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Military 1xbet best casino website has long been an area of strength for Kansas State University’s 1xbet best casino website department.

Four faculty members concentrate on some aspect of military 1xbet best casino website , and have published an impressive range of books and articles. David A. gr works on China and East Asia, specifically ancient and medieval Chinese warfare; Andrew orr is a specialist in modern military 1xbet best casino website , having published on European and American military 1xbet best casino website , intelligence operations in the Middle East, imperialism, civil-military relations, and the 1xbet best casino website of French Communist Party. 1xbet online game focuses on the modern United States' military, with an emphasis on unconventional warfare, civil-military relations, and the role of the media in shaping foreign policy. michael 1xbet o works on U.S. foreign relations and war in the twentieth century with an emphasis on technology and the Pacific.

This concentration of faculty has produced a critical mass of graduate students who focus on some aspect of military 1xbet best casino website broadly considered. As faculty interests range widely across the field, student research covers traditional operational military 1xbet best casino website alongside approaches one might term “war and society,” incorporating culture, technology, or gender. Our masters graduates have gone on to careers in public 1xbet best casino website , to government service, or to Ph.D work (here and elsewhere). Our Ph.D graduates have taken traditional teaching positions at a wide range of institutions. They have also gone on to museum and archival jobs, and a substantial number work as staff historians for the US military.

Kansas State enjoys strong relationships with a variety of institutions in the region, providing students with a range of research and professional opportunities. This includes the Truman and Eisenhower Presidential Libraries, where many students conduct research for seminar papers, theses, or dissertations and gain valuable experience in public 1xbet best casino website . Kansas State has many close ties to Fort Riley and its Cavalry Museum, and also collaborates with Fort Leavenworth on a variety of educational and research initiatives as part of the Leavenworth National Security Education Consortium. Kansas State has a long 1xbet best casino website of training students in airpower and aviation 1xbet best casino website , and has links with Air University (USAF) and its constituent schools including the Air Command and Staff College.

The Kansas State faculty encourage potential students to contact them with any questions relating to their research or to graduate study in the field.

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Explore the close relationship K-State has with the Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth and find out what it takes to earn your MA or PhD in Security Studies from Kansas State University. For both military and non-military students and professionals on the Manhattan campus, stationed at Ft. Leavenworth, or anywhere in the world. Both the MA and PhD Security Studies programs are available entirely online via Zoom.

Military 1xbet best casino website and International Relations Faculty

View the full list of Military Historians in the department Milit.