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The 2024 All-1xbet online casino Awards Ceremony

Thursday, May 9 | 3:30 p.m. | K-State Alumni Center Ballroom

President Richard Linton and Interim Provost Debbie Mercer will host the All-1xbet online casino Awards Ceremony and reception which is open to the entire 1xbet online casino community, as well as the families of the awardees. Refreshments will be served.

Big 12 Faculty Fellowships

Awarded to faculty members who have completed the 1xbet online sports betting of sti. The recipients traveled to member institutions to participate in cross mentoring among universities, developing working relationships and exchanging ideas with others.

1xbet online casino recipients:

  • Mary Cain, professor in the 1xbet online casino psychological sciences
  • Jon Hunt, professor in the 1xbet online casino landscape architecture and regional & community planning
  • Shakil Bin Kashem, assistant professor in the 1xbet online casino landscape architecture and regional & community planning
  • Kim Klinger-Logan, assistant professor in the 1xbet online casino mathematics
  • Davood Pourkargar, assistant professor in the Tim Taylor 1xbet online casino Chemical Engineering and graduate faculty at the Food Science Institute
  • Jason Scuilla, professor in the 1xbet online casino art and area coordinator of printmaking
  • Shannon Skelton, associate professor in the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance
  • Peter Stoepker, assistant professor in the 1xbet online casino kinesiology
  • Yue Teng Vaughan, assistant professor in the 1xbet online casino hospitality management

Coffman Chair for Distinguished Teaching Scholars

The Coffman Chair for Distinguished Teaching Scholars was created in 1995 to highlight Kansas State 1xbet online casino ’s commitment to excellence in undergraduate teaching and learning. A faculty member acknowledged as a leading teaching scholar is appointed to the chair for one academic year, but all who are selected retain the title of 1xbet online casino Distinguished Teaching Scholar throughout their careers.

1xbet online casino recipient:

  • Alex Shanoyan, associate professor in the 1xbet online casino agricultural economics

Commerce Bank and W.T. Kemper Foundation Distinguished Graduate Faculty Awards

Commerce Bank and W.T. Kemper Foundation Distinguished Graduate Faculty 1xbet online casino is an opportunity to showcase faculty members who excel in teaching, research and the mentoring of students. The Commerce Bancshares Foundation and the William T. Kemper Foundation support these awards to help the university honor its exceptional graduate faculty.

1xbet online casino recipients:

  • Jeffrey Pickering, professor in the 1xbet online casino political science and the graduate program in security studies
  • Yong-Cheng Shi, professor in the 1xbet online casino grain science and industry

Commerce Bank and W.T. Kemper Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Awards

For more than two decades, Commerce Bank and the W. T. Kemper Foundation have partnered with Kansas State 1xbet online casino to promote and support excellence in undergraduate teaching. These recipients are committed to having a positive effect on students.

1xbet online casino recipients:

  • Grant Alford, associate professor in the 1xbet online casino architecture
  • Julia Keen, professor in the 1xbet online casino architectural engineering and construction science
  • Ryan Rafferty, associate professor in the 1xbet online casino chemistry
  • Brandon Savage, instructor in the 1xbet online casino management

Commerce Bank Presidential Faculty/Staff 1xbet online casino for Distinguished Services to Historically Underrepresented Students

Commerce Bank Presidential Faculty and Staff 1xbet online casino for Distinguished Services to Historically Underrepresented Students was established in 1978 to recognize outstanding individual contributions to the development of minority students and quality minority education at Kansas State University.

1xbet online casino recipient:

  • María Teresa DePaoli, professor in the 1xbet online casino modern languages

Commerce Bank Presidential Student 1xbet online casino for Distinguished Services in Enhancing Multiculturalism

Commerce Bank Presidential Student Awards for Distinguished Services in Enhancing Multiculturalism was established in spring 1997 to recognize outstanding individual contributions to diversity enhancement within the student sector.

1xbet online casino recipients:

  • Roselle Barretto, doctoral student in biological and agricultural engineering

Graduate Faculty Mentor Awards

The Graduate Faculty Mentor Awards serves to recognize graduate faculty who positively impact graduate student success through their exceptional mentoring. High-quality faculty mentoring plays an important role in graduate student academic success, career readiness, and personal well-being. Candidates for this 1xbet online casino are selected based on their students’ participation in annual research forum events and student nomination.

1xbet online casino recipients:

  • Ajay Sharda, professor in the 1xbet online casino biological and agricultural engineering
  • Susmita Rishi, associate professor in the 1xbet online casino landscape architecture and regional & community planning

International Educator of the Year

The International Educator of the Year 1xbet online casino , established in 2003, recognizes an individual who has contributed to advancing international education at the university.

1xbet online casino recipient:

  • Mona Menking, director of the Office of Global Education Outreach in the college of education

International Innovative Education Program of the Year 1xbet online casino

The International Innovation Education Program of the Year 1xbet online casino was created in 2012 to highlight an external organization that goes above and beyond promoting international education initiatives and serving K-State's global student body. The 1xbet online casino is presented by the Office of International Programs.

1xbet online casino recipient:

  • Food and Farm Council of Riley County and City of Manhattan

Kansas State University Excellence in Engagement 1xbet online casino

Established in 2011 by the Office of Provost, the Kansas State 1xbet online casino Excellence in Engagement awards are given to highlight excellence in engaged scholarship (via research, teaching, and/or outreach). These awards recognize initiatives that demonstrate innovative and/or sustained efforts in 1xbet online casino /community engagement positively impacting both 1xbet online casino and community partners.

1xbet online casino recipient:

  • College of Veterinary Medicine Community Outreach team

Outstanding Support for International Initiatives 1xbet online casino

The Outstanding Support for International Initiatives 1xbet online casino was created in 2013 to recognize a K-State department, unit or organization that has gone above and beyond in global engagement, in support of international initiatives and/or in serving a global student and/or faculty body in extraordinary ways. The 1xbet online casino is presented by the Office of International Programs during International Education Week.

1xbet online casino recipient:

  • First-generation Student Center

Presidential Awards of Excellence for Unclassified Professionals

K-State's unclassified staff members are an integral part of moving the university forward. The President's 1xbet online casino of Excellence for Unclassified Professionals rewards and recognizes those staff members who achieve excellence and make exemplary contributions to the mission and values of K-State through service as team players, exceptional productivity, creativity, leadership and more.

1xbet online casino recipients:

Belonging category
• Rebeca Paz, assistant director for the First-generation Student Center

Distinguished Accomplishment category
• Kristina Wyatt, director for the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory

Leadership category
• Marcia Hornung, director for the Menard Family Center for Principled Business

Productivity, Creativity or Innovation category
• Mary Hellmer, human capital specialist for extension operations

Team Building, Group Activity, and Service to the 1xbet online casino category
• Stacy Divine, IT business analyst for the Division of Information Technology

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching recognize compassion, dedication and creativity to undergraduate teaching. The Office of the President and the Curtin Property Company sponsor three awards for faculty and one 1xbet online casino for a graduate teaching assistant.

1xbet online casino recipients:

Graduate Teaching Assistant 1xbet online casino
• Endy Kailer, doctoral student in agronomy

Faculty 1xbet online casino
• Christian Larson, instructor in the 1xbet online casino kinesiology

Presidential 1xbet online casino for Outstanding Department Head

The Presidential 1xbet online casino for Outstanding Department Head is presented each year to a department head who is proactive, positive, fair and equitable, and who cooperates with units across the university. The 1xbet online casino is sponsored by the Office of the President and Curtin Property Company.

1xbet online casino recipient:

  • Ray Buyle, department head and professor in the 1xbet online casino architectural engineering and construction science

University 1xbet online casino for Distinguished Undergraduate Student in Research

The University 1xbet online casino for Distinguished Undergraduate Student in Research was originally established by the Developing Scholars Program to recognize outstanding individual contributions in research for the purpose of discovery and creation of new knowledge at Kansas State University. The 1xbet online casino is for an undergraduate student who has demonstrated excellence in research in any field.

1xbet online casino recipient:

  • Emily Tolbert, undergraduate student in biology

University Distinguished Faculty 1xbet online casino for Mentoring of Undergraduate Students in Research

In Kansas State University's mission to become a Top 50 public research university by 2025, few things are more vital than teaching students the importance of research to advance our world. The University Distinguished Faculty 1xbet online casino for Mentoring of Undergraduate Students in Research recognizes a faculty member who has contributed to the development of undergraduates in research in the previous year.

1xbet online casino recipient:

  • Kaliramesh Siliveru, associate professor in the 1xbet online casino grain science and industry

University Outstanding Department or Unit 1xbet online casino for Enhancing Diversity

Established in 2003, the University Outstanding Department or Unit 1xbet online casino for Enhancing Diversity recognizes the exceptional efforts undertaken by a unit or department to enhance diversity at Kansas State University.

1xbet online casino recipient:

  • Education Abroad Office

1xbet online casino Support Staff Awards of Excellence

This 1xbet online casino was established to recognize exemplary performance and contributions of university support staff members who consistently excel in their positions and demonstrate integrity and a strong commitment to the mission and values of K-State. 1xbet online casino criteria include outstanding achievement and performance; inspirations of excellence in others; and initiative and creativity.

1xbet online casino recipients:

Office and Clerical category
• Teresa Baughman, international admissions specialist in the Graduate School

Service and Maintenance/Skilled Crafts category
• Jacob Boggs, maintenance repair tech II for facilities custodial services

Technical and Professional category
• Peter Nelson, research technologist in the 1xbet online casino physics