1xbet online casino Facility

Mouse retina inner limiting membrane showing fibers from the vitrious humorWe welcome researchers from all of the Kansas State University Colleges, other academic institutions, and industry. This is a fee for services facility housed in the basement of Ackert Hall in the Division of Biology. This facility is happy to support and offer specimen preparation services including negative staining, plunge freezing, chemical fixation, freeze-substitution, immuno-labeling, resin sectioning, sputter coating and others. In addition, imaging services include conventional transmission electron 1xbet online casino (TEM), scanning electron 1xbet online casino (SEM), light 1xbet online casino (phase contrast, differential interference, bright field, dark field), fluorescence 1xbet online casino , laser scanning confocal 1xbet online casino (LSM),fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching (FRAP), Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET), cryo-electron 1xbet online casino , SEM electron dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and electron diffraction. Classes Biol 888 and 886 are offered to become familiar with equipment, microscopes, and techniques associated with electron, confocal, fluorescence, and light microscopies. Biol 888 electron 1xbet online casino class is offered during the Fall Semester of even numbered years. Biol 886 light, fluorescence, and confocal 1xbet online casino class is offered during the Fall semesters of odd numbered years.

1xbet online casino Facility
Daniel L Boyle, Ph.D.

Director, KSU 1xbet online casino Facility
Division of Biology