welcome 1xbet online casino

Trademark 1xbet online casino exists to protect and promote the names, marks, and logos of Kansas State University, and is administered by the Director of Trademark 1xbet online casino . K-State is contracted with the agency Affinity 1xbet online casino to help in the administration, protection, and marketing of our program.

If you are needing to purchase K-State products, please visit the retailers section of our site. As you are out looking for K-State gear, be sure to look for the officially licensed label.

This is a resource for those who are licensed and those interested in becoming licensed.

Tami L. Breymeyer
Director of 1xbet online casino

How to Start the 1xbet online casino Process

To start the 1xbet online casino process, you will need to register and then apply through Affinity 1xbet online casino . K-State is a member of the Fair Labor Association (FLA), we want to ensure our products are being made in safe conditions where worker's rights are protected.

License Basics

  • Established: February 16, 1863
  • School Color: Purple
  • Athletic Conference: Big 12, NCAA Division I-A
  • Athletic Mascot: Willie the Wildcat
  • Athletic Team Name: Wildcats
  • Fight Song: Wildcat Victory
  • Fun Spirit Song: Wabash Cannonball
  • Royalty Rate: 16%