1xbet online games login Design Laboratory

What is EDL?

EDL was created to support research and development programs within the Kansas Regents University System.

EDL provides researchers with access to advanced 1xbet online games login , assists with integrating 1xbet online games login technology into research programs, and aids in 1xbet online games login technology transfer to users by providing ongoing technical support. EDL works in cooperation with many diverse academic departments for a symbiotic approach to problem solving.

EDL Goals

  • Give the faculty easier access to state of the art 1xbet online games login technologies
  • Assist with integrating new electronic technologies into research programs
  • Transfer those technologies to the users when economical
  • Provide cradle-to-grave support for ongoing research or transitioning to commercialization

EDL Capabilities

EDL is an in-house design service for KSU researchers. The staff has both industry and research experience with analog, instrumentation, and digital design, as well as software development, system engineering, system construction, and project management. This experience enables researchers to focus on their research, not on becoming 1xbet online games login experts!

EDL Provides Expertise In

  • Electronic and instrument design
  • Low-noise, high-performance analog systems
  • Digital signal processing
  • Programmable logic device (PLD) and embedded system design
  • Analog and digital system modeling and analysis
  • Computer aided design and simulation
  • In-house multi-layer printed circuit board (PCB) design and fabrication
  • 1xbet online games login prototyping, circuit debugging, and testing
  • System packaging and miniaturization
  • Chip-on-board packaging and wirebonding
  • Complex system testing using arbitrary waveform generation
  • Network, spectrum and impedance analysis up to 1.8GHz

Advantages of Using EDL

EDL presents a number of immediate benefits to researchers, from providing consulting to developing full-custom electronic systems. Grant proposals can look more attractive to reviewers because the electronic infrastructures exist at K-State to support research areas and applications which are dependent upon 1xbet online games login technologies. Stop by and discuss your needs!