist Award; and Michael Feingold, a May 2013 bachelor's graduate in food science, Outstanding Continuing Education Student Award. October 2013

* Dean Zollman, distinguished professor of physics, was named the 2014 recipient of the Oersted Medal, presented by the American Association of Physics Teachers. The medal will be presented at a ceremonial session of the 2014 American Association of Physics Teachers winter meeting in Orlando, Fla., in recognition of Zollman's significant contributions to physics education research and mentoring of a generation of PER researchers. October 2013

* Guihua Bai, professor of agronomy and research geneticist with the USDA, and Daniel W. Sweeney, professor at the Southeast Agricultural Research Center, were named fellows of the Crop Science Society of America. Only .3 percent 1xbet best casino websiteof the society’s active and emeritus members may be elected fellow. October 2013

* Mary Molt, associate director of housing and dining services and assistant professor of hospitality management and dietetics, was recognized by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for her outstanding service and leadership in the field of dietetics. Molt is one of eight individuals nationwide who received the 2013 Medallion Award academy’s Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo in Houston. October 2013

* Vara Prasad, professor of crop ecophysiology, received the Outstanding Senior Scientist Award from the Association of Agricultural Scientists of Indian Origin. October 2013

* Bryan Pinkall, voice instructor at the K-State School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, was selected by the Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games to join the group tasked with the production of the opening ceremony of the XXII Olympic Winter Games. October 2013

* Marne Arthaud-Day, associate professor of management in the College of Business Administration, was named an outstanding reviewer by the Academy of Management Review Editorial Review Board for the 2012-2013 term. October 2013

* For his dedication to extension, Daryl Buchholz, associate director for extension and applied research at Kansas State University, was honored with the Epsilon Sigma Phi Distinguished Service Ruby Award, the highest award granted in extension nationwide, at the Galaxy IV Conference, Sept. 16-20, in Pittsburgh, Pa. October 2013

* Jessica Heier Stamm, assistant professor in industrial manufacturing and systems engineering, has been recognized by the Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Research Institute at Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland, for having the best doctorate thesis in the last five years. Her dissertation, "Design and Analysis of Humanitarian and Public Health Logistics Systems," introduces new game theory and optimization methods for characterizing and improving the performance of logistics systems with decentralized control. October 2013

* Kansas State University President Kirk Schulz received the prestigious Distinguished Eagle Scout Award from the National Eagle Scout Association. The award recognizes individuals who, after receiving their Eagle Award at least 25 years ago, have distinguished themselves in their career and have shared their talents with their communities on a voluntary basis. September 2013

* Marne Arthaud-Day, associate professor, and Chwen Sheu, professor and department head, from management won the Best Paper Award at the seventh International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management for "The Mediation Effects of Entrepreneurship Orientation and R&D Investment: A Resource-Based View." September 2013

* Joel DeRouchey, professor of animal sciences and industry and extension specialist, was named to Vance Publishing's list of "40 Under 40 in Agriculture." Honorees were selected for their leadership and commitment in advancing the cause of doubling food production by 2050. September 2013

* College of Veterinary Medicine faculty members Mike Apley and Dan Thomson were named by Bovine Veterinarian magazine as among the 20 veterinarians who have had extraordinary influence on the beef or dairy industries. Apley, professor and section head for production medicine/clinical pharmacology, was cited for his success as a researcher, educator and practitioner, and for being a highly visible and passionate advocate for judicious use of antimicrobial drugs in animal agriculture. Thomson, the Jones professor of production medicine and epidemiology and director of the Beef Cattle Institute, was cited for his work with the institute and for his service as chair of the World Organization for Animal Health Beef Cattle Production and Animal Welfare Committee. September 2013

* Peter Magyar, professor and former head of the architecture department, released three new books this year: "Urban Innuendoes," was published in January by Trafford Publishing; "Seven Lessons on Architectural Morphogenesis," published by Trafford in March; and "The Soft Boiled Egg Scribbles: Architectural Ideas of Students," recently printed by University Printing. In all, Magyar has written eight books and has two new books in the works. September 2013

