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  5. »Ombudspersons

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At K-State an ombudsperson is an impartial faculty member or unclassified professional who serves as a resource to facilitate communication regarding concerns related to employment. The ombudsperson may also provide information about the grievance and appeal process and guide a grievant through the initial stages of a grievance. The ombudsperson assists faculty and unclassified professionals, including administrators, to provide information and facilitate communication.


Kansas State University Appointed Ombudspersons

 Tara ColemanJared MeitlerAlfred Cochran
Tara Coleman
Associate Professor
Hale Library
Email: tcole2@k-state.edu

Jared Meitler
Pre-Professional Advising Center

Alfred W. Cochran
Professor, School of Music, Theatre, and Dance
Phone: 785-532-5740
Email: cochalw@ksu.edu       

IOA - Who Are Ombuds?

Learn more about ombuds, their profession and how they can help K-State 1xbet online casinomeet is full potential.

Kansas State University is committed to providing equal access opportunity and reasonable accommodation to campus programs and services for faculty, staff and students. If you require accommodation to view or hear a video live stream or archive, please submit a request for accommodation. Students should make their request to the Student Access Center. All others should request accommodation through Human Resources.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who appoints the Ombudspersons?

The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate appoints three ombudspersons to serve at any given time. Ombudspersons may be a tenured faculty member or an unclassified professional on a regular appointment. They are selected for their familiarity with the university's structure and operations, and many have served on Faculty Senate or the General Grievance Board. Each ombudsperson serves a three-year term that begins the first day of each fall semester. Service 1xbet online casinoas an ombudsperson is considered as part of the ombudsperson's responsibility during the term of appointment. Assistance provided by ombudspersons is free of charge.


Who can contact an Ombudsperson?

Ombudspersons are available to assist all faculty and unclassified professionals, including administrators. Faculty include all individuals with the academic ranks of Instructor through Full Professor. Graduate research and teaching assistants (GRA's and GTA's) are also on faculty appointments. Unclassified professionals include all who do not hold academic rank and do not have a University Support Staff (USS) classification. All Research Assistants/Associates and Extension Assistants/Associates are unclassified professionals. Also, unclassified professionals serve in student service departments or in other support units of the university. Directors, assistants, coordinators, and specialists who are not USS are examples 1xbet sports bettingof unclassified professionals.


What types of concerns can be discussed with an Ombudsperson?
  • Issues related to promotion and/or tenure
  • Issues related to renewal of probationary contract
  • Salary inequity
  • Evaluation disputes
  • Disputes between faculty or unclassified professionals and administration
  • Disputes between faculty members or unclassified professionals
  • Other issues of concern regarding employment

It is suggested that ombudspersons be consulted early in any of the above situations.


What type of help does an Ombudsperson provide?
  • Serve as a listener who will maintain a degree of confidentiality
  • Provide information on university policies and procedures
  • Facilitate communication and/or attend meetings to listen to concerns and/or seek resolution
  • Provide guidance regarding the grievance process
  • Advise about appropriateness of mediation and how to access it


What an Ombudsperson does NOT do:
  • Act as an advocate for either side
  • Determine who is "right" or "wrong"
  • Determine violations of policy
  • Make management decisions
  • Make policy
  • Advise or attend ADA accommodation interactive meetings
  • Testify in any formal process inside or outside the university "unless required by subpoena"

Selected Policies and Procedures: