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Welcome to the Michel laboratory 1xbet online games login

Our laboratory studies host-pathogen interactions important for mosquito-borne disease transmission.

Specifically, we study the 1xbet online games login of mosquitoes and how it relates to the pathogens these insects transmit. Our efforts are focused in two major research areas.

The first is understanding the protease network that regulates innate immune responses. This network allows the mosquito's 1xbet online games login to fend off potentially harmful microorganisms without becoming overzealous.

The second is to understand the interactions of mosquitoes and fungi ranging from food source to mortal enemy. We study how these encounters shape the mosquito's 1xbet online games login and physiology.

To do our work, we use techniques from fields such as bioinformatics, biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, and ecology. Our long term goal is to apply our findings to the improvement of vector control strategies.

Research Areas

The mosquito's 1xbet online games login
A brief overview of the innate 1xbet online games login in mosquitoes.

Learn more about these fascinating proteins and how they affect parasite development in the mosquito vector.

Circulatory cells in insects and their function in mosquito immunity.