* Kirk Schulz, university president, was featured by Education Dive, a news dashboard for education professionals, as one of 10 university presidents on Twitter who understand how technology impacts education. September 2013

* The German Academic Exchange Service, the German national agency for the support of international academic cooperation, selected Alexander Ramm, professor of mathematics, as a research ambassador for the 2013-14 academic year. September 2013

* Julie Johnson, biosafety officer at the Biosecurity Research Institute and assistant vice president for research compliance, was elected a councilor for the American Biological Safety Association. The association represents the interests and needs of practitioners of biological safety and provides a forum for the continued and timely exchange of biosafety information. September 2013

* Bernard King's accreditation as a master certificated flight instructor was renewed by Master Instructors LLC, the international accrediting authority for the master instructor designation as well as the Federal Aviation Administration-approved master instructor program. King, a professor of aviation at K-State Salina, first earned this national professional accreditation in 2001 and has held it continuously since then. He is one of only 16 people worldwide to earn the credential seven times. September 2013

* Danny Rogers, professor of biological and agricultural engineering, was named a fellow of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Rogers, who has given many presentations addressing water resource management in his 36 years at K-State, is an agricultural engineer with K-State Research and Extension. He, along with K-State professor and colleague Gary Clark, was co-founder of the Kansas State University Mobile Irrigation Lab, designed to address reduced irrigation water availability. September 2013

* Jim Strine, district forester with the Kansas Forest Service in Hays, received the Presidential Field Forester Award for District 9 from the Society of American Foresters. The award is presented to foresters who have dedicated their professional careers to the application of forestry on the ground using sound scientific methods and adaptive management strategies. September 2013

* Philip Hardwidge, associate professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, was named a senior international scientist through a visiting professorship program offered by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Only about 60 international scientists receive the award annually. It can be renewed for future years. Hardwidge plans to visit China once or twice a year to help guide 1xbet online sports bettingcollaborative research programs between the college and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. August 2013

* Peter Dorhout, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and professor of chemistry, was named a fellow of the American Chemical Society. Dorhout was selected for his leadership of the college at K-State, the Graduate School at Colorado State University, his leadership in solid-state chemistry and his contributions to the American Chemical Society. August 2013

* Anil Pahwa, professor of electrical and computer engineering, received the IEEE PES Prize Paper Award for 2013 at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Power and Energy Society general meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia. The work, "Weather Normalization of Reliability Indices," published in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, was co-authored with industry members and produced in part during Pahwa's time spent as a member of an IEEE task force assigned to that topic. August 2013

* Derek Hoff, associate professor of history, won the 2013 Pacific Coast Branch Book Award from the American Historical Association-Pacific Branch for "The State and the Stork: The Population Debate and Policy Making in U.S. History," published by University of Chicago Press, 2012. The award is given annually to recognize a best first book in history. August 2013

* Dan Sweeney, professor of agronomy, was named a Crop Science Society of America fellow for 2013. The fellow designation is the highest recognition bestowed by the society. Sweeney, who is based at the K-State Southeast Agricultural Research Center in Parsons, is one of just 43 scientists who have the distinction of being named fellow of the three professional societies in his field: the American Society of Agronomy, the Soil Science Society of America and the Crop Science Society of America. August 2013

* Four animal sciences and industry faculty members were honored at the American Society of Animal Science and American Dairy Science Association Joint Annual Meeting. The honorees and their honors: Michael Dikeman, professor, American Society of Animal Science Fellow Teaching Award; Jim Drouillard, professor, American Society of Animal Science American Feed Industry Association Award – Ruminant Nutrition; Mike Brouk, associate professor, received the American Dairy Science Association Pioneer Hi-bred Forage Award; and Barry Bradford, associate professor, American Dairy Science Association Lallemand Animal Nutrition Award for Scientific Excellence in Dairy Nutrition. July 2013

* YoungAh Parks in assistant professor of psychological sciences, and Sarah Riforgiate, assistant professor of communication studies, were selected 2013-2014 Early Career Work and Family Scholars Program award recipients. The goal of the program is to provide support for recent doctoral recipients in order to advance their research, teaching and long-term career prospects. July 2013

* A paper co-authored by David Biller, professor of clinical sciences, won the European Emesis Council Best GI Paper Award 2013. "A multi-institutional study evaluating the diagnostic utility of the spec cPL™ and SNAP® cPL™ in clinical acute pancreatitis in 84 dogs" was selected from publications on the subject of small animal gastroenterology by a combination of members of the boards of the European Emesis Council and the European Society for Comparative Gastroenterology. July 2013

* Four faculty members received the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Association Teacher Fellow Award: Scott Schaake, associate professor of animal sciences and industry; Jason Ellis, associate professor of communications and agricultural education; Ganga Hettiarachchi, assistant professor of agronomy; and Teresa Douthit, assistant professor of animal sciences and industry. The award recognizes individuals whose efforts represent the very best in agricultural higher education. July 2013

* Jim Nelssen, professor of animal sciences and industry, was part of a multistate team that earned the North Central Region Excellence in Multistate Research Award from the North Central Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors. The award is given to successful, coordinated, high-impact research and extension efforts conducted by scientists from agricultural experiment stations and cooperative extension units at land-grant universities. July 2013

* Danny Rogers, professor of biological and agricultural engineering, was elected to American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers fellow status and named the society's Kansas Section 2013 Member of the Year. July 2013

* Donghai Wang, professor of biological and agricultural engineering, and two former graduate students, Karnnalin Theerarattananoon and Feng Xu, were co-authors of work that received the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Superior Paper Award. July 2013

* Jessica Heier Stamm, assistant professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering, received the New Industrial Engineering Educator Outstanding Paper Award at the 2013 American Society for Engineering Education conference. The purpose of the award is to recognize exceptional industrial engineering instruction among junior faculty members. July 2013

* Kirk Schulz, university president, and Noel Schulz, associate dean for research and graduate programs in the College of Engineering and Paslay professor of electrical and computer engineering, both received the Fort Riley Distinguished Trooper Award. The honor recognizes the sustained public service and contributions of private citizens to the Fort Riley community. June 2013

 * Bart Bryant, research associate in biology, earned the prestigious National Institutes of Health's National Research Service Award Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship, which provides $113,000 for two years. He is the seventh Kansas State University researcher to receive the award and is the only person on campus to currently hold such award. June 2013

 * Kimberly Kramer, associate professor of architectural engineering and construction science, was elected regional president of the Structural Engineering Association of Kansas and Missouri. Her term began June 1. June 2013

 * K-State entomologist Brian McCornack was awarded a North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Educational Project Award for a Web-based app. McCornack has created several valuable Web-based solution apps for enhancing the capacity of growers to manage their crops, and to more effectively and safely manage insect pests in their crops. June 2013

 * The Society of American Foresters recognized Bob Atchison as a fellow. The recognition is bestowed upon Atchison by his peers for outstanding service to the society and to the profession. June 2013

 * Robert Gamez, senior associate director of the office of student financial assistance, was named a new member of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators or NASFAA, 2013-2014 technology initiatives committee. The association's membership consists of more than 18,000 student financial aid professionals representing approximately 3,000 institutions of higher education and serving more than 16 million students. June 2013

* Terry Houser, associate professor of animal sciences 1xbet online casinoand industry, was named a recipient of the American Meat Science Association’s Distinguished Achievement Award. May 2013

* Mary Cain, associate professor of psychological sciences in Kansas State University's College of Arts and Sciences, was honored twice by the American Psychological Association. She was selected for the association's Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology and received the Clifford T. Morgan Award for Distinguished Service to the association's Division 6. The institute selection was made based on Cain's career achievements and leadership potential. The award recognizes members who have made sustained and exceptional contributions to the division. May 2013

* Cathie Lavis, associate professor and extension specialist of landscape horticulture, received the American Horticultural Society 2013 Teaching Award. This national award is given to an individual whose abilities to share horticultural knowledge with others has contributed to a better public understanding of the plant world and its importance on society. May 2013

* Sanjeev Narayanan, associate professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, was elected to serve a three-year term on the board of governors of the American College of Veterinary Microbiologists.

* Teresa Douthit, assistant professor of animal sciences and industry, and Scott Schaake, associate professor of animal sciences and industry, been named teacher fellows for 2013 by the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture. May 2013

* Jim Drouillard, professor of animal sciences 1xbet online casinoand industry, was named a recipient of the the 2013 American Feed Industry Association Award in Ruminant Nutrition Research. May 2013

* Recognized for his leadership in beef cattle health and food safety, Mike Apley, professor of production medicine and clinical pharmacology, received the 2013 Outstanding Service Award from the Academy of Veterinary Consultants. Apley was honored for dedicating his career to improving animal health and veterinary medicine by sharing his insights and expertise on antibiotic use in livestock. May 2013

* Sue Maes, dean of the Division of Continuing Education, was the first recipient of the International Leadership Award from the University Professional and Continuing Education Association. She received the recognition for her efforts toward increasing globalization for the university and advocating for international collaboration. April 2013.

* The latest book by Phillip Nel, professor of English and director of the graduate program in children's literature, was nominated for a 2013 Will Eisner Comic Industry Award. The award is the comic book industry's most prestigious honor. Nel's book, "Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss: How an Unlikely Couple Found Love, Dodged the FBI, and Transformed Children’s Literature," is nominated for a 2013 Will Eisner Comic Industry Award in the Best Educational/Academic Work category. April 2013

* Randall Phebus, professor of food safety in the animal sciences and industry department and core faculty in the K-State Food Science Institute, was the 2013 recipient of the International Association for Food Protection Elmer Marth Educator Award. The award recognizes an active member for dedicated and exceptional contributions to the educator profession. April 2013

* Roger Adams, associate professor at Hale Library, was elected to the national governing board of the Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association. His term expires in 2016. April 2013

* Dale Herspring, university distinguished professor of political science, published his 13th book, "Civil-Military Relations and Shared Responsibility: A Four-Nation Study." It was released April 26 by Johns Hopkins University Press. The book is a four-nation study of military and civilian relationships in the U.S., Russia, Germany and Canada. Herspring has extensively researched the U.S., Russia and Germany, and focuses this book on civil-military relations after World War II. April 2013

* Raylene Alexander, associate professor of aviation maintenance and avionics at K-State Salina, renewed her Master Aviation Educator accreditation, which recognizes individuals who are professional educators in the aviation field but who do not necessarily hold Federal Aviation Administration flight instructor certification. Alexander is one of only 131 people worldwide to earn the credential two times. She first earned this national professional accreditation in 2010. April 2013

* Terry Houser, assistant professor of animal sciences and industry, was the recipient of the American Meat Science Association's 2013 Achievement Award. April 2013

* The Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture recognized Tim Keane, professor of landscape architecture with its 2013 Excellence in Research award at the senior level. The award is given for outstanding, innovative and noteworthy research and creative works. Keane was nominated unanimously by the faculty of the department of landscape architecture and regional and community planning. He was recognized at the council's recent 2013 meeting. April 2013

* The Academy of Veterinary Consultants honored Mike Apley, professor of clinical sciences, with its annual Distinguished Service Award, citing his dedicated service to the organization and the beef industry overall. April 2013

* Robert Weaber, K-State Research and Extension beef breeding and cow/calf specialist, received the 2013 American Dairy Science Association / American Society of Animal Science Midwest Section Outstanding Young Extension Specialist Award. His work focuses on cow-calf production and shows producers how to use certain genetic selection tools. By selecting animals with certain genetic traits, cattle producers can improve meat production and animal health. Weaber also encourages cattle producers to collect data and track genetic progress in their herds. March 2013

* Katherine Ankerson, professor and head of the department of interior architecture and product design, and Neal Hubbell, associate professor and associate head of the department, were part of a 10-member, four-university team that that received the Interior Design Educators Council's 2013 Media Award for their collaborative effort on the Lighting Across the (Design) Curriculum website. The award is given for recognition of the content of an outstanding visual media piece that exhibits excellence in addressing issues of the discipline of interior design including practice, research and education. The project was funded with a grant from the Nuckolls Fund for Lighting Education. Ankerson was the project lead. March 2013

* Jennifer Minick Bormann, an associate professor of animal sciences and industry, received the 2013 American Dairy Science Association/American Society of Animal Science Midwest Section Outstanding Young Teacher Award. The award is given to educators who make significant contributions early in their careers. The 2013 award is sponsored by the American Society of Animal Science Foundation. Bormann teaches six classes and advises 60 undergraduate students at K-State. She is also the primary adviser to the K-State Pre-Vet Club. March 2013

* Timothy Musch, professor of kinesiology and anatomy 1xbet online casinoand physiology at Kansas State University, is the American Physiological Society's 2013 Arthur C. Guyton Physiology Educator of the Year. The national honor recognizes Musch for making a significant impact on the students he teaches, on his institution, and an enduring and significant impact on physiology education on the national and international stage. March 2013

* For the second year in a row, a book by a K-State professor is being named the best in the interior design field. "Illustrated Codes of Designers: Residential," written by Katherine Ankerson, professor and head of the department of interior architecture and product design in the university's College of Architecture, Planning and Design, received the 2013 Interior Design Educators Council's Book Award. The book is published by Fairchild Books and co-branded by the International Codes Council. Vibhavari Jani, associate professor of interior architecture and product design, won the Interior Design Educator Council's 2012 Book Award for her book, " Diversity in Design: Perspective from the Non-Western World." March 2013

* K-State become the first university in the nation to have two faculty members earn the prestigious Distinguished Professor award from the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, or ACSA, in the same year. Gary Coates and Wendy Ornelas, both professors of architecture were named 2012-2013 Distinguished Professors by the association. The award is given to only four individuals each year. It recognizes sustained creative achievement in the advancement of architectural education through teaching, design, scholarship, research or service. March 2013

* Brandon Haddock, student services coordinator at the university's LGBT Resource Center, received the Campus Pride Voice and Action National Leadership Award for Advisers for his work at the center, which is the first full-time resource center for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender individuals at an institution of higher learning in Kansas. The award honor individuals who use their voice to speak up and take action to make a difference. Campus Pride is an organization for student leaders and campus groups working to create a safer college environment for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender students. March 2013

* Richard Marston, university distinguished professor and head of the department of geography, has received the 2013 Meredith F. Burill Award by the Association of American Geographers. The award honors work of exceptional merit and quality that lies at or near the intersection of basic research in geography on the one hand, and practical applications or policy implications on the other. March 2013

* Chuck Rice, university distinguished professor of agronomy, has been appointed to the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, or CIAT, board of trustees for his expertise on soils and climate. The center’s mission is to reduce hunger and poverty, and improve human health in the tropics through research aimed at increasing the eco-efficiency of agriculture. Rice is one of 10 board members. March 2013

* Frank Tracz, director of bands, was inducted into the American Bandmasters Association. Founded by Edwin F. Goldman in 1929, with John Philip Sousa as the only honorary life president, the association recognizes outstanding achievement on the part of concert band conductors and composers. The membership is by invitation only and comprises approximately 300 band conductors and composers in the U.S. and Canada. March 2013

* Ron Elmore, associate dean of academic programs, admissions and diversity for the College of Veterinary Medicine, was named the recipient of the Association of American Veterinary Medical College's 2013 Iverson Bell Recognition Award for his extraordinary contributions to advancing inclusion and diversity in academic veterinary medicine. Among his many accomplishments, Elmore created the elective course "Practicing Veterinary Medicine in a Multicultural Society, which is designed to help students develop an awareness and appreciation of diversity in all of its dimensions in order to communicate effectively with those from cultures that are different from their own. February 2013

* David Thompson, professor and chair of the department of educational leadership, received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Education Finance Conference, a community of scholars devoted to the study and improvement of education funding structures in the United States and other countries. The recognition applauds the efforts of individuals who devote their professional career and energy to funding education for all learners. February 2013.

* The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education is presenting Amanda Morales, assistant professor of curriculum and instruction, with its 2013 Outstanding Dissertation Award. Morales was selected for her study of factors of resiliency, persistence and racial uplift among nontraditional, Latina English language learners in teacher education. February 2013.

* Christine Wilson, assistant dean for academic programs in the College of Agriculture, was accepted for the 2012-2014 Food Systems Leadership Institute, an executive leadership development program for academia, industry and government. The institute enhances personal and professional development by emphasizing leadership competencies, skills for organizational change and a broad, interdisciplinary perspective of food systems. The institute experience prepares scholars for upper-level leadership roles in food system programs, and to assume broader leadership responsibilities within their organizations. February 2013.

* David Stone, Pickett professor of military history, won a Moncado Prize from the Society for Military History for his article "Misreading Svechin: Attrition, Annihiliation and Historicism." The article appeared in the July 2012 issue of the Journal of Military History. February 2013.

* Gayle Doll, assistant professor of family studies and human services and director of the Center on Aging, was named a fellow of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, the educational unit of the Gerontological Society of America. The honor recognizes outstanding leadership in gerontology and geriatric education. Under Doll's leadership, the number of students enrolled in gerontology, a secondary major, has quadrupled. The center also has become renowned for its work in changing the culture of nursing homes to become more person centered. February 2013

* Jim Drouillard, professor of animal sciences and industry, developed a technique that enriches ground beef with omega-3 fatty acids -- fatty acids that have been shown to reduce heart disease, cholesterol and high blood pressure. The enriched ground beef is named GreatO Premium Ground Beef and is being sold through Manhattan-based company NBO3 Technologies LLC. February 2013

* An essay written by Jim Sherow, professor of history, and Bonnie Lynn-Sherow, associate professor of history, 1xbet best casino websitewas included in a commemorative portfolio given to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and 200 select guests at the 2013 presidential inauguration luncheon. The Sherows were among the prominent historians invited to submit an essay for the portfolio, which celebrated the accomplishments of the Abraham Lincoln administration 150 years ago. The Sherows wrote about the Morrill Land-Grant College Act, pegging it to the opening of K-State as the nation's first operational land-grant university. January 2013

* Sandra Stith, director of the marriage and family therapy program and the Vera Mowrey McAninch professor in the School of Family Studies and Human Services, was named a fellow of the National Council on Family Relations. Stith is the author of "Couples Therapy for Domestic Violence: Finding Safe Solutions. She has edited three books on intimate partner violence, is author of more than 60 articles and book chapters, and has received funding from the National Institutes of Health to develop and test a couple's treatment program for intimate partner violence. January 2013

* David Carter, pollution prevention specialist with the Pollution Prevention Institute, engineering extension, received his national certification from RABQSA as an auditor for energy management systems established under ISO 50001. Carter is one of only 46 ISO 50001 certified auditors in the United States. January 2012

* Liang Fan, university distinguished professor of chemical engineering, was honored with a special issue of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Volume 52, Issue 1, pages 1-546, dedicated to his lifelong contribution in chemical and process systems engineering. January 2013

* Art DeGroat, K-State's director of military affairs and a retired Army lieutenant colonel, was appointed a member of the National Advisory Board of the All Glory Project. The project is a national nonprofit organization that promotes equine- and animal-assisted therapy for wounded veterans and their families. January 2012

* The U.S. Department of Agriculture awarded $5.08 million to a team of researchers, led by Xiuzhi "Susan" Sun, university distinguished professor of grain science and industry, to study the potential of the oilseed camelina as an environmentally-friendly commercial biofuel feedstock, particularly for biodiesel and jet fuel. The overall goal is to make oilseed camelina a cost-effective bioenergy and bio-based product feedstock. January 2013

2012 Faculty

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