welcome 1xbet online games login to the EXCITE Program at K-State

Exploring Science, Technology, and Engineering (EXCITE) is designed to encourage and support students in grades 9-12 to pursue a future in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and agriculture. The goal of the program is to encourage girls' continuing interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. We offer semester 1xbet online games login and a 3 day, 2 night summer workshop on the main K-State campus in Manhattan KS for high school students. All 1xbet online games login offer hands-on activities that focus on how scientists and engineers help make the world a better place.

Information about our 1xbet online games login and programs, including how to register, can be found on our events 1xbet online casino page.

If you would like to receive email updates on programs and 1xbet online games login , including our monthly newsletter, please contact us at kawse@k-state.edu.

EXCITE Navigation

EXCITE 2016 Summer Workshop