The college 1xbet online sports betting Transition Toolbox

The AAC is here to help with the transition into college! We know you probably have a lot of questions, and we're here to answer them! You can also check out any of our Academic Success Tools designed specifically for this major transition:

Canvas Tips

Some helpful tips for Canvas, K-State's learning platform.

Navigating Course Expectations

Use the tool to help identify success critical for each class.

Office Hour Tips

Learn about how office hours are for you.

Syllabus Summary

A one-pager for all the important syllabi information

Week at a Glance

Create your schedule to help you manage your time

Resources for success:

From 0.4 GPA to 4.0 GPA, tutoring is for everyone
College is a marathon, not a sprint. Learn to pace yourself and ask for help.
Accommodations for all your needs -- like 504s and IEPs