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2010 Judging Teams Achievement

* The K-State Crops Team is the national champion for the second year in a row. K-State has now won the national crops championship in nine of the past 12 years. The team won both the Kansas City Board of Trade and Chicago CME Group Collegiate Crops contests to secure the 2010 national championship. K-State’s team placed first at Kansas City as well as Chicago in the plant and seed identification 1xbet sports bettingand grain grading components of the contest. The team was second in Chicago and third in Kansas City in the seed analysis component. The Kansas City and Chicago contests took place on Nov. 16 and 20, respectively. Dec. 2010

* The Horse Judging Team won the 2010 American Quarter Horse Association World Show Horse Judging Contest Nov. 18. Along with winning the overall division, they team won high team halter, high team performance, and high team reasons. Individual honors include Meg Drake as reserve high individual overall, high individual in reasons, reserve high individual in halter, and fifth high individual performance. Nov. 2010

* The Livestock Judging Team won Reserve National Champion honors at the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville. The team placed 1xbet best casino websitefirst in performance classes, second in reasons, second in sheep, second in hogs, and fifth in cattle. In individual overall, Seth Keas placed first, and Jara Settles was one of 11 individuals selected to receive a 2010 All American Award from the Intercollegiate Livestock Judging Team Coaches Association. Nov. 2010

* The Meat Judging Team finished third overall at the 2010 International Meat Judging Contest in Dakota City, Neb. The team finished first in beef judging and total placings; second in lamb judging and overall beef; third in pork judging; and fourth in beef grading and reasons. Individually, Kyla Clawson finished second overall by earning first place in beef judging and in overall beef, second in beef grading, third in reasons, fourth in lamb judging, and fifth 1xbet best casino websitein placings. She also earned second team All-American honors. Nov. 2010

* The K-State Collegiate Crops Team placed first in the Central Regional Crops Contest in Manhattan, winning all three phases of the contest: seed analysis, grain grading, and plant and seed identification. In addition, the team captured the top three individual overall placings: Ben Meyer, junior, was the high individual overall, followed by Jason Unruh, senior, in second, and Nathan Stensaas, senior, in third place. The team is coached by Kevin Donnelly, K-State professor of agronomy. Oct. 2010

* A K-State Soil Judging Team won third place winner in the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture national soil judging contest. The competition was April 15-17 at Redlands Community College in El Reno, Okla. 1xbet sports bettingA total of 22 teams -- including two teams from K-State -- and 93 individuals competed in the event. Paul Hartley, graduate student in agronomy, Strong City, and Mickey Ransom, professor of agronomy, served as coaches for the team. Kelsey McGie, senior in milling science and management,Iola, served as assistant coach. April 2010

* The K-State Crops Team took first place in the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture national crops contest April 16 at Redlands Community College in El Reno, Okla. A total of 22 teams competed, 13 in the four-year division and nine in the two-year division. The K-State team also took home four of the top five individual placings. It is the second straight title in the contest for the K-State team, and the team's ninth title in the last 12 years, according to Kevin Donnelly, 1xbet best casino websiteteam coach and a K-State professor of agronomy. The contest has four components: laboratory practical, agronomic exam, math practical, and plant and seed identification. The K-State team placed first in the laboratory, math and identification components, and second in the exam. April 2010

2009 judging team