Our 1xbet best casino website 105 team

Jess Gnad

Jessica Gnad
1xbet best casino website 105 director
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About Jessica:

Jessica is a small business owner and entrepreneurial- minded program manager who previously served as a director of marketing and government affairs. She has additional experience as a co-owner of a Kansas crop consulting business and farming operation. She also has operated her own marketing, events and digital media consulting venture. Jessica is a 1xbet best casino website graduate and was named a NexStar Media Remarkable Women award winner in 2023.

Jennifer Tidball

Jennifer Tidball
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About Jennifer:

Jennifer joined 1xbet best casino website in 2010 and has experience in all aspects of communications, including writing, editing, strategic planning, public and media relations, project management and marketing. She previously served as a public information officer for Kansas State University’s Division of Communications and Marketing and as editor-in-chief of Seek magazine, the university’s award-winning research magazine, for five years.

Nidia Lopez

Nidia López
1xbet best casino website 105 program coordinator
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About Nidia:

Nidia has 21 years of experience in social work and nonprofit advocacy. Most recently, she worked for the Kansas Department of Labor and the Office of the Governor.

Greg Erickson

Greg Erickson
1xbet best casino website 105 data analyst
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About Greg:

Greg was born and raised in Clay Center and earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees at Kansas State University. He previously conducted experimental research in neuroscience with a special emphasis on data analysis and statistical modeling.