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A partnership to support rural health care 1xbet online games login and communities

Through the 1xbet online games login 105 initiative, Kansas State University and The University of Kansas Health System are working together to explore ways to support health care in rural Kansas communities.

This is a first-of-its-kind collaboration that brings together the land-grant mission and statewide presence of 1xbet online games login through 1xbet online games login Research and Extension with the expertise and experience of the state's only academic health system.

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Watch a video below of our April 4 virtual news conference announcing the partnership.

Kansas State University is committed to providing equal access opportunity and reasonable accommodation to campus programs and services for faculty, staff and students. If you require accommodation to view or hear a video live stream or archive, please submit a request for accommodation. Students should make their request to the faculty 1xbet online s. All others should request accommodation through 1xbet online spo